Chapter 2428 An Baobao's Prosperous Wedding ([-])

Immediately afterwards, the fox girls quickly filed out, and the figure of the blue lake appeared in front of everyone one step ahead of the red skirt.Under the scorching gaze of everyone, Lan Hu remained calm in the face of danger, and respectfully helped her back: "Princess, slow down."

The bright red wedding dress completely appeared in front of everyone in the next second. At this moment, Mo Jiuxiao was too nervous to breathe, and then a head covered in red tulle appeared in front of him.Under the sunlight, the golden phoenix crown seemed to have also become the color of the scorching sun, and began to emit dazzling brilliance.

Mo Jiuxiao looked at the person in front of him motionlessly, wishing he could develop a pair of see-through eyes so that he could see what the face under the gauze looked like.

As if hearing the shit-shoveling officer's thoughts, Luo Anan suddenly stood still, then slowly lifted the veil in front of him, and grinned at the shit-shoveling officer.

In an instant, everyone applauded for Luo An'an's playfulness and cuteness, laughing and joking about the couple who were about to get married.

Mo Jiuxiao also laughed, he strode forward and held Luo Anan's hand, his longing suddenly overwhelmed other emotions: "Luo Luo, I miss you so much."

Luo Anan's courage seemed to have been exhausted just now, she blushed and lowered her head, letting the excrement shovel officer lead her by the hand and walked onto the car pulled by the nine-headed phoenix, acquiescing to Mo Jiuxiao Take his bride.

The place of worship is still the Demon Palace, but before that, Luo An'an and Mo Jiuxiao have to fly around the entire demon world and demon world together in a Luanjia.

Although they don't pay homage in the Demon Realm, they must always let the people in the Demon Realm know that their little Highness is married and meet their little imperial concubine.

Joining hands with Mo Jiuxiao this time, Luo Anan realized for the first time that happiness is really something that can be touched.The two stared at each other for a long time, and suddenly they smiled at each other: "Hahaha, Jiuqing, aren't we silly like this?"

Mo Jiuxiao said seriously, "Luo Luo, you should call me Husband."

"That's not it. One day as a shit-shoveling officer, and a lifetime as a shit-shoveling officer!" An Baobao said with a smile, and couldn't help but get up slightly and kiss the shit-shoveling officer, and then was held in Mo Jiuxiao's arms preciously.

so good.Mo Jiuxiao leaned on the fox's shoulder and thought secretly: Mom and Dad, the son finally brought your daughter-in-law home.Son is very happy, are you happy?

The people of the demon world below cheered after seeing Luanjia. Hearing these blessed laughter, a certain one slowly got up from the excrement shovel officer, and then took out many candies and pastries from the storage ring and threw them down.

These sweets and pastries were prepared by the inner palace staff of the Demon Emperor's Palace a month ago. The raw materials used are all high-quality fairy fruits and fairy plants, and the taste is also unique.It is specially used to sprinkle wedding candy on Luanjia.The purpose is naturally to make everyone feel happy in Luo An'an.

So those little demons who are still young start to snatch these delicious food, they look very cute.A certain one couldn't help but chuckled, and simply dragged the shit shovel officer along and sprinkled candies and pastries in all directions.

Wherever Luanjia went, there were laughter everywhere.

Soon, Luanjia flew to the Demon Realm with the concerted efforts of the phoenixes.However, I haven't seen them in just a few months, and the demon world has changed a lot, not to mention the lights and festoons everywhere, and all the demons have a red silk belt hanging on their bodies.It looked festive and a little funny.

"They are too stupid, they can't think of a good way to please you, so they can only do this." Mo Jiuxiao whispered in An Baobao's ear, "I didn't care about them, I didn't expect these idiots to follow the rules of the world. Lolo But don't be disgusted."

Looking at the monster beasts that had become ugly because of being possessed by demons, big red silk flowers were tied around their necks, An Baobao couldn't help laughing, hugging the excrement shovel officer's neck and said: "Don't dislike it, baby It's actually pretty cute."

Mo Jiuxiao's heart moved, and he said bluntly, "Luo Luo is also quite cute."

A certain one blushed quietly, and then the nine-headed phoenix stopped in front of the Demon Palace, causing many palace demons to stop and marvel.Mo Jiuxiao took a step now, and then stretched out his hand towards Luo An'an: "Do you want me to hold you, or do you want me to carry you down?"

An Baobao looked at the shit-shoveling officer coquettishly: "Of course I'm holding hands, hehe, today's show is enough, no more shows are allowed."

Well, Mo Jiuxiao had no choice but to suppress the idea of ​​showing off in his heart, feeling slightly regretful.

The two approached the Demon Emperor's Tomb dignifiedly with their hands clasped, and finally knelt down in front of Mosha Chenling and kowtowed three times.

After knocking, An Baobao followed suit and said: "An An has met father and mother."

Now next to Mo Shachen, Mo Jiuxiao added a tomb of Jiu Lingxian's clothes, and the two of them were buried together everywhere.Hearing this kind voice, Mo Jiuxiao suddenly felt that he had no regrets in this life.He and Luo Anan offered three sticks of incense for his parents, toasted a glass of thin wine, and finally kowtowed three more heads together and left.

The phoenixes hovered here in the demon world, and countless spiritual fruit pastries and candies fell from above.Not long after, Luo An'an and the excrement shovel officer came out of the Demon Emperor's Tomb, and saw a crowd of palace demons kneeling down in the outside world.

"Congratulations to your little highness on marrying the imperial concubine, and may your highness and empress forever, and love forever!" Those palace demons shouted in unison.

"Okay, reward!" Mo Jiuxiao waved his hands grandly. He wanted to hold back the smile on his face, but he was so happy today that he couldn't hold back at all.Yingsha immediately stood up and said to Mo Jiuxiao, "Honor, thank you for your reward, Your Highness!"

The other palace demons also followed with joy and said: "Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!"

Seeing this, Luo Anan waved at Blue Lake and said something softly.Blue Lake nodded clearly, and then quietly backed away.

When Mo Jiuxiao and Luo Anan boarded the Luanjia and returned to the demon world, Mo Jiuxiao asked curiously: "What did Luo Luo and Lanhu say just now?"

A certain grinned: "Secret."


Luanjia really flew back to the demon world, and seeing the nine phoenixes from a distance, the fox attendant beside the demon emperor excitedly said: "Auspicious time - here", and respectfully invited the princess son-in-law to enter the hall to pay homage!

At this moment, both Mo Jiuxiao and An Baobao were really nervous.The two of them no longer held hands directly, but also held the two ends of a red silk, and walked slowly into the hall under everyone's attention.

"One bow - heaven and earth!"

Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an turned around, stood facing the direction of the sky outside the hall, and bowed deeply together.It happened that Immortal Jinhao was standing outside the hall. At the moment when the two men bent down, Immortal Jinhao suddenly felt that there was an extra person in his body, and he was relieved and sighed at this.

"An'an, brother, I hope you will be happy this time." A voice exploded in the mind of Immortal Jin Hao, "After receiving your worship, brother will admit to Mo Jiuxiao. From now on, Heavenly Dao will never deliberately embarrass him again .”

(End of this chapter)

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