Chapter 2409 The final fate
Patriarch Shi chuckled when he heard the words: "That's good, that's good, I just hope that Qingshui won't disturb your interest. How about it, I'll let Chen'er escort you back..."

Before he finished speaking, Patriarch Shi was quietly pinched by Mrs. Shi.Luo Anan pretended not to see their private movements, and still refused indifferently: "I think Young Master Shi also has his own things to do. You Lingyue will send this princess back, and nothing will go wrong on the way. Patriarch Shi's The kindness is appreciated by the princess."

Since Luo An'an's tone was really tough, it was difficult for Patriarch Shi to say anything, and Mrs. Shi was relieved after hearing this.

In less than an hour, Luo An'an and the others packed up their things and drove away in a six-tailed fox.Patriarch Shi looked at Luo An'an's back, and sighed deeply.It seems that his son wants to get what he wants, but it is difficult!

At this time, Shi Chence was very surprised and didn't go to see Luo An'an off. He came to the waterside pavilion alone, and saw Qingshui lying on the ground like a dead dog at a glance.

Shi Chence looked at her like this, and suddenly remembered Qing Shui's gentle and understanding appearance, and it was hard to believe that this was actually the same person.

"Clear water."

Hearing the familiar and thoughtful voice, Qing Shui immediately staggered up from the pile of weeds. She already had some large and small wounds on her body, and she was detained and beaten on the road to the waterside pavilion.

"Young master, it's you, is it you who came to see Qingshui?" Qingshui immediately turned her back and hurriedly straightened her messy hair like weeds, she didn't want Shi Chence to see her so ugly and embarrassed Unbearable appearance.It's just that he still muttered: "Qing Shui knows that the young master can't live without me in his heart, and I know..."

Shi Chence closed his eyes, and opened them suddenly in the next second: "Don't play dumb anymore, I just came here to ask you something, and I'll leave after I finish my question."

Hearing this, Qing Shui stopped abruptly in arranging her hair. After a long time, she said with difficulty: "...What are you asking?"

"I know you did those things, but I want to hear you admit it yourself." Shi Chence asked coldly, "It was clearly the first time you met An An when you were in the lower realm, why did you want to kill her!!!"

"...Why?" Qing Shui repeated it softly, and suddenly clenched her hair and laughed silently, crying: "Why, hahahaha, young master, don't you really understand?"

After finishing speaking, Qing Shui's emotions suddenly exploded. She cried and laughed while scratching her hair and said, "Why else, of course it's for you, young master! You have been in love with Nine-Tailed Fox for tens of thousands of years, how can you know that Qing Shui loves you?" How could your time be shorter than this! I met you at the same time as her, why do you love her and not me! Why!"

These words made Shi Chence silent: "There is never a reason for emotional matters.",

"Hehehe, yes, there is no reason." Qing Shui cried and laughed, "Do you still remember when I came here? It was the day you met the nine-tailed fox! That day you were under the bodhi tree Looking at the Nine-Tailed Fox, how could you know that I am looking at you in the same way in the distance! Young Master, we are the same kind of people, you should understand the pain of not getting what you want! Why, why should I I will lose! I refuse to accept it!"

"So you sealed An'an's space and instigated people to kill her!"

"Yes, I did it all!!!" Qing Shui thumped the ground like a madman, her whole body was shaking, and her voice was crying with grief: "Isn't she dead! Why do you want to come back? Why did I still meet you! Yes, I recognized her identity from the first sight. Young master, I can no longer let her snatch you away, and I can no longer let you spend tens of thousands of years on her, so she must die!! !"

After finishing speaking, Qing Shui raised his head abruptly, his gaze became fierce and crazy, but his tone was soft and terrifying: "Young Master, do you know? Qing Shui has done more for you than that. The news that Nine-Tailed Fox and the Devil Emperor were together back then It was I who spread the word. I was also the one who sent the news to the Demon Realm, making the Demon Emperor mistakenly think that he must die. The final result is simply too good, the Demon Emperor you hate is dead, and the Nine-Tailed Fox who pestered you is also dead I can kill Nine-Tailed Fox once, and I can make her die a second time! I will not admit defeat, young master, Nine-Tailed Fox is a disaster to you. Don't worry, Shimizu will definitely get rid of this disaster for you. Qingshui Everything is yours, and I will do anything for you!"

Shi Chence, whose fingers were trembling with anger, looked at her coldly and indifferently: "Including going to die?"

Qing Shui was slightly startled, then looked at him madly and obsessively: "To be able to die for you, this is simply the best way to die in the world."

"Okay." Shi Chence gently held her face, and said to her with the gentle voice Qing Shui dreamed of: "Then Qing Shui, can you die for me?"

After the words fell, Qing Shui was stunned, and tears flowed down in an instant. She looked at the person in front of her fixedly: "Is this what you want, young master?"

"Yes." Shi Chence said the cruelest words in the gentlest voice, "If you die, no one in the world will ever think about hurting An An. If An An is happy, I will be happy too. I just wanted to I left after asking you some things, but now I find that you are really crazy. So dependent, I can only be completely relieved when you die. So, Qing Shui, are you willing to die for me?"

To be honest, this scene looked really scary. Both of them were talking incomprehensible words like crazy, but they still seemed to be immersed in it.

"Qing Shui is willing." Qing Shui enjoys the warmth of Shi Chen Ce's palm, and finally rests her head on Shi Chen Ce's shoulder, "As long as you order, Qing Shui is willing to do it. Young Master, everyone in this world can hate me, Only you can't hate me."

After finishing speaking, Qing Shui touched his face with a slight smile and was as gentle as before, and finally leaned on his shoulder again: "That's great. Young master, don't forget me, okay?"

This time Shi Chence didn't answer her.

After a few seconds, the weaker and weaker breathing stopped abruptly.Shi Chence's body trembled violently, he realized that the woman who was leaning on him had lost her soul and died.

And he... already knew too much.

Shi Chence never said the word "good" from the beginning to the end, but he carried Qing Shui's body out of the waterside pavilion.He remembered what Shimizu had said.

"Although there is a word for water in Qingshui's name, Qingshui doesn't like water at all. The water is too soft and easy to disguise. No one can predict what it will turn into. It's too scary."

But this woman eventually turned into a terrifying appearance that she had never imagined.

Taking her out of the flooded pavilion was his last bit of mercy.


At the same time, Luo Anan, who had just dozed off in the six-tailed fox car, suddenly woke up with his head propped up.

"What's the matter, master?" Ling Yue asked with concern.

"...No problem, it's just that I just remembered something from the past." An Baobao said lightly.

"But it's all over."

(End of this chapter)

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