Chapter 2420 Big Marriage ([-])

No matter how unscientific the result is, it can't change the ending of Luo An'an earning a lot of money in one go.

All the chips on the hamster gambling table are an astronomical number, and now the dealer himself has to pay twice as much, and those who guessed a number close to 666 also won a large amount of chips...

Therefore, as far as the dealer is concerned, the loss is too great.

Several people looked at each other, trying to use their brains to prevent Luo Anan from taking the chips.At this moment, Yuncai suddenly came over and firmly pressed the dealer's shoulders, turned his head and said to Luo Anan with a smile: "Congratulations to this guest, I have never seen such a lucky fairy friend before."

After finishing speaking, Yuncai glared at the dealer again: "Why are you still in a daze, quickly give this lady the chips she won!"

"But, but..." The demon sitting in the manor stammered and dared not speak, this is not a small number!Just give it so easily?

Seeing this, Yun Cai was so angry that he just wanted to throw this idiot into the fire and refine it: "Who is in charge of this gambling house, go quickly!!!" Idiot, don't take me with you if you want to die!
"Yes... yes." The dealer didn't dare to say anything more, and immediately took out all the backlog of chips.But counting and counting are not enough.

Although the hamster table games are profitable in the casino, the money they can make is not huge profits.If it weren't for the time when everyone lost and had good luck like before, it would be rare to make such a large sum of money.However, it didn't work out that Luo An'an was such a freak, and he won all the chips they earned today in one go.

Even if he didn't have enough bargaining chips, Yuncai didn't dare to covet a penny of this little ancestor.Immediately ordered someone to go over there and took some chips to make up for An Baobao.

Luo Anan went back happily holding a bigger pile of chips. Seeing the excited little look of his own fox, Mo Jiuxiao couldn't help but smile, and came out from the dark and asked dotingly: "Do you want to play again?" Anything else?"

"Of course!" Luo An'an had already set his sights on the more interesting big turntable. Seeing Mo Jiuxiao's question, he directly pulled the person over: "Go, play with me."

Mo Jiuxiao looked at the hand held by the fox and himself and couldn't help but fell into deep thought: The little bastard probably doesn't know how unlucky it will be if he pulls himself?
He felt that his little one's luck would not be so good anymore.

What happened afterwards proved that Mo Jiuxiao's guess was completely correct, so correct that a certain fox stared blankly at his hand, wondering if he just had a claw-replacement operation without knowing it.

Not to mention all the good luck disappeared, and he even lost all the chips he just won! ! !Even if he played a roulette, he never got a slightly better prize!

The other gamblers in the casino also talked about this: Sure enough, a person's luck is limited, and that person just used up all his luck, so he played what he lost.

It is very important to stop in time!

In the end, Luo Anan looked left and right, and finally set her gaze on the hand that was always holding the shit shovel officer, and she slowly raised that hand.


Mo Jiuxiao: [Embarrassed yet polite smile.JPG]

"Jiuxiao, your luck is really getting worse and worse..." An Baobao said in an emotionless tone, "I can't control you anymore."

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Lost and lost, what else?A certain one simply waved its hand: "Forget it, I had a good time today anyway. How can I show that I am rich if I don't lose money?"

"That's right." Uncle Mo said flatteringly at the right time, "Anyway, this gambling house is also ours, and we will get our own money in the end if we win or lose."

An Baobao loves to hear these words: "Let's go back to the palace and see how Rong Ke and the others are doing."

Mo Jiuxiao nodded obediently, and then heard the fox suggest: "Jiuqing, in fact, you can get a claw machine in the casino, let's not put the dolls, but put some fairy stones, god stone pills, spells and so on. Forget it, I’ll talk to you about it when I get back.”

Although it was the stinky luck of the shit-shoveling officer before, Luo Anan never let go of Mo Jiuxiao's hand from the beginning to the end.

Mo Jiuxiao thought to himself: Even if the fox never said any love words, these details are enough to move him for a lifetime.

When they returned to the Demon Palace, they found that neither Rong Ke nor Wu Yilin seemed to be in a good state of mind.

Seeing the two masters coming back, those who had been sitting there with their heads propped up suddenly stood up and saluted in unison: "Master!"

"What happened, why are everyone frowning?"

A certain one thought secretly in his heart: I have never seen such a depressed baby like you after losing so much money.

"Those three ministers came to report the matter just now." Rong Ke explained slowly, "The matter in the devil world is too complicated, and Shu Rongke can't help the master to share his worries for the time being."

Mo Jiuxiao cast his eyes lightly on Wu Yilin, but Wu Yilin said with the same headache: "Master, Ye Wu is not as good as Rong Ke."

"So complicated?" A certain one was slightly surprised for a moment, and then felt relieved after thinking of something: "It's okay, you are still young after all, and it's normal that you don't have enough experience. Alright, let's repeat what those three people said now. Jiuqing and I will teach you how to do it."

Rong Ke: ...Master, don't you think that you are actually younger?
Mo Jiuxiao also sat beside Luo An'an, holding the fox's hand and closing his eyes to rest.

After Wu Yilin and the others finished recounting, Mo Jiuxiao opened his eyes and began to teach how to deal with it in detail.

The whole night passed after talking like this.

When the tea on the table began to be replaced by the tenth pot, a palace demon cautiously came forward to report: "His Royal Highness, the guilty minister, Yazun, begs to see you..."

Hearing this, the temperature around Mo Jiuxiao instantly cooled down, and he replied indifferently, "No see!"

The palace demon carefully wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, but he didn't dare to leave immediately, and said bravely: "The guilty minister Yazun said... Please give him a punishment, Your Highness."


After Mo Jiuxiao's vigorous and angry slap, in the next second, the originally intact black sandalwood table instantly fell apart.The palace demon was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground and trembled all over, not daring to say a word.

"Just because he dares to ask His Highness to deal with him!" Mo Jiuxiao stood up slowly with a sneer, and instantly kicked away the broken table in front of him, "Well, you go and tell him, His Highness didn't think of how to deal with him. Just let him wait in prison! When His Highness thinks it over, he will naturally not let him go!"

Mo Jiuxiao's sudden attack frightened Rong Ke and Wu Yilin, and even An Baobao frowned slightly, and finally mercifully said to the palace demon: "Go down."

Hearing this, Gong Golem scrambled away as if he had encountered an amnesty.The atmosphere in the hall instantly became even weirder. Rong Ke and Wu Yilin looked at each other, not knowing when.

At this time, Luo An'an spoke again: "Rong Ke, you guys go down too."


(End of this chapter)

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