Chapter 1708 Mo Jiuxiao comatose

"Damn it, I should have poisoned the people of Tianmen Sect before they left! One kill would be clean!" Phantom Butterfly cursed angrily.

The ancestor of Huaxu Sect frowned and looked at her, and said dissatisfiedly: "Don't be dissatisfied, these few who stay are not powerful people. It is definitely not a good thing for those people to stay. Don't say anything else, just Those three members of the Tianmen Sect are thoughtful and have a lot of treasures on their bodies, so it is impossible for them to be fooled by such a low-quality trick."

Unconvinced, Phantom Butterfly wanted to say something more, but her expression changed a few times, and she finally shut up.

They looked up at the thunder cloud. This thunder disaster has been brewing for three hours, and it hasn't struck down yet.But the coercive aura leaking out of the air made people shudder.

I hope that dragon survives and doesn't die under the thunder calamity.

At this moment, it's not just Phantom Butterfly and the Patriarch of Huaxu Sect who are worried, but Luo An'an, who is guarding the bottom of the sea, is also restless.

God, what the hell is this, what do you want to do to the shit shovel?
Not only that, Luo An'an had a bad premonition in her heart, she looked up at the sky, always feeling that something big would happen.

Mo Jiuxiao's right eyelid in the formation also jumped up suddenly, and the ominous premonition in his heart was so high that it flew up.

Amid everyone's apprehension, the last thunder tribulation finally descended slowly.

This thunderbolt was different from the hundreds of thunderbolts before, with a bit of silvery white in the big purple, Lingyue knew it was not good when he saw this.Before he had time to remind Mo Jiuxiao to defend himself, the thunderbolt had already descended like a thunderbolt, striking Mo Jiuxiao directly.

Mo Jiuxiao, who was originally cultivating in the formation, suddenly stopped, vomited blood and passed out on the ground.

"Jiuqing!!!" Luo Anan was startled, and immediately rushed towards the formation, and a mournful dragon chant spread across the sea.

At this moment, Luo An'an could no longer care about the group of tigers, leopards and wolves outside, she threw herself in front of Mo Jiuxiao and looked him up and down, her fingers stroking Mo Jiuxiao's face were trembling.

"Jiuqing, what's the matter with you?" As soon as she said the first word, Luo An'an's tears fell like broken beads. She wanted to use her spiritual sense to detect Mo Jiuxiao's injury, but broke down in an instant. She was timid, for fear that the shit shovel officer would find it difficult to wake up after such a coma.

In a trance, Luo Anan's spirit flashed, and he suddenly remembered something bad, and the aura on his body suddenly became unpredictable.

Fortunately, Lingyue discovered this scene in time, and immediately shook Luo An'an to bring her back to her thinking: "Master, don't worry, Mo Jiuxiao is fine, it's just that his consciousness sea was damaged and his soul was damaged, nothing serious."

"The soul is damaged, how could it be like this!" Luo Anan widened his eyes angrily, and said bitterly: "I knew that Dao Lei was weird!"

"That's right, that thunder can severely damage a person's soul power while injuring the body. Although the sea water can survive the thunder damage, it can't eliminate it." Ling Yue shook his head: "Fortunately, Mo Jiuxiao's natural soul power is stronger than other people's soul power. They are much deeper, otherwise you will become a fool if you don’t die just now.”

"Become a fool?" A certain dog was dumbfounded, and looked at Lingyue eagerly: "Do you mean that Jiuqing will become a fool?"

" only temporary." Faced with Luo An'an's seemingly pitiful but vicious attitude, Lingyue did not dare to exaggerate his injury, but only vaguely said: "As long as you find some soul-replenishing spiritual plants and spiritual objects to let you Mo Jiuxiao will be fine if he eats it."

Hearing this, Luo An'an was relieved, but he was in trouble again holding the comatose excrement shovel officer.

What should I do now, where should the shit shovel be thrown?No, cough, where should I put it?

(End of this chapter)

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