Chapter 1702
Although Feng Pinggu was not close to the sea, but Lingyue was extremely fast, and reached a deep sea in a few minutes.

There are groups of fish and shrimps on the bottom of the sea, and they look full of vitality.But it is not a good thing for Du Jie.Ling Yue frowned, a trace of coercion leaked from his body, and the frightened fish and shrimp fled in all directions.

After a while, the huge sea area was cleared.

Lingyue specially found a sea area farthest from the base camp of the sea monsters. It can be said that it took great pains to avoid attracting the attention of the blood shark queen.

"Are you here?"

Luo An'an walked out of the space and directly stepped into the barrier set by Mo Jiuxiao.

"Jiuqing, take a look at how my formation is made this time, to ensure that it is environmentally friendly and harmless, and directly and quickly transfer most of the power of lightning from the sea to the center of the earth, and will never accidentally hurt any fish or shrimp." After finishing speaking, A courteous one put the formation in front of Mo Jiuxiao, and added: "Of course, the concentration of the thunder element in the center of the formation is still very high, and it is guaranteed to meet your breakthrough needs."

Mo Jiuxiao was already very proficient in formations, but after taking a closer look, he became silent: "Luo Luo, your attainments in formations are already higher than mine."

"Where is there." An Baobao finished pretending to be modest, and then looked at the shit shovel officer resentfully: "If you didn't refuse to use the stone you found in the secret realm before, now Baobao doesn't have to bother to set up the formation."

"Fool." Mo Jiuxiao rubbed An Baobao's head helplessly and gently: "It's good to break through without going through the thunder tribulation, but going directly through the tribulation can make me even stronger." You can get great benefits by crossing the tribulation once.

Baby An hummed unhappily: " are already very good."

Uncle Mo didn't explain any further, but just kissed the little fox's nose: "Thank you Luo Luo for your compliment."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jiuxiao threw the array into the sea, and a large array instantly appeared on the bottom of the sea.

"Hey, wait for me outside."

Luo An'an watched the figure of the excrement shoveler disappear into the formation, then dived into the bottom of the sea and turned into a little golden dragon. By the way, he released the fog spirit and created an illusion. With the cooperation of the two, it was impossible to find the position of the formation from above.

Those who are more capable will have to work harder, and this meeting will also protect Mo Jiuxiao in the sky, so as not to be disturbed by people or monsters who don't have long eyes.

In the flat and calm deep sea, there are actually dark and turbulent waves.


"Congratulations, my lord, for his resurrection!!!"

Lan Yu lay devoutly on the ground and excitedly looked at the young girl who had just won the house in front of her. She was so excited that she wanted to jump up.

"Haha, it feels so good to be able to taste the taste of blood again~" Mei greedily licked the wound on her wrist, her words still filled with dissatisfaction: "This body is too bad, why is it the dual spiritual roots? What about spiritual roots, what about different spiritual roots, these are worthy of this seat!"

Lan Yu complained in his heart: Not only are the Heavenly Spirit Roots and Different Spirit Roots pitifully small in number, but they are also treasures that all forces want to hide.Even trying to find a way to get this girl with double spiritual roots is already his hard work.

"But you are so smart that you guessed Mo Jiuxiao's identity." Dark waves flowed in Mei Chui's eyes, and a distorted hatred flashed in his eyes: "At the beginning, Mo Jiuxiao forced me to swear not to tell his secret, but he still Kill me! Hahaha, now that the whole world knows, what else can he do with me now!"

"At first, my subordinates could only confirm that Mo Jiuxiao was the child of Jiu Lingxian, but your accident showed that there must be an ulterior relationship between Mo Jiuxiao and Moxiu, so I followed this clue to investigate. If you have a heart, you really let me discover something!"

(End of this chapter)

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