Chapter 2427 An Baobao's Prosperous Wedding ([-])

Her master, little princess, is getting married now!
After being distracted for two seconds, Lanhu came back to his senses, walked quickly to Luo An'an's side, looked up and down, and finally praised: "It's wonderful, it's really wonderful."

A certain one yawned: "Have you tried it on? Can you take this heavy thing off?"

"Princess, you should like your phoenix crown anyway." Lan Hu took off the phoenix crown speechlessly and cherished, and said with care: "This is specially made by our demon empress, even the most inconspicuous one. Small gems are treasures that are difficult for outsiders to find. My princess, it’s fine if you don’t like it, can we be despised?”

A certain one raised its legs and drank tea and said innocently: "I don't dislike it. Although it looks good, it's good, but this phoenix crown is too heavy, right?"

At this moment, the monster came rushing over with a group of people.At this time, about an hour had passed since Baby An woke up.

The demon queen, who was so busy, went crazy when she saw her daughter who was still crossing her legs. Angrily, she pinched An Baobao's ear and said, "I've been shouting all day that I want to get married, but it turns out that you really are going to get married, so it's not right for you!" It's the same thing, looking for something, right?!"

"No, mother, I just rested for 3 minutes. Really, it's only 3 minutes!" A certain one said aggrievedly while protecting its ears.

"You still have to rest, the guests are all here!" The demon queen hated iron for not being able to make a steel path, and then glared at the fox girl in the first hall: "What are you still doing, hurry up and put on the wedding dress for the princess!"

There was another flutter, and Luo Anan finally put on the wedding dress embroidered with a nine-tailed fox pattern, with a phoenix crown and reddish eyes. There is only one word to describe it: beautiful!

Seeing that the little baby was now taller than herself, the demon queen lovingly stroked the daughter's head: "It's great, my family, An'an, has grown up and can marry. Don't cry later, or you will lose her You are the ugliest bride in history with all your make-up and crying."

"..." Baobao An's originally touched mood immediately disappeared without a trace. Is the empress a compliment? Absolutely not! "Don't worry, Queen Mother, I will never cry. But you should not be too sad then."

"Silly girl, how can I not be sad when my daughter is getting married." Speaking of this, the demon queen gritted her teeth and said, "It's really cheap, that brat Mo Jiuxiao, Sansheng is lucky enough to marry my daughter! An An remember, if Mo Jiuxiao has treated you badly, just tell the queen mother, she will kill him with a knife herself!"

Isn't Sansheng lucky?A certain one was thinking secretly in his heart, but he couldn't help pleading for the shit-shoveling officer: "Don't worry, empress, Jiuqing is not such a person. After today, he will be your son-in-law, half a son-in-law, and you will treat him as well." better."

This little girl's behavior made all the fox girls laugh, and the demon queen nodded her nose helplessly: "Listen, listen, I haven't gone out yet, my elbows are turning outward. Let me treat Mo Jiuxiao well." What, why, can I still eat Mo Jiuxiao?"

A certain sticks out its tongue in embarrassment, expressing its acknowledgment.

Seeing Tingting's girl finally marrying into another woman, the Demon Queen couldn't help but sigh in her heart: "When I was on earth, I wanted to customize a wedding dress for you, that kind of white, long-tailed one, with many broken pieces hanging on it. The kind that drills. Who knows in the end... well, let’s not talk about it.”

Thinking of the past life, An Baobao smiled sweetly at the demon queen: "No matter what, I am still the queen's daughter."

"Yes, this is also our mother-daughter relationship."

At this moment, the two smiling people completely forgot about the existence of Lord Demon Emperor.

Seeing that the auspicious time was getting closer, Luo Anan's nervousness returned.Only a few simple and deep drums were heard, accompanied by the natural sounds of various silk and bamboo orchestras, all indicating that it was time for the bride to go out.

Sensing her daughter's nervousness, the demon queen squeezed her daughter's hand and smiled at her: "Come on, An'an, we're out of the cabinet."

Over there, Mo Jiuxiao was also dressed in a red jade crown and a red jade crown, and rode a phoenix mount to the gate of the Yaohuang Palace anxiously.Behind him is a real phoenix carriage, a sedan chair pulled by nine-headed red-feathered phoenixes of the Shenlong clan.After that, there was a long procession to welcome the bride, and the betrothal gifts tied with red silk and tied into gift boxes all over the floor.

Today's Tiangong is also extremely beautiful. At first glance, the sky is as green as washing, and the golden sun shines on people's bodies, adding a touch of wealth to the wedding out of thin air.The salute was booming, the sound of silk and bamboo was melodious from far to near, and all the songs played were grand and festive.

All the guests were also dressed in formal attire, and came to congratulate and ask for wine and food with congratulatory gifts.However, before the Lords were fully present, their eyes had already been attracted by Jin Hao Immortal Venerable.

After all, it was a day of great joy for the two apprentices, and it was not easy for the immortal to wear all white, so he had to change into a white brocade robe with some red patterns ordered by Mo Jiuxiao.Immortal Venerable's silver-white hair was also erected by a red ribbon at the moment, languid and sultry, looking extraordinarily seductive.

If the pure white Jinhao Immortal Venerable is an ascetic male god of the iceberg type, and the Jinhao Immortal Venerable who wears a little red becomes an indulgent male god of the iceberg type, and the level of enchantment immediately soars.Many visitors felt dry mouthed because of the unparalleled handsome appearance of the Immortal Venerable, so they couldn't help but take another look, one more look.

Who is this fairy-like figure, and what is the relationship with the groom?
However, some ancient gods who had lived for a long time and had the honor of seeing Jinhao Immortal Venerable all tensed was him! ! !
Didn't this person stay in his ice and snow hall all year round? When, when did he go to the lower realm for a walk?It seems that it has been a calamity, but why is the Lord God willing to suffer such suffering?

In fact, these people don't know anything about the two or three things between the Lord God and Jinhao Immortal Venerable, but they have only heard some vague rumors.And the Lord God's attitude towards Immortal Jin Hao is indeed very...preferential, so the relationship between the two is naturally "close" in the eyes of everyone.

Can Shuo looked at the serious faces of his friends, suddenly remembered something, and exclaimed: "I remember that person, he is An An's master. Didn't you say that he is... um."

"Shut up, you." God Mu Chun covered Can Shuo's mouth and said, "Pretend you don't know anything, if you still want to keep your godhead."

At this moment, a gust of fragrant wind blew past, followed by a rain of petals in the sky.The tiny petals are fluttering with the wind, sending a scent of fragrance to every place of the wedding.The voices of the crowd gradually became noisy, and then a female voice suddenly shouted: "Princess—here!!!!"

Mo Jiuxiao raised his eyes suddenly, and a bright red corner of his clothes appeared in his sight.

(End of this chapter)

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