Chapter 1701
So far, the refiner has succeeded.Mo Jiuxiao's natal magic weapon is called: Breaking the World!
At this moment, Luo Anan received the news from Lingyue, and he was relieved when he knew that his shit shovel officer was fine.

"Go, go find your master." Luo An'an finally touched the cat and put down the bean bag reluctantly, turned around and entered the formation.


Dou Bao tilted his head and looked at Luo An'an's disappearing figure in puzzlement, and after licking his paws, he rushed towards Qi Chuhan.

Well, by the way, he patted Yan Zhaowei's paw.


"Master, let's go." Ling Yue urged Luo An'an seriously: "Mo Jiuxiao is about to break through like this, let's find a place for him to survive the tribulation first."

Otherwise, this guy will definitely be struck to death by the thunder.

And it is estimated that the sword will also be chopped at the same time.

What a pair of wrath, they deserve it!

Luo Anan didn't listen to Lingyue's words, instead she looked up and down Mo Jiuxiao several times worriedly, and then asked as if confirming: "Jiuqing, are you all right, there is nothing wrong?"

"It's okay, Luo Luo doesn't need to worry." Mo Jiuxiao scratched the back of the hand, and the wound was as clean as new in a split second, and then Mo Jiuxiao naturally stretched out his arms to hug the fox and said, "Let's leave first, Luo Luo. I can hardly suppress my cultivation."

A certain pout poked the shit-shoveling officer's chest dissatisfied: "Jiuqing, why did you break through again? It's over, this time it will be exposed."

"How about...the golden dragon is born again?" Ling Yue pondered for a long time and said slowly.

An Baobao spread his hands helplessly: "This is the only way to go now."

"Lingyue, you are fast, take us to the deep sea first. Jiuqing, no matter whether you can't bear it or not, you have to hold back, don't break through, you hear me!" Luo Anan looked at the shit shovel officer fiercely, "Severe "Ordered.

"Yes, listen to Luo An'an." Mo Jiuxiao agreed steadily, his well-behaved appearance almost made Luo An'an mistakenly think that he got the bean buns from Xiaoyugan.

"Okay, you guys go first, I'll go into the space and perfect the formation that I set up a few days ago." After speaking, Luo Anan entered the space.Mo Jiuxiao and Lingyue were left standing outside with small eyes.

Seeing that the other party wanted something from him, Ling Yue's attitude suddenly changed, and he yelled at Mo Jiuxiao playfully: "Why are you standing there, let's go!"

The originally stable boss of the holy weapon turned into a twitching boy in the second grade.

Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao was not angry, but walked to Lingyue with a good temper.Then when Lingyue turned around, he kicked Lingyue a few meters away with a neat kick.

Lingyue couldn't resist, and took the kick forcefully.

This kick woke up Lingyue, and he looked at Mo Jiuxiao cautiously and sharply, with deep fear in his eyes.

What the hell is this, Mo Jiuxiao is so weak now, yet he can easily deal with him!
"Da, da." Mo Jiuxiao walked in front of Lingyue, stood up, with a slight smile on his lips but no warmth: "If you want to be a child, just be honest, no matter how big or small, don't blame me for picking you up regardless of Luo Luo's face. "

"Let's go."

Ling Yue got up from the ground silently, and didn't speak any more along the way.

Linlang's little loli rolled her eyes when she saw this scene in the space, and pointed to Ling Yuechong's onlookers and cubs to teach: "See, this is a real case of pretending to be struck by lightning, everyone please!" Be extremely cautious in your actions in the future, and make sure not to mess with him!"

While speaking, Lin Lang's fingers pointed at Mo Jiuxiao, who had a sharp profile.

"Even if Mo Jiuxiao doesn't make a move, the master won't make it easier for you, understand?" Lin Lang repeated worriedly.

All the beasts: "...I know, I got it."

(End of this chapter)

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