Chapter 2411 Big Wedding ([-])

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao suddenly raised his head to look at Luo An'an, his eyes sparkled with surprise, and his mouth stammered even more rarely: "Then, then, let's get married!"

An Baobao was stunned for a few seconds: "Jiuqing, are you proposing?"

Well, although the unexpected marriage proposal made this baby very happy.But it's still not the same as the baby thought.No kneeling, no roses, no diamond rings, no fireworks, no balloons...

I always feel that it’s a shame to agree like this!

"Marriage proposal?" Uncle Mo was also confused, "Doesn't it count as the time I proposed marriage the last time I said it?"

A certain one: Hehe, I already asked for it.

Nima, at that time, I was safufu and agreed! ! !It's really a big loss! ! !

"No, that doesn't count." A certain one changed its words shamelessly, "It's just a verbal agreement, Jiuqing, a marriage proposal is a very grand ceremony, and that kind of perfunctory is not acceptable." Not counting, counting, must Again! ! !

However, Baby An always forgets one thing: Mo Jiuxiao can read minds.

Therefore, Mo Jiuxiao had already laughed to the fullest in his heart, but he still frowned and said, "It's a grand ceremony, so that's it."

"That's right, it must be grand." A certain squirrel looked at him, "It's the one with fireworks, roses, and rings."

After finishing speaking, An Baobao couldn't help but hum a little aggrieved: "Linlang and Lingyue are already having children, and we haven't gotten married yet."

Hearing this, Uncle Mo was furious: What, let Lingyue take the lead! ! !

Mo Jiuxiao asked with a dark face: "Isn't it because Lingyue lacks the elemental stones of heaven and earth, can't it work there?",

A certain one lowered its head and stirred its fingers: "But in the past few months when you went to the Demon Realm, I have already helped him find six heaven and earth elemental stones. There is also a metallic heaven and earth elemental stone from the Dragon Clan and two dark and ice stones. Attributes of the heaven and earth elemental stone."

Speaking of this, Luo Anan remembered to remind Mo Jiuxiao: "By the way, Jiuqing, you have to terminate the contract with Eggy, and it will return to the Shenlong clan sooner or later."

Uncle Mo nodded with complicated emotions, and finally comforted his own fox while also comforting himself: "It's okay, Lin Lang doesn't have a wedding, she must be very envious of Luo Luo."

"you're right."

Unexpectedly, that fellow Lingyue was so cunning, Uncle Mo inevitably gritted his teeth: "Since Lingyue is in seclusion, it deserves that it can't get the dark attribute world elemental stone, thanks to my good intentions to bring it back!"

"What, you found the dark attribute heaven and earth elemental stone!" An Baobao said in surprise, "Where did you find it? Isn't it impossible for everyone to find it?"

Seeing the surprised look of his own fox, Mo Jiuxiao nodded helplessly: "Yeah, I didn't expect it to be hidden in the Demon Emperor's Tomb."

In fact, no one in the world would have thought that the whereabouts of the dark attribute world elemental stone would be in the demon world.

Luo Anan was excited for a few seconds, and then calmed down: "It's not unreasonable. After all, the last battle between you and me was near the Demon Emperor's Tomb. The Demon Emperor's that the place where you once fell?"

Mo Jiuxiao shook his head: "I don't remember."

"It's fine if you don't remember." Luo Anan shook his head, "I've thought of many things in the past few days, and they may not all be good things."

Seeing that the fox's expression became quiet again, Mo Jiuxiao had no choice but to change the subject: "Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's go, let's send Eggy back first, and get married when we get back! Yes, we have to propose first."

"...Don't you think you forgot something?" Seeing that Mo Jiuxiao was talking and laughing, An Baobao couldn't help reminding him of something. "If you want to marry me, do you have to notify my father, queen mother, elder brother God, and our master in advance?"

This sentence shattered half of Mo Jiuxiao's joy in an instant like cold water. He pursed his lips, as if he had encountered a trouble that he could not solve at all.After being silent for a long time, Uncle Mo finally choked out a sentence: "...Can I not go?"

While An Baobao sympathized with him, she also sympathized with herself: "...I don't want to go either."

After the words fell, the two looked at each other, sympathetic to each other.

In the end, Luo An'an said in a cowardly manner: "How about delaying the marriage beforehand?"

"No!" Mo Jiuxiao firmly refused, "Don't even think about it, the marriage must not be delayed any longer." Little Momo is about to explode, okay!
"Isn't it just asking for a marriage? This little thing won't bother me." Mo Jiuxiao said confidently.


In fact, from the moment Mo Jiuxiao stepped into the demon world, the Demon Emperor knew his whereabouts.Although he was very angry that this brat broke into his daughter's boudoir late at night, the Yaohuang, who was hugging his fragrant and soft concubine, didn't want to get up and chase her away.

So he turned a blind eye and pretended not to know.

Anyway, I can't separate my daughter from that brat, the little padded jacket will get angry if I overdo it!Alas, it is said that female college students are not allowed to stay. Maybe he and his concubine should have a son who can be a cabbage.

However, when Lord Yaohuang was free, he forced Mo Jiuxiao to have a conversation between men.

"Stinky boy, do you want to marry An An?" Lord Yaohuang looked at the next person who was respectful to him, and couldn't help mocking: "Just because of your status as the son of a god and a demon?"

Mo Jiuxiao was more patient with his father-in-law, and of course he didn't dare to be cowardly.With a firm attitude, he bowed his hands and said: "My son-in-law and Luo Luo have been in love for several lifetimes, and I hope my father-in-law will make it happen. As for the identity of the son of the god and devil, my son-in-law promises that it will not affect my future life with Luo Luo! "

"Bah!" Lord Yaohuang was shocked by Mo Jiuxiao's shamelessness, "Whoever allowed you and your son-in-law to call themselves, who is your father-in-law!!! Let me tell you, I don't agree with this marriage! No, agree, agree!! !"

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao looked at him innocently: "Father-in-law, this must be said by mother-in-law."

"Bah, I'm An'an's own father! Could it be that I can't decide her marriage!" Lord Yaohuang, who was poked in the sore spot, was furious. Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao immediately kept his nose silent and continued to act as a scolded "" Poor little".

"You're right, I'm right."

Suddenly a voice came from behind, followed by the figure of the Demon Empress slowly walking out from behind the screen.Seeing this, the Demon Emperor immediately stepped forward to support her: "Aifei? When did you come?"

However, the demon queen did not answer his words, but just looked at Mo Jiuxiao indifferently: "Jiuxiao, you are a good boy, and you are indeed worthy of my An'an in terms of character and talent. But why are you the son of gods and demons?"

"Even if you are the most common demon in the demon world, I can still consider marrying my daughter to you. You are only the son of a god and demon——no!!!" The demon queen suddenly said coldly.

The resolute attitude of the demon queen was also within Mo Jiuxiao's expectations, so he didn't lose his mind, but just lowered his head slightly, and continued to listen to the words of the first two.

(End of this chapter)

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