Chapter 2405 Shimizu, how are you doing these days
The humiliation of that day is still vivid in my mind! ! !

Seeing that Mrs. Shi's expression was as ugly as if she had been eaten, a certain one smiled faintly: "Come on, Blue Lake, tell Mrs. Shi how you take care of yourself. Look at Mrs. Shi, how old you are in just a few years." You don't look good. You have always had a good face, so don't be stingy today, teach us Mrs. Shi."

Hearing that Lanhu pretended to be wrong: "Princess, Lanhu is just a little maid, how can she know how to keep her face! Even if there is one, she would not dare to use it on such a noble lady! Don't be ashamed of your servant gone."

This pair of master and servant sang together, deliberately trying to make Mrs. Shi feel more uncomfortable.Their goal was naturally achieved, Luo Anan was about to chuckle, but suddenly saw Shi Chence's begging eyes.He hoped that Baby An would stop worrying about his mother's previous mistakes.

This look made Luo An'an lose her desire to laugh in an instant, her expression faded, she waved her hands at Lan Hu and said in a deep voice: "That's right, as long as you have a broad mind and don't calculate so much all day long, your complexion will be fine. "

"What the princess said is true." Mrs. Shi replied not to be outdone, "The princess's maid is really good at training, what method does she use, you have to teach me this."

Qing Shui's heart tightened, and then Madam Shi said coolly: "If I have your ability, I won't let the ignorant maid who doesn't understand the rules get whimsical and finally climb into the master's bed."

What this said was naturally Qing Shui who was watching the show from the sidelines.

"I don't know how to train a maid." A certain one smiled faintly, "But I only know one thing, this white-eyed wolf, no matter how hard he trains, he won't be grateful. You have to keep your eyes open when picking someone."

After speaking, An Baobao turned around and left with Blue Lake.

Then, taking advantage of all the people gathered together, Luo Anan sat on the chair, propped his head and said lazily: "You must have guessed my reason for coming, right?"

As soon as these words came out, all the elders of the Chenguang Clan lost their smiles.Only Patriarch Shi, who knew Luo An'an's true identity early, smiled and said: "Of course, of course, we have prepared the wood attribute world element stone, and you can take it away at any time."

A certain raised eyebrow: This patriarch Shi has a brain, and he doesn't greedily want to occupy.

At this time, someone couldn't help standing up: "Patriarch, the elemental stone of heaven and earth is the treasure of our Chenguang Clan, how can it be handed over so easily? Patriarch, think twice!"

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Shi's face turned cold instantly after hearing this, and he scolded: "What nonsense, the elemental stone of heaven and earth belongs to Master Jiulingpan, the holy weapon, when did it become our Chenguang clan's! You are all old people too, Don't you even understand this?"

"But..." Isn't the Nine Spirit Disk gone?
"It's nothing!" Patriarch Shi interrupted him politely, "I've made up my mind! Why, do you think my patriarch's words have no weight? Well, if anyone has an opinion, he can replace me as the patriarch!"

Seeing that these people were speechless, patriarch Shi became even more arrogance, and scolded in a cannonball manner: "What's more, Chen'er brought back the elemental stone of heaven and earth, and Chen'er didn't say anything, you all are in a hurry! It’s really embarrassing to the clan!”

Hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to Shi Chence and silently asked for his opinion.Only Mrs. Shi snorted coldly and turned her head away.

Seen by everyone like this, Shi Chence remained calm: "I agree with father's decision."

Now all hopes were shattered, and the members of the Chenguang Clan fell down instantly, sparks burst out in Qing Shui's eyes: Her men, the men she liked, actually helped other women one by one! ! !

Seeing such a funny scene, a certain one knocked on the table, and then said calmly: "It's so, Lingyue, go and get your things back."

A strange yet familiar male voice suddenly sounded: "Yes."

After speaking, Lingyue appeared.

The coercion of the Holy Artifact Nine Spirits Pan crushed the Chenguang clansmen present without politeness, and this alone made many people turn pale with fright.The Nine Spirit Disk was actually found! ! !
Everyone immediately understood, no wonder the little princess of the demon emperor collected the elemental stones of heaven and earth everywhere, it turned out to be the master!Then weren't they too bold just now... they even dared to take the contents of the Jiuling Pan for themselves.

Lingyue's cultivation level was enough to crush everyone present, even Patriarch Shi, his legs would soften every time Lingyue took a step closer.Only when Lingyue took the box and left, Patriarch Shi suddenly woke up and found himself covered in cold sweat.

Luo Anan looked at the opened box, and a stone emitting green light was lying there quietly.The greenness is so thick, as if it will flow down at any time.If the box hadn't been made of black iron, if any piece of wood touched the elemental stone of heaven and earth, it would die immediately.

"Patriarch Shi is righteous, and this princess admires it." Luo An'an raised his wine glass, dispelling everyone's uneasiness with a soft and clever sentence.

"Where is it, it's just returning it to its original owner."

Hearing this, everyone continued to drink and dance.Shi Chence took the opportunity to invite: "An'an, it's rare for you to come to the Chenguang Clan once, why don't you stay for a few more days? Didn't you love to see the Bodhi tree of the Chenguang Clan before, and now you can see enough."

Hearing the expectant invitation, Luo Anan became silent.Just when Shi Chence's heart was beating drums, a certain one suddenly laughed: "Okay."

Just two words made Shi Chence mistakenly think that he was dreaming, and he was so happy that he couldn't tell east, west, south, north.

Seeing this, Patriarch Shi wanted to cover his face: Is his son so stupid? He really doesn't look like him at all!
In the next second, Luo An'an spoke again: "Why don't you ask my concubine Qing to accompany me? Patriarch Shi, what do you think?"

When his name was suddenly mentioned, Qing Shui's pupils shrank suddenly.Before she opened her mouth to refuse, she heard Patriarch Shi sit down for her and make a decision: "Please do yourself a favor, it is her honor that you can see your concubine clearly."

Hearing this, Qing Shui sat back on the seat weakly, and all the original anxiety in her heart was condensed at the same time. She looked up at Luo An'an, obviously the other party smiled at her so kindly, but why did her body appear for no reason? Feeling cold?
I wish she was thinking too much.

Seeing Qing Shui's restless appearance, a certain one seemed to smile but not a smile: She thought Qing Shui was so powerful, but she didn't hesitate to deal with herself like this for Shi Chence.It doesn't seem so much now.

Shimizu, how are you doing these days?

Whether you are good or bad now, you will never be good again.People always have to pay for what they have done.

Luo Anan swirled the liquid in the glass, then drank it down.

Everyone had different thoughts, but Mrs. Shi sat there quietly and meditated, not knowing what she was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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