Chapter 1707 Leave
"Everyone, I've already left for several times, are you still planning to stay?" the ancestor of Huaxu Sect asked for help, looking as if he was also in a dilemma.It's just that the moment he lowered his head, his eyes were full of cruelty. It's best to leave everything that needs to go, otherwise——

The rest of the people were also hesitant in their hearts, but Huayu Snake said coldly at this time: "There are so many of us, even if we don't have the strength to fight, there is always the power to protect ourselves. What are you afraid of! Whoever wants to go will go ,I do not go."

Qinghong also squeezed the eighth-level escape talisman that she had photographed on the black market (actually Luo An'an), thinking: With this thing, it shouldn't be a problem for her to escape, right?
So Qing Hong in the fusion period also stayed.

A few more people left one after another by the beach, and the last ones left were some brave and desperate ones.

However, none of the five Mahayana periods have passed.

Phantom Butterfly scolded Huayu Snake for meddling in her heart, well, since you guys don't leave, don't blame her for being rude!

The other soul video disc in Phantom Butterfly's body is also very safe at the moment, probably because it has learned the lesson from last time, and is afraid that the golden dragon will run away again.No matter how he and Phantom Butterfly distribute the golden dragon in the end, the premise of everything is that they can catch this dragon!
"Since you are not leaving, then—"

Having said that, Phantom Butterfly suddenly made a big move at those people, and at the same time a gust of wind mixed with unknown powder swept everyone.The Feathered Snake was always the most vigilant, and immediately held his breath, but his body was still numb.As for the others, they failed to defend against the poison powder at the moment of dodging the attack, and had already passed out.

Coincidentally, the ancestor of the Huaxu Sect also had the idea of ​​poisoning, so he held his breath early, luckily nothing happened.

The Feathered Snake backed up a few steps, in a defensive posture, and looked at the two people who were safe and sound on the opposite side with hatred: "Phantom, what do you want to do!"

"What are you doing? Naturally, I don't want anyone to argue with me." Phantom Butterfly smiled slightly. If you ignore the ambition and calculation in her eyes, she looks like an innocent and ignorant girl. "What I just sprinkled was the scale poison on my wings. Although I knew it might not be of much use to you, the Feathered Snake, it might be enough to hinder your actions."

After Phantom Butterfly finished speaking, he turned to look at the ancestor of Huaxu Sect: "Old man, let's catch the dragon reasonably this time, and then we will each rely on our own strength, how about?"

"Just do as you say." The ancestor of Huaxu Sect nodded, and had no objection to this.

But these words made Feathered Snake's eyes widen, and he lost his voice in surprise: "What are you talking about, that thing on the bottom of the sea is a dragon!!!"

Phantom Butterfly looked at him displeased: "This has nothing to do with you."


The waves kept beating against the shore, and the waves were shot into silvery white foam.The wet and salty sea breeze messed up everyone's hair, Phantom Butterfly and the Patriarch of Huaxu Sect looked excitedly at the black thunderclouds, as if they could split the sky and the earth, knowing that the thunder disaster had reached its final moment.

The thunder tribulation has lasted for several hours. During this period, Phantom Butterfly used her own scale powder on Huayu Snake and others many times, and added a little bit of poison brought by the ancestor of Huaxu Sect.

"Why don't you just kill them!" Phantom Butterfly muttered dissatisfiedly, these weak chickens are not worthy of living in the world at all!

"Are you stupid? These people can contain the existence of the Tianmen Sect. If they die, the Tianmen Sect will be the only one in the world of cultivating immortals in the future, and we will be better then!" Ruthless, but he still understands the truth of the lips and teeth, and he has not cut off the way out.

(End of this chapter)

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