Chapter 2403 The Journey of the Chenguang Clan

In this way, Shimizu has succeeded in taking the position.From an ordinary maid by Mrs. Shi's side, she became Mrs. Shi's "sister", and because of her scheming and freshness towards men, she was quite favored for a while.

Of course, this also reflects Shi Chence's difficulty from the side.All the hidden and mysterious people are farting, it's true that he lives in a palace-like background!

As soon as this incident happened, Mrs. Shi, who didn't have a good impression of Qing Shui, hated her to the core.Speaking of Mrs. Shi's dislike of concubines, one has to mention Mrs. Shi's life.

Her life can be summed up in three words: fighting against concubines, having children, and fighting for power.

For the first half of her life, she has been fighting concubines, but her husband is too romantic and there are too many enemies.In the end, not only was she unable to fight against others, but she was almost deposed as the mistress.Fortunately, she got pregnant with Shi Chence due to bad luck, Mrs. Shi seemed to have found hope, and since then she has been able to raise her baby with peace of mind, and has been very quiet for a while.

In the end, the fetus that had been conceived for thousands of years became a boy in one fell swoop, completely stabilizing the position of the mistress of the Chenguang Clan.What is even more surprising is that Shi Chence has been extremely intelligent since he was a child, not only far superior to his brothers and sisters, but also received unanimous praise from the elders of the Chenguang Clan.Even Shi Chence's father did too.Although he doesn't like Ziziniang, he loves Shi Chence so much that Ai Wu Ji Wu finally gave Mrs. Shi a lot of face.

Now Mrs. Shi has tasted the sweetness, and has since embarked on the road of no return.

Relying on the strength of her son, Mrs. Shi finally held the power of the mistress in the palm of her hand.The next step is to rectify those restless concubines and start her revenge.Moreover, although Mrs. Shi was stupid, she was smart this time.She only harms adults, not Shi Chen Ce's "brothers and sisters".

This is also the reason Patriarch Shi has tolerated her until now.What can I say about a man like Shi Chence's father, who is romantic but old-fashioned, women are not even as good as a piece of clothing to him, but heirs are indeed something he has always cared about.And this person is quite strange, he can disdain to talk to those stupid heirs all his life, and even neglect them, but he will never allow others to harm them.

For Patriarch Shi, it doesn't matter if there are a few "clothes" missing, although there are "clothes" that he loves very much.But in order to save the face of the mother of his most beloved son, he can pretend not to see it.

But when Mrs. Shi goes too far, Patriarch Shi will also warn her.However, at this time, Mrs. Shi has already been raised by her son, and she is not afraid of anything now with the mentality of having a son.She just wished that all the concubines of this man were dead, how could she stop!

Therefore, Mrs. Shi still went her own way, which brought the relationship between husband and wife, which had been slightly tense, down to freezing point again.Although patriarch Shi was angry, he didn't do anything for Shi Chence's sake, he just retreated and was out of sight and out of mind.

It was also Qingshui who had traveled a long way. This time Patriarch Shi found out after leaving the customs, Nima, only a few dozen of his more than 200 concubines died!All that is left is ugly!He was naturally furious in his heart, and deliberately wanted to make Mrs. Shi unhappy.The more Mrs. Shi hates Qingshui, the more he wants to protect Qingshui!

As a result, Qingshui became a big winner, and the Chenguang clan was in a mess every day.Shi Chence, a good shoot out of bad bamboos, simply hides in his yard and doesn't care about world affairs, let alone participate in the secret struggle between his parents.

However, Luo An'an's arrival added a pile of sand to the already muddy lake.

At this moment, Mrs. Shi is relying on the fact that the patriarch of the Chenguang clan personally arranged to welcome the little princess of the Yaohuang to take care of Qingshui when he is away.

Qing Shui touched his sore face, and the expression on his face was even more aggrieved and charming, and he was no longer the elegant and pleasant person he pretended to be before.Mrs. Shi's chest hurts even more because of this appearance.She coldly reprimanded the person kneeling below: "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and make another cup of tea for my wife."

"...Yes." Qing Shui gritted his teeth, wanting to stand up and make tea humiliatingly.Today's life is not the same as she thought!How could this happen, why does this damn old woman still belittle her, why does Shi Chence still treat her disrespectfully!Becoming a patriarch and a concubine is the same as before except for better food and clothing!And she has to serve that disgusting old man every day!
"Wait!" Mrs. Shi squinted and looked at her contemptuously, "Did my mistress ask you to stand up?"

Qing Shui lowered his head and muttered: "But you said let me make tea..."

Hearing this, Mrs. Shi licked her nails, with a mocking and deliberately insulting expression on her face: "You can do all this on your knees, concubine Qing?"

Seeing that the surface of the water was white, Mrs. Shi smiled even more proudly: "Why, you forgot how to be a slave after just crawling on the bed for a few days?"

"Hmph, you don't have to be wronged! As the wife of the mistress, it's only reasonable for you to be served tea by a concubine." After finishing speaking, Mrs. Shi looked at the pretending woman in front of her and sneered, "Oh, Go ahead and file a complaint. Even if your husband finds out about it, he has nothing to say!"

With red eyes, Qing Shui said aggrievedly: "Qing Shui dare not. Madame, please don't treat Qing Shui like this. Qing Shui was really forced that day, and Qing Shui never had the intention of betraying you. Qing Shui will always be your most loyal dog. "

"Oh, you were trained by me alone. Qing Shui, it's fine to lie to your husband, but to me?" Mrs. Shi had a mocking expression on her face, "Do you think I will believe you, bitch! I swore you so hard back then. I said that I would not marry unless my son, but now I am sleeping with my mistress's husband! Qing Shui, you are really good!"

Qing Shui had no way to defend himself, so he could only blushed and wiped away his tears.

"Why are you still standing there, I can't control you when I ask you to pour a glass of water!!!"

The reprimand made Qing Shui's body tremble, she finally bit her lip, knelt and climbed to the table step by step, made tea, then knelt and climbed to Mrs. Shi: "Madam, please drink tea... Ah! !!"

Mrs. Shi didn't even look at the tea, so she waved the hot tea to Qing Shui's face again: "Is this hot tea trying to scald me to death! Bitch, you can't help me from my concubine even if I'm dead. Go get a drink!"

"...Yes." There was a crying sound in the words this time.

Mrs. Shi used various excuses to overturn the tea several times in a row, and every time she threw the quilt on Qing Shui's face.Qing Shui didn't dare to hide, so he gritted his teeth and endured it.

It wasn't until the end that Mrs. Shi got tired of herself, so she sneered and let her go temporarily: "Hmph, clumsy people can't do anything well. Get out and kneel, I dare not drink the tea you make! Who knows how dirty it is!"

Qing Shui turned around with tears in her eyes, and she could still hear Mrs. Shi muttering: "It's really rough and thick, and nothing will happen if you smash it like this."

This scene is really not worthy of sympathy, after all, it is all self-inflicted.

(End of this chapter)

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