Chapter 1704

Lan Yu suddenly raised his head and asserted: "Impossible, there are already a fixed number of monks in the world of cultivating immortals, and it is impossible for someone to greatly increase their cultivation and break through in a short period of time!"

Although Mei was curious about the situation outside, she still cautiously stayed where she was: "Go out and investigate and find out what's going on!"


Coincidentally, the distance between the secret land where Lan Yu and the others are located is very close to the sea area, and it is not far from the place where Mo Jiuxiao crossed the catastrophe.

After such a short period of time, the thick Nine Heavens Profound Thunder had already struck towards the formation, but no matter how powerful and frightening the Thunder Tribulation might be, its power would be greatly reduced once it entered the water.Especially after being operated by the formation, the Thunder Tribulation, which seemed to be able to destroy the world, has completely lost its threat.

Luo An'an lay lazily in the water, not afraid of Lei Jie's accidental injury at all.

Seeing that the thunder calamity was more powerful one by one, An Baobao raised his eyes and didn't know who he was talking to: "If you have the ability, you can increase the power of the thunder calamity by several hundred times, and it is best to kill me together. I remember that the brother of the Lord God once promised But I don’t have to suffer any thunder calamity, if you really dare to hurt me with lightning, just wait!”

Tiandao, who was still ready to move: ...Don't dare to move, don't dare to move!
This way of crossing the catastrophe was originally cheating, but now Luo An'an threatened and intimidated him a lot. Tiandao neither dared to act rashly nor was reconciled.
Seeing that the way of heaven is no longer arrogant, Luo An'an continued to stay in the water quietly, and at the same time knew in his heart that there might be a group of tigers, leopards and wolves guarding outside at this moment.This level of crossing the catastrophe will definitely attract the attention of those old monsters in the Mahayana period.

How to get out later?Luo Anan was thinking silently, and at the same time, her claws and toes were tapping on the rocks below her body one after another.

As expected by Luo An'an, all the distracted and Mahayana monks in the world of cultivating immortals have rushed over, including the monks of Tianmen Sect and those demon cultivators.And there are also two acquaintances of Luo An'an, the ancestor of Huaxu Sect and Phantom Butterfly.

Because the matter of Mo Jiuxiao was too big, these two traveled thousands of miles from West Continent to Central Continent to check the situation.I didn't expect to bump into the scene of "deja vu" again. It's really fate.

Originally, the bigwigs were still guessing what caused such a big thunder disaster?Some people guessed that the treasure was born, while others guessed that it was crossing the catastrophe. There are different opinions.

The ancestor of Huaxumen tried to enter the sea, but found that he was in exactly the same situation as the last time the golden dragon was born, and he couldn't even step into the sea.Phantom Butterfly soon found out about this, and the two looked at each other without saying anything in tacit agreement.

Lan Yu waited and watched from a distance, and then returned to Midi after waiting for about a while, and told Mei Ting about the situation one by one.

"Hahaha, a group of idiots, this is definitely Mo Jiuxiao's crossing the catastrophe!" Mei bluntly concluded, standing at the entrance of the cave and looking at the unpredictable weather in the distance: "This level of thunder catastrophe may not be able to resist even the Mahayana period!" In the past, it was clearly the thunder tribulation that was overcome by the immortals from the upper realm! Except for the sons of gods and demons, no one can cause such a big commotion!"

"Mo Jiuxiao?" Mei was speechless: "But he's still only in the Nascent Soul Stage!"

"After passing this level, he will be out of his body." Mei shook her head and said to herself: "It seems that the son of gods and demons is indeed somewhat mysterious, otherwise how could it attract such a murderous intent from the Dao of Heaven!"

Is that so?Lan Yu became rumbling when he heard it, and still found it a bit unbelievable, and at the same time, an unconcealable jealousy surged into his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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