Chapter 1490 The Roast Chicken Battle
"Brother Pancakes."

Zhao Moxiu smiled brightly, and greeted him loudly when he was far away.Mo Jiuxiao replied lazily, and continued to rest with his head supported.

The footsteps of "Deng Deng Deng" were getting closer and closer, until the visitor had already walked in front of him and left a shadow on him, Mo Jiuxiao raised his head in a state of desperation, reflected for a few seconds and then slowly shouted: "Brother Zhao."

"It must be because I drank too much last night. I said, why didn't I see you yesterday." Zhao Moxiu sat beside Youbing familiarly, and said unintentionally while squinting his eyes to see the weather: "I said Brother, is what you said last night true?"

Youbing stopped rubbing her temples suddenly, her face pale: "Did I say anything last night?"

"Yeah," Zhao Moxiu said with a smile, "Yesterday you said that we won't be patrolling the mountain all the time, so it will be easier soon."

Hearing that Youbing breathed a sigh of relief calmly, he yawned with a haggard look, and said casually, "Well, it's about the same. I also heard the news secretly."

"Hahaha, brother, you are reliable. To tell you the truth, my cultivation has been in the critical period of breakthrough recently, but now I have no free time every day, how can I have the energy to breakthrough! I am relieved when you say that. "

"Brother Zhao is going to break through?" Youbing looked slightly surprised, and finally nodded slightly: "Congratulations."

After saying a few more words, Zhao Moxiu went back with a smile on his face.

Then one after another, I ran into a few people who were drinking together yesterday. After a few pleasantries, everyone confirmed the news they got last night, and finally left contented.

Now Mo Jiuxiao could finally return to his residence, and when he opened the door, he could smell a faint aroma of roasted chicken.

The scent came from his own fox, and at the same time the fox's mouth was still glowing with oil.

"Has Hu Yu left the customs?"

As soon as Mo Jiuxiao heard it, he knew that it was Hu Yu's handicraft. There was no other way, this guy really knew how to cook chickens, and the handicraft was really good.

Luo Anan nodded, and then took out a large roasted chicken that exuded an attractive aroma and was golden in color.only--

Why is this roast chicken missing a leg and a wing?

"Yeah, he just left customs today, and he cooked a meal by the way."

Then a certain eye wiped his mouth erratically, and pretended to be confident and said: "Ahem, this is for you. The baby only ate a chicken leg and chicken wing, and the rest is yours. How is the baby treating you? "

Mo Jiuxiao looked at a certain slightly swollen belly, and said nothing.According to the appetite of her own foxes, she ate at least three of them!
Suddenly he heard the little thing whisper in his heart: "I stole two roast chickens from the shit-shoveling officer, should it be all right? The shit-shoveling won't care about this, right?"

"Eat as much as you want." Mo Jiuxiao rubbed An Baobao's head, with a loving expression on his face: "Now that you are so thin and weak, you should eat more."

An Baobao almost burst into tears. After so long, the poop shoveler finally said that she lost weight!Awow, I'm so happy, I really want to spin and jump with my eyes closed!
In the next second, Mo Jiuxiao gently pinched An Baobao's canine teeth and shook her, and looked at her with extremely "kind" eyes: "Just eat, as long as you are not afraid of losing these two teeth, feel free to eat secretly." My share."


A certain one backed away again and again, wanting to cry without tears: "Jiuqing, you don't play the cards according to the routine, didn't you let the baby eat more?"

Uncle Mo smiled slightly: "But I didn't say you can eat my share!"

That being said, Mo Jiuxiao fed half of the remaining incomplete roast chicken to the crying baby An.

A certain mouth suffers, but Xiao Dudu is satisfied.Humph, smelly and arrogant, in the end, it's not just begging the baby to eat, huh~
(End of this chapter)

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