Chapter 2410 Mo Jiuxiao Returns

After returning to the Demon Palace, An Baobao received a warm welcome from his father, queen and queen. For this reason, Hu Yu spared no effort to display all his culinary skills, so that all the foxes in the palace had a delicious whole chicken feast.

Looking at Lingyue who has gained so much, An Baobao couldn't help but think: Sure enough, there are people in the court who are easy to handle!
If it's just an ordinary fox, let alone get the elemental stone of heaven and earth, there is no way to know the news about the elemental stone of heaven and earth!
However, now only two pieces of elemental stones from heaven and earth are needed to complete the difference~
Lingyue is now planning to retreat with Linlang (papapapa).He said to Luo An'an solemnly: "Although master, you don't know how to refine weapons, but Lin Lang and I will try our best to help you produce more artifacts for fun."

An Baobao: "..." Is there still such an operation?
Lin Lang's face was flushed, and she just wanted to beat Ling Yue hard.Nima, didn't you say "retreat", why did you suddenly tell the truth!
Well now, the whole world knows what they want...

"Aren't you... progressing a bit faster?" A certain one said with difficulty, "I'm not ready yet."

"It's not fast at all, master, you've only been in the outside world for a few dozen years, and Linlang and I have been in the space for thousands of years." After finishing speaking, Lingyue added in a good mood, "And as long as you are in time You and Mo Jiuxiao should do it before you get married."

Hearing this, An Baobao was speechless: "Then you won't come to participate on the day I get married?"

Ling Yue said calmly: "I will spare a day."

Lin Lang was too shy to speak from the beginning to the end.

"Okay, pay attention to rest, and be careful of kidney deficiency." An Baobao waved his hands tiredly and left the space.

If they retreated, they could still enter the space, but An Baobao had to take care of the immortal plants and spiritual animals in it.Hmph, two weapon spirits who forget their masters when they see their colors, are so unreserved!

An Baobao admits that she is a little jealous.Alas, when will her shit-shoveling officer be back!
However, surprises always come unexpectedly...

About half a month later, An Baobao woke up in the arms of the shit-shoveling officer when he opened his eyes one morning!

A certain thought that he was dreaming, and rubbed his eyes on purpose.But no problem, the person in front of him is a genuine shit shoveler, and he's back.

An Baobao, who was about to get up, immediately decided on one thing: stay in bed!
Holding the shit-shoveling officer who was still sound asleep, he fell asleep beautifully.

It wasn't until today's sun set and the bright moon was in the sky that Mo Jiuxiao woke up slowly, with a trace of exhaustion still hanging on his face.

Luo Anan also woke up whimpering at the moment he opened his eyes, and rubbed the shit shovel officer's neck affectionately: "Jiuqing, when did you come back? Are you done with the devil world?"

Hey, I haven't seen the shit shovel officer for several months, right?

"Well, I'll be back when I'm done." Mo Jiuxiao's voice was lazy, he yawned and then began to dress, "I pushed the devil off the throne, and locked up the other princes by the way. After that Came back right away."

However, being able to complete this matter in such a short period of time is enough to show that Mo Jiuxiao is resolute and decisive in doing things.It's just that being tired is inevitable, even after sleeping for so long, An Baobao can still feel the fatigue of the shit-shoveling officer.

A certain one couldn't help feeling distressed, but also curious: "Then who is taking care of the Demon Realm now?"

Uncle Mo said indifferently, "I don't know, just love someone."

"...You are also big-hearted." Seeing that the shit-shoveling officer's belt was a little crooked, An Baobao had no choice but to go over and help him tidy it up.Unexpectedly, the shit shovel officer hugged him into his arms, and leaned his head on top of his head: "Luo Luo, my father's death is related to Yazun."

"Huh?" Luo An'an had guessed this before, but he didn't expect it to be true. "Isn't he your father's confidant? Why did you do that?"

"For a woman."

Speaking of this, Mo Jiuxiao's voice gradually cooled down: "He wants to pursue his love, but that woman is the daughter of a demon general from another prince's faction. In order to win the beauty back, he promised not to help his father any more .Father lacks a lot of help, so it is easy to be plotted by others."

"He didn't expect his father to die after he went to the lower realm. Although he didn't take the initiative to harm his father, he still felt guilty because of his deliberate indulgence. That's why he was willing to help me for my father. Revenge. In my eyes, such behavior is no different from betrayal."

"Lolo, do you think I should hate him?" Mo Jiuxiao said in a low voice.

Luo An'an suddenly asked: "What happened to that woman? I think Yazun's indifferent appearance now doesn't look like a person with a Taoist partner at all?"

"Dead." Mo Jiuxiao said in a deep voice with no expression on his face, "He died in the second year after my father was punished into the mortal world."

"What?" An Baobao couldn't help being surprised, "How did you die?"

Mo Jiuxiao hugged the fox tightly, and continued to speak in a flat tone: "The girl's dantian was damaged originally, and she didn't live long. In the end, Yazun betrayed her father, and she couldn't grow old with her. Losing his wife and losing his army , maybe this is fate."

"Then he is really pitiful." A certain dog straightened his belt and hugged the shit-shoveling officer, "Even if you don't hate Yazun yourself, he can't forgive himself. He wants to avenge you to alleviate his guilt. If he has nothing to love in life, such a person is more painful to live than to die."

"Perhaps he is waiting for you to kill him now."

"Heh!" Mo Jiuxiao sneered, "Then I won't kill him, I will make him feel guilty all the time! This is his own fault!"

Hearing this, Luo An'an inevitably thought of Qing Shui who was dead, and finally sighed silently: "Let's not talk about them. Anyway, I can't afford to hate anyone now."

Mo Jiuxiao frowned slightly, thinking that something happened to Luo An'an, and immediately asked worriedly: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly feel that things in relationships are really uncertain." An Baobao lowered his head and slowly let go of the shit-shoveling officer, "Everyone is selfish in relationships. Jiuxiao, I think if I meet and In the same situation as Yazun, I may not be able to do better than him. Maybe Yazun knew that the girl was going to die at the beginning, so he wanted to be with her in the last days? The time of a dying person, Always the most precious."

Hearing An Baobao's emotion, Mo Jiuxiao knew that she hadn't encountered any major incidents, and his heart immediately became more at ease.But there is still an unavoidable helpless smile on his face: "Nowadays, Luo Luo is getting more and more sad!"

"I can't help it, maybe it's because I'm old." The youngest fox in the Demon Palace sighed, "Not only a fox who is too old to get married, but it's the easiest to think about things."

(End of this chapter)

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