Chapter 2404 Journey of the Chenguang Clan ([-])
On the other side, when he heard the news that Luo An'an was coming, Shi Chence couldn't calm down anymore.

In fact, as soon as Luo Anan returned to the demon world, Shi Chence received the news.It's just that I have been holding back for the past few days and not looking for her.But now hearing the news that Luo An'an came on his own initiative, how could he bear it?

Therefore, it is extremely rare to see such a scene in the Chenguang Clan, where the father and son of the Shi family appear in front of everyone at the same time.

If patriarch Shi prefers Shi Chence this son is not without reason, first of all, he looks good, like him.Secondly, if you have a high cultivation base, you may not be able to guarantee a 100% win if you fight against him.In the end, of course, this good son is too proper and organized in doing things!Look, I have thought of everything I should and shouldn't think about!Even the paper towels that the little princess uses to wipe her mouth are made of a specific material!

He looks like him everywhere, as expected of him! (Except the last sentence is true, the rest are not.)
Of course, these reasons are just icing on the cake, the most fundamental reason is that Shi Chence, being a son, has given him great benefits.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Shi Chence to remain unassailable as the young master after being silent for so long, and to make everyone in the Chenguang Clan unable to feel dissatisfied.

Because Shi Chence found the wood-attribute heaven and earth elemental stone of the Chenguang clan.Shi Chence lent this thing to Patriarch Shi to practice, and many people in the Chenguang Clan also benefited from it.Moreover, the Bodhi tree, the root of the Chenguang Clan's existence in the world, is also flourishing and flourishing under the nourishment of the wood attribute heaven and earth element stone.

Therefore, even if Shi Chence has only done this one thing in his life, it is enough to make him stand proudly in front of everyone in the Chenguang Clan.

And Shi Chence also felt that he and his father got along better.Compared with the mother's love mixed with all kinds of selfish thoughts and exploits, Patriarch Shi's pitiful trace of true father's love is even more precious.

The most important thing is that Father Shi's views on the Nine-Tailed Fox are completely different from Mrs. Shi's. He very much hopes that his son can marry such a noble person and lead their Chenguang Clan to greater glory.

This alone made Shi Chence's affection for his father double.In his opinion, although his father was a bit more playful and careless, it was still much better than his mother's vexatious behavior.And in contrast, the mother only wanted to use herself to keep her position, while the father's attitude towards him was much more sincere, and he really ignored him for hundreds of years if he said no.

Due to various reasons, the father and son reached a tacit consensus: as long as Father Shi is not too unreasonable to Mrs. Shi, Shi Chence can ignore the matter between them.But in other places, Father Shi must firmly stand in the same camp with Shi Chence, and must not break his promise, and must support him unconditionally!

As a result, Mrs. Shi, who seemed to be "respected" by her husband for her son's filial piety, was already helpless.

After arranging all the matters, Shi Dae happily returned to his palace, and was hugged by Qing Shui who had been waiting for him for a long time and cried for a long time, all his words were full of how she was wronged and how his wife bullied her.

However, how could a scumbag like Shi Dae be in the mood to listen to her complaints and just send her away.not to go?Well, just in time for a good sex.

Qing Shui never dreamed that there would be such a result in the end, not only did not seek justice, but was gnawed by the old pervert again!
What made her even more uneasy was Luo An'an's arrival.For some reason, she always had a bad premonition in her heart, and she, who was originally harboring ghosts, became more easily frightened at this moment.

However, Luo Anan still arrived as promised, lazily lying on his six-tailed fox car, looking down upon all living beings.

Luo An'an was also like this at the beginning, making Shi Chence mistaken for life when he saw a beautiful woman, and he went on the road of no return.The nine-tailed fox lay lazily on the top of the linden tree, looking at him contemptuously, with a rebellious temperament on his body.

She is so beautiful, and she is so aggressive, she has been entrenched in his heart for tens of thousands of years!

Seeing Luo An'an coming, Patriarch Shi greeted him with his clansmen and his silly son: "I've seen Princess Tushan."

An Baobao jumped off the Luanjia and saluted: "Patriarch Shi, you are welcome."

After seeing the ceremony, Baby An who raised his head unexpectedly met Shang Qingshui's eyes.What surprised her even more was that Shimizu shouldn't come out as a maid on this occasion, right?Are the Chenguang people so unruly?
And after actually seeing Luo An'an, the fear in Qing Shui's heart disappeared inexplicably, and she blessed Fushen with a somewhat smug tone: "The concubine has seen the little princess."

Hearing this, a certain one immediately looked at Shi Chence with a shocked expression of "Are you blind?"

Shi Chence immediately argued: "An An, this is my father's concubine, Qing Shui. You have seen it before."

"Patriarch Shi...'s concubine?" An Baobao spit out these words in an incomprehensible questioning tone.Holy crap, doesn't this Qing Shui like Shi Chence like the one who wants to die, how can she become his father's woman in the blink of an eye!
What the hell kind of messy relationship is this?
A certain one looked complicatedly at Qing Shui, who was full of pearls and emeralds and dressed in luxurious clothes, and thought silently in her heart: Even if you are really Shi Chence's woman, you have to finish playing with me this time!Ma Dan, sealed Ben Bao's space, and even sent someone to assassinate Ben Bao!Do you really think she has no temper?

On the other hand, Mrs. Shi saw her son's eye contact with Luo An'an and couldn't help but snort coldly. Sure enough, a vixen is a vixen, and she has the ability to seduce people everywhere!She was about to speak a few words, but before she opened her mouth, Patriarch Shi gave him a threatening warning, and Patriarch Shi's cold voice appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness: "If you dare to say no to Nine-Tailed Fox!" If it should be said, the mistress of the Chenguang Clan can be replaced!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Shi shuddered all over, and finally held back her words.Originally she was angry, but when she suddenly saw Qing Shui digging her palm with her fingernails, she felt relieved.Damn, it would be nice for this pair of sluts to be able to eat dogs in the end!

But suddenly, Luo Anan looked at Mrs. Shi coldly, with an unclear smile on his face, but his eyes were cold: "Mrs. Shi, long time no see, your appearance is really... much older than before. It seems These days are not very comfortable.”

In an instant, Mrs. Shi gritted her silver teeth, wishing she could slap her in the face.But when she thought of her husband's words, she had no choice but to endure it, and forced a distorted smile: "It's all thanks to the princess."

Seeing this, a certain one was happy in his heart, but continued to say: "Where is it, I don't dare to take credit for your horrible life. Blue Lake, come here."

Hearing Luo An'an's summons, Lan Hu obediently walked over and bowed his body: "Princess, what's the matter with calling your servant?"

Mrs. Shi also raised her eyes to look at the person at this time, but she was almost out of breath.Isn't this the maid who disobeyed and framed her in the Demon Palace last time!

(End of this chapter)

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