Chapter 1485 Research ([-])

An Baobao was a little puzzled watching this scene: "What's wrong?"

Lin Lang's little loli came over as if asking for credit: "Master, this guy Bao Zhun intended to destroy the newly transplanted spiritual plant, but I caught him and punished him!"


Leopard Zhun yelled a few times aggrieved, and hummed: "I'm also doing it for the master's sake, those spiritual plants are poisonous!"

"you recognize?"

Seeing that Luo An'an's attitude eased, Leopard Zhun immediately hit the snake and turned into a human form on the stick, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"I saw this thing once, and thought it was a rare spiritual plant, so I ate it. But I don't have any memory of what happened after that. Stinky Bird and Yueliu said that I was crazy for a long time."

Thinking of his bruised nose and swollen face when he woke up and the two people's prudish excuse of "in order to calm you down, we had to use some violent means", Bao Zhun felt a toothache.

Nonsense, these two clearly wanted to beat themselves up!

That's it.

Luo Anan looked at Lin Lang: "Are those spiritual plants alive?"

Lin Lang nodded: "And the production has increased."

"Take me to see."

Dozens of beautiful and dangerous spiritual plants like burning flames were gently swaying their branches and leaves with the breeze. Luo Anan approached and pinched off a leaf, and smelled it.

The taste is a little familiar and a little strange.

What Luo Anan did next was surprising, she actually ate the leaf.

Lin Lang watched nervously, but did not dare to stop.The nine-tailed fox is naturally not afraid of any poison, so it should be fine to eat this... right?

An Baobao's eyes flashed red for a moment, and he opened his mouth after a long while.

"Spicy squid-flavored Lingzhi, the taste is not bad."

After finishing speaking, An Baobao, who has always hated sports the most, took out the spirit sword and practiced hard in the space, which stunned Lin Lang on the side.

"It should be because the effect of the medicine is exciting and wants to exert its strength." Ling Yue suddenly appeared beside Lin Lang at some point, and explained lightly.

About half an hour passed before the sweaty An Baobao stopped panting.

The caring little girl Linlang immediately brought towels and water, and helped Luo An to sit down: "Master, take a rest."

Luo Anan took a sip of water and let out a long breath: "This Lingzhi is a stimulant, huh, I haven't exercised like this for a long time."

Linlang's little loli couldn't help complaining: "It's the master, you are lazy, because Immortal Jinhao can't help you, so you don't practice swordsmanship much."

"Go, go, go," An Baobao pretended to be angry, "We are still good friends if you don't expose my fault."

Linlang stuck out her tongue, and asked worriedly, "Is this spiritual plant harming you?"

"No harm, but—"

An Baobao couldn't help baring his teeth: "This excitement is too much, I just can't stand it after eating a leaf. No wonder those monsters go crazy, they will go crazy if they put it on anyone!"

"Sigh, the antidote may not be easy to develop." A certain one wailed, and collapsed there like a useless fox.

"Master, please do your best." Little Linlang said that she could only give her spiritual support...

A certain one nodded sleepily, and went back to the alchemy room to study.At the same time, he did not forget to call his assistant: "Bao Zhun, Little Rose, come with me."

A certain one has a good plan, Bao Zhun can test the medicine, and Little Rosemary can wake up the mad Leopard Zhun.

Simply perfect!
It was possible to find chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep in the space to test the medicine, but unfortunately they can't speak, so they can't describe their specific feelings.So after all the calculations, Leopard Zhun is the most appropriate.

Luo An'an picked a few poisonous weeds, and finally threw them into the alchemy furnace to carefully refine the powder, and finally refined the powder into several different substances by centrifugation, and studied it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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