Chapter 2421 Big Marriage (Eleventh)

After everyone had left, Luo Anan got up and went behind the shit shovel officer to rub his shoulders for him: "I saw you were so calm when you mentioned Yazun earlier, but I really didn't expect you to be so angry with him."

Mo Jiuxiao was silent for a few seconds, and finally choked out a sentence: "...I can't hold it back."

There was a trace of grievance in his tone, which instantly amused An Baobao.

"If we can't hold it back, we won't hold it." Luo Anan put his feet on his feet, and then rubbed the temple of the excrement shovel officer with his small hands, "But it hurts the body, so it's better not to be angry or not. Yazun is not worth it."

After a long time, I heard a faint "hmm".

Seeing that the shit shovel officer's hair has been smoothed out, An Baobao's tone is no longer as gentle and considerate as before, and he rubs his temples with more strength: "But Jiuqing, do you really want to stay in the devil world?" Continue to be your devil emperor? I see that the way you lose your temper now is getting more and more like your original demeanor."

Mo Jiuxiao suddenly held Luo An'an's hand: "...Doesn't Luo Luo like it?"

A certain nodded frankly: "I hope you can stay with me all the time, don't be too busy. I don't like the way you get angry, you are so fierce, it doesn't look like you anymore."

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao laughed: "The way I get angry looks normal to outsiders."

"But am I an outsider?" After speaking, Luo Anan tilted his head slightly to look at him, the cunning in his eyes forced Mo Jiuxiao to surrender.

"Okay, Luo Luo doesn't like it, so don't get angry from now on."

"That's right." Now Luo An'an stopped rubbing, and threw herself into the shit shovel officer's arms: "I have already planned it. After we get married, we will spend hundreds of years with our mother in the Demon Palace. However, I will take you to the earth where I lived before, which is actually quite interesting. After seeing the earth, we can go to any time and space to travel, which is better than you being trapped in the devil world as the devil emperor. "

Hearing the longing in An Baobao's tone, Mo Jiuxiao couldn't help but to say "no" coldly, so he nodded and added: "Also, we also want to give birth to a litter of little foxes. That's fine. Then the family will go on a trip together."

A certain one looked at him speechlessly: "Can we not mention this matter? Can we make the kiss into a bridal chamber first?"

"Hehehe, I look forward to that day more than Luoluo." Mo Jiuxiao rubbed the fox's head and smiled lowly.


Under Mo Jiuxiao's secret instruction, the news that he and Luo An'an were about to get married quickly spread throughout the Six Realms.

Hu Jiuxiao was the first to react to this.

He tremblingly pinched the piece of paper that recorded Luo Anan's whereabouts, his eyeballs almost turned red.What's even sadder is that he found himself unable to do anything at the moment.

He has never shown his heart like a little princess!I have never been crazy and bold to pursue it once!Now the beauty is actually going to marry someone else! ! !

The piece of paper was finally torn to pieces by Hu Jiuxiao.Finally, he tidied up his clothes coldly, and walked towards the Chenguang Clan.

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this.The little princess shouldn't be lost, he should be the one who met the little princess first.

Everything should be back on track.

At the same moment, Shi Chence looked at the news, as if he had already seen the red dragon and phoenix wedding invitation with the names of the two people printed on it, and the happy smile of Luo Anan in the wedding dress.He closed his eyes, and heard a voice in his heart say to himself:
Shi Chence, you finally can't deceive yourself and others.

Apart from the unhappiness of these two people, the rest of the Six Realms seemed to be quite happy.The gods and demons from all walks of life began to prepare wedding gifts silently, while whispering in their hearts: We are going to get married so soon, why don't we make a marriage for hundreds of years first?Don't give them any time to prepare gifts!

And the person who is the happiest about this news is Yan Xiaoer.Regarding the love history between Luo An'an and Mo Jiuxiao, he can be said to have witnessed the whole process of past and present lives.Hehehe, from now on, one of the two will be his elder brother, and the other will be his elder sister-in-law.

It finally worked out! ! !

The judge watched them silently. Yan Junle ordered people to put up lanterns and festoons in the ghost world like crazy, as if the person who was about to get married was himself.Thinking of this, the judge looked at Yan Xiaoer with deep pity in his eyes.

You only know how to sympathize with other people who have been separated and separated for several lifetimes, but forget that you are a single dog from beginning to end.

Can't tell who is more pitiful.


The demon world, the demon palace.

Compared to the various excited reactions of the other Five Realms because of this news, the Demon Palace was always extremely quiet, as if they didn't know about it.

In fact, the demon emperor was so shameless that Mo Jiuxiao's beard trembled in the first place, and he almost rushed to the Demon Realm with a knife to kill Mo Jiuxiao.

However, the demon queen's indifferent expression poured out his anger like cold water.

"Aifei, are you not angry?"

Hearing this question, the demon queen lowered her head: "There's nothing to be angry about. Ever since I set the conditions to allow Mo Jiuxiao to marry us An'an, I expected such a day to come."


The Demon Emperor looked at her with a complicated face, and finally let out a sigh: "So Aifei has already agreed to this matter?"

"How else?" The Demon Empress flicked her sleeves and got up and walked towards the window sill, her face was a little more beautiful than the flowers outside the window.It's just that the beauty is as indifferent as frost: "Husband, I have thought about blocking this marriage, hiding An An so that she won't see Mo Jiuxiao, and even thinking about killing Mo Jiuxiao directly..."

"But these are meaningless. Mo Jiuxiao is the person An An recognizes, the only person she recognizes..." Speaking of this, the voice of the demon queen trembled slightly, she closed her eyes, and finally a fragile mother appeared : "If we can only make An Baobao suffer with all our efforts, then why bother? Rather than that, it's help them."

Tu Shanling hugged the Demon Queen slowly from behind, raised his hand to wipe off the wetness on her face, and finally heaved a long sigh: "Indeed, why is this so. An'an is beyond our control!"

Speaking of this, the Demon Empress grabbed the Demon Emperor's sleeve and sobbed even harder: "How could it be possible for my own daughter not to know her true identity... Our An An is a nine-tailed fox! Didn't An An say it earlier? , I pretended not to know. Husband..."

"If there is only one nine-tailed fox in this world from beginning to end, I hope she can get what she wants in this life. In any case, she is my only flesh and blood, and I want her to be happy..." The demon queen fell into the arms of the demon emperor in tears. Here, every word is the pain that they dare not touch the most in their hearts.

These two people can work together to manage a huge demon world in an orderly manner, how can they not see all the little tricks that Luo Anan did back then?It's just that I feel sorry for the parents of the world and don't want to expose it.

The husband and wife hugged each other tightly, silently comforting each other.

(End of this chapter)

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