Chapter 1489 The fish is hooked

An Baobao suddenly appeared in the room, and then covered his nose in disgust.

"You stink of alcohol, Jiuqing, you smell so bad." A certain dog looked dissatisfied at the shit-shoveling officer who was smelling of alcohol, and immediately took out the bathtub from the space and threw the shit-shoveler in for a good wash.

Uncle Mo lay comfortably on the edge of the tub, enjoying the coveted "Fox Back Scrub" service.

And Baobao An finally saw the clear, undisguised perfect abdominal muscles, and while drooling, he secretly planned to eat tofu.

"Has the antidote been developed?" Mo Jiuxiao's voice was nasal and hoarse after drunkenness. It sounded extraordinarily sexy, as if it was a subwoofer full of magnetism, and it was easy to hear pregnancy.

Not to mention that someone's skin is fair, and the muscle texture is well-proportioned and full of beauty, as if everything is in the proportion of the golden section line.At this moment, Uncle Mo's cheeks were slightly reddish, his long hair like ink was floating in the water, and the corners of his eyes were also blush because of the heat from the water.

With an incomparably handsome appearance, coupled with starry eyes that seem to be covered with a layer of mist, the shit-shoveling officer at this moment is simply not too attractive.

A certain one swallowed its saliva and then touched its nose. After finding nothing, it rubbed the back of the excrement shoveler in peace, and said, "The research has been done, but the result is not very good."

"what happened?"

Ah ah ah, the hoarse ending is slightly raised, what should I do to attack this shit-shoveling officer!

"It's not too difficult."

The "serious" fox touched Shit Shovel Officer's strong and flexible back, and nodded with satisfaction while loving it: "The antidote has been developed, but the spiritual plants to be used are only available in my space. Those spiritual plants are Things that fellow villagers collected in the upper realm. Even if they are developed at this moment, I’m afraid Fengxue won’t be able to use them.”

"Don't worry, Tianmenzong can still hold on now."

Uncle Mo sat up straight, and then ordered a luxury bath package "Fox Massage", asking the little thing to rub his neck and shoulders for him.

An Baobao gladly accepted this "fair and honest" job of eating tofu.

"How about you, have you found the eyeliner of the master of the Youzi Gate?"

"There is no need to worry about this, the bait has been put down, and sooner or later the hook will bite."


Mo Jiuxiao was "drunk", so naturally it was impossible to supervise those demon cultivators patrolling the mountains, so he stayed with the fox in the room for a whole day in a fair manner.

On the second day, he was called over by that demon cultivator and scolded him.In the end, Mo Jiuxiao revealed his plan to release the bait before he was released.

On the way, I ran into an acquaintance who was drinking yesterday.

"Hey, Brother Youbing, what's the matter, you don't look very good?" The one who spoke was the demon cultivator who satirized him yesterday and finally apologized.

"Don't mention it." Mo Jiuxiao pretended to have a headache, and supported his head with a weary expression: "I feel uncomfortable after drinking, and I was scolded for taking a rest for a day. I just came out."

"Oh, you'll be fine if you drink some hangover soup. There are hangover herbs in these mountains. Just grab a handful of sencha and drink it and sleep." You're drinking, it seems that you can't do it."

"Another day, my head hurts like it's about to explode, I really can't drink it anymore." Mo Jiuxiao rubbed his temples irritably, and finally sat on the ground to rest: "Concept, I'll treat you guys some other day. "

"Okay, then I'll go first, I'm going to patrol the mountains now!"

Youbing sat with his head supported for a while, and Zhao Moxiu suddenly appeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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