Chapter 1705 Greed and Domination

Is this the benefit of the son of gods and demons?As a monk, his cultivation has been stagnant at the golden core stage, but Mo Jiuxiao jumped from the foundation stage to the out-of-body stage at the same time!

What's even worse is that he is only in his 20s!This kind of talent, even in the eyes of Mei, who was born in the upper world, is extremely remarkable!Really crush others to a complete defeat.

Lan Yu's hands were quietly clenched into fists, and she pursed her lips and looked at the front unwillingly: Mo Jiuxiao is really lucky, if only he is the son of gods and demons!If you really want to follow Master Mei's words, let alone the Lingguang Continent, even the entire Nine Heavens must submit to his feet!

In just a split second, Lan Yu's killing intent towards Mo Jiuxiao became even stronger.

From an objective point of view, Lan Yu's idea is undoubtedly ridiculous.Mo Jiuxiao's current cultivation level has nothing to do with his status as the son of gods and demons, it is entirely due to his tenacious efforts.If you really want to talk about external force, you can only say that he was very lucky to pick up a Luo An'an, otherwise no matter how hard he tried, he would die early.

Anyway, it's not like it didn't happen.


"Everyone, stop and listen to me."

On the seashore, the ancestor of Huaxu Sect stroked his beard and said: "I think this thunder catastrophe is very dangerous. The things in the sea are probably a big disaster. What if we can't deal with it?"

Ling Yueyin raised his eyebrows after hearing these words in the spiritual mist. He was really right, isn't what is locked inside a big disaster?
Whether it can be dealt with is another matter.

Several other monks at the Mahayana stage hated the ancestor of Huaxu Sect. They raised their heads to look at the old devil, with the words clearly written on their faces: Don't believe it, get out!

The ancestor of Huaxu Sect didn't expect everyone to react like this, he was so angry that he almost poisoned and killed people.But in order to monopolize the precious golden dragon on the bottom of the sea, he had no choice but to swallow his anger and say: "Okay, you don't believe me, do you? Then you talk about what the thing that was struck by lightning is!"

Ling Yue sat floating in mid-air quietly, thinking in his heart: the person inside is not a thing at all!

Being asked such a question, everyone habitually turned their eyes to the direction of Tianmenzong, hoping that the three people standing in a group could give an answer.

"Don't look at us, I don't know!" Kun Lun blew his beard and stared, wishing to pick out the eyeballs of those wolf-hearted people.

"Elder Sikong, what do you think?" The old monk Huaxu of Qingyun Sect squinted his eyes at Sikong Mingqi, a gleam of deceit flashed in his eyes.

Sikong Mingqi had some guesses in his heart, but he remained calm and said calmly, "I don't know either."

"The elders don't know the origin of this thing, it looks like it's a great treasure!" Qing Yunzong's patriarch turned around and looked at the place where Lei Jie landed with greedy eyes.

Seeing that his lifespan is running out, if he does not make a breakthrough, he is afraid that he will die of old age in the Mahayana period!If there is some great treasure hidden in the bottom of the sea——

Phantom Butterfly saw that everyone was yearning for the things in the sea, and couldn't help feeling anxious.However, those monks regarded her as death, so she had no choice but to lobby those of the orc clan first.

"Three-eyed tiger, feathered snake, hey, where is the blood shark queen? Forget it, what do you think of the things under the sea?"

The Three-Eyed Tiger stood on one side coldly, and said indifferently: "You guys are welcome, I'm not interested."

These words made the Feathered Snake and Phantom Butterfly's eyes widen at the same time: The Three-eyed Tiger will also have such a day of indifference to fame and fortune!
Not normal, absolutely not normal!
Huayu Snake's eyes rolled, and he suddenly thought of the big move the three-eyed tiger made to chase and kill Luo An'an a few days ago, and also thought about the death of the Golden Crown Roc, and suddenly understood what was going on.

 Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by the "passing away" baby, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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