Chapter 1706

In this way, the final situation turned out to be that no one intended to leave.

At this moment, a sound transmission quietly entered Kunlun's sea of ​​consciousness, and the young man's strange cold voice said lightly: "The elders of Tianmen Sect leave quickly, don't spoil the master's important affairs here."

Kunlun was puzzled, and silently looked around, but still saw no one.

"My master is Luo Youhe, please leave the elder of Tianmen Sect quickly." Seeing that there was no response from the other party, Lingyue paused and repeated it again.

There was no expression on Kunlun's face, but he was shocked in his heart and almost trembled with anger.What are these two brats doing here? Are they dying!
"Please leave quickly, my master will be fine. Of course, it would be even better if we could take a few more people away."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Kun Lun has no choice but to let the two little bastards act.There is no way, there are only three of them, and they can't kill the remaining eight Mahayana monks at once.This is not looking for excitement, this is looking for death.

But what they can't do, what crooked ideas are those two little bastards thinking!
"Ahem," Kun Lun suddenly said, "The thing inside me is very dangerous. This time, our Tianmen Sect will not get involved. All disciples of Tianmen Sect will leave with me."

As soon as these words came out, all the monks present were surprised.The hearts of the elders of the Mahayana sect and the monks of the combined body stage were also shaken immediately by this. It can be seen that the Tianmen sect still holds a very important position in the hearts of the monks.

The old monster of Qingyun Sect was the first to get anxious. He tried his best to persuade Kunlun: "Why did you say that, Fellow Daoist Kun! What if the thing hidden in the bottom of the sea is a chance!"

"Really, not necessarily." Kun Lun pretended to shake his head heavily, then turned around and sighed: "Forget it, our Tianmen Sect is not short of such a chance. Maybe it's because the cultivation base is high, and the old man is very regretful now! Alas , go away."

After finishing speaking, the three Mahayana elders of Tianmen Sect and several integrated monks left one after another without any reluctance.

Sikong Mingqi squinted his eyes, then walked away with a flick of his sleeves: "Fellow Daoist Kun, wait for me, I will go with you."

Well, four of the ten Mahayana monks left at a time.The people left behind looked at each other in blank dismay, always feeling terrified when they looked at the devastating Lei Jie.

Sanmuhu couldn't stand this depressed state at first, but now he is sacrificing his life to the extreme, seeing the people of Tianmen Sect not daring to stay any longer, he also left with full of anxiety and annoyance.

Well, five people have left.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yue calmly reported to Luo An'an: "Master, the three-eyed tiger has also left?"

"What, that's such a pity." An Baobao thought regretfully, "I've already prepared the presents, but he is alert."

A large bag full of pollen from soft fireworks will definitely intensify the poison of the three-eyed tiger in a short period of time.

Ling Yue asked for instructions respectfully: "Then how should we deal with the remaining six Mahayana monks?"

"Don't worry, just wait." Luo An'an lazily flicked his dragon beard: "You release a little bit of golden light on the sea, don't worry, there are still people who haven't made a move."

Lingyue understood instantly, and according to Luo Anan's intention, he transformed into a golden snake writhing in the sea.Because of the spiritual mist that cut off the consciousness, the ancestor of Huaxu Sect and Phantom Butterfly could only see a figure that looked like a golden dragon with their naked eyes.

The hearts of the two sank in an instant, and they looked at each other, and the cooperation had been quietly achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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