Chapter 1709 Escape

Although the excrement shoveler is fine now, she still has to take care of the few bedbugs outside, so who should take care of the excrement shovel, and she can't throw space.

Entrust it to Lingyue, I'm afraid it won't work.Lingyue left, and I was afraid that he would be killed by those two Mahayana periods, hey~, I still don't want it.

But besides handing it over to Lingyue, she doesn't worry about anyone else!

Xingluan came out of the space at this time, and looked at Luo An'an respectfully: "I am willing to lure those two monks away instead of Mrs. An'an."

"You?" Luo Anan looked at him worriedly: "Xingluan, I remember that you are not very good at speed, are you not as good as Leopard Zhunyueliu?"

"..." Xingluan has a black face, Mr. An An, can you not expose my shortcomings?
"It doesn't matter, I just need to trouble Lord Lingyue to help me." Xingluan still respectfully said: "I am a monster with the highest cultivation level in the space, and my body size is relatively close to that of a dragon. It should be no problem to lure others away."

Ling Yue pondered for a few seconds and then agreed: "This method is feasible."

"Okay." An Baobao looked at Xingluan gratefully: "Then thank you very much, just tell me what you want, even if you want a moon stream, I will give it to you."

Xingluan: "...Your Majesty An An, you don't need to be too polite. It is my responsibility to save the master."

"Hey, how can this be the same!" An Baobao looked at him appreciatively: "Although you are Jiuqing's contract beast, you have helped me now, haven't you? I should praise you, there is nothing wrong with it."

Hearing this, Xingluan didn't intend to be polite anymore, he hesitated and said: "Then, can Master An An leave me the inner alchemy of the Feathered Snake in the future? That inner alchemy will be of great help to me."

"Okay, no problem." Anyway, the inner alchemy of the feathered snake is dispensable to her, she is only interested in the flesh of the feathered snake. "That troubles you."

Xing Lian nodded, and immediately left with Lingyue after eating the Transformation Pill and turning into a golden dragon.

"Hey!" A certain person just wanted to feed the invisibility pill to the shit shoveler, but at this moment, a certain person passed out completely and didn't cooperate at all.

Luo An'an had no choice but to turn the pill into water and feed the potion into the shit-shoveling officer's mouth with his mouth.Probably someone's love for foxes has penetrated into his bone marrow, so he swallowed it on his own initiative, at least he swallowed an invisibility pill.It's just that poor An Baobao was almost passed out by someone who was still domineering even when he fainted.

"Hmph, I really wonder if you're pretending to be fainted." A certain one snorted, but carefully helped the shit-shoveling officer up with its mouth disgusted, and after the effect of the medicine took effect, it also disappeared together, and finally left quietly.

At that time, Xingluan was being chased by Phantom Butterfly and Huaxu Sect Laozi almost crazy. He didn't expect that monks in the Mahayana stage were so much better than those in the Fusion stage!It seems that the strength between them has been far apart without breaking through that barrier!
Originally, Luo Anan planned to leave quietly with the excrement shovel officer, but seeing the fainted people on the coast became angry again.

Humph, why should the shit-shoveling officer be injured, but this group of malicious people are safe and sound!The baby is not happy!
A certain eyeball rolled, and Qiu silently swam towards the shore with the shit shoveler in his arms.Before Luo An'an could make a big move, the Feathered Snake who was unconscious on the ground suddenly opened its eyes and moved its muscles and bones.

Luo Anan stood on the bottom of the sea for a moment, not daring to move.

"The Feathered Snake itself is highly poisonous. I'm afraid it has already developed resistance to the poison of those two people. It's just a secret." Lin Lang lamented the deep thoughts of the Feathered Snake in the space, and at the same time worried that he would see it. What.

(End of this chapter)

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