Chapter 2429
These words, before Immortal Jin Hao could figure it out, the mysterious feeling floated away again.Baby An, who had straightened up again, seemed to have noticed something, and stared blankly at the sky outside.Only then did I realize that at some point, the clouds in the sky turned into a dazzling golden color, and turned into little foxes one after another. They all looked simple and cute, and they looked like they were made by the Lord God.

In just a split second, An Baobao almost burst into tears.

"Thank you, brother." Luo An'an said silently in his heart, and then came Fox Attendant's higher-pitched voice: "Second thanks - Gaotang!!!"

"Luo Luo." Mo Jiuxiao called Luo An'an lightly, reminding her to turn around.A certain one suddenly realized, and immediately faced the father, queen and queen together with the shit shovel officer.

When she looked up, she found that the demon queen's eyes were full of tears, and the demon emperor's eye circles were also deeply red.

Seeing the expressions of his parents, An Baobao couldn't stop crying anymore, and tears fell down.This frightened the guests around the ceremony. Only Mo Jiuxiao calmly wiped Luo Anan's tears from the beginning, and gently comforted him: "Luo Luo doesn't cry, it's not good to cry on a happy day. Don't worry, after Jiuqing I will stay with you in the Demon Palace, and we will not go anywhere, and we will always be with Father, Queen and Queen."

Lan Hu cleverly joked on the side: "My lord, if you want to change your mind, you have to salute the princess first! Then you can still ask your majesty for a change fee!"

These words caused many guests to laugh out loud, even the Demon Emperor and Demon Queen also laughed.Seeing this, the fox attendant who shouted the salute was relieved, and said with a smile: "Princess son-in-law, hurry up and salute. Bride and groom, two salutes!!!"

Only then did An Baobao smile and bent down towards the Demon Emperor and the Demon Queen together with the excrement shovel officer. As soon as he got up, Mo Jiuxiao couldn't wait to shout respectfully: "Father, Queen Mother."

As a result, the guests once again laughed out loud in good faith.Lord Yaohuang rolled his eyes helplessly, and finally took out a storage ring from his hand and threw it to Mo Jiuxiao: "Here you go, your kid's change fee is definitely worth calling you Father Emperor."

Mo Jiuxiao accepted it from Shanruliu, and the Demon Queen naturally prepared a copy, and ordered the fox girl beside her to hand it over to Mo Jiuxiao.

"Boy, thank you, Father and Queen." Uncle Mo called out again at the right time.

Seeing that the atmosphere was just right, the fox waiter struck while the iron was hot and shouted loudly: "Husband and wife worship each other, and the house is full of children and grandchildren!!!"

It was time for the husband and wife to salute each other. At this moment, the palms of the two hands holding the red silk were sweating, but they didn't know it.Mo Jiuxiao looked at Luo Anan stupidly, and Luo Anan also looked back at Mo Jiuxiao.At the same moment, the two of them connected with each other, stepped back slightly and bowed respectfully towards each other.

Such a bow has almost the same meaning as the "I am willing" at a Western-style wedding.

Careful people can find that Mo Jiuxiao is the one who bends down first, and also the one who lowers his head the lowest.This represented his surrender to Luo An'an. For a long time from now on, he was willing to spend hand in hand with Tu Shan An'an, bowing his head for her, for the rest of his life.

However, in just two or three seconds, in the hearts of the two of them, it seemed as long as centuries.During these few seconds, all kinds of things from the past and present flashed through the minds of the two people, and the picture finally fixed on the other party smiling at themselves in wedding clothes.

Shi Chence hid in the crowd and watched this scene quietly. The moment Luo Anan lowered his head, he heard clearly that his heart was broken.

He told himself: Shi Chence, your girl has found the one she wants, and it's time for you to let her go.

This fulfillment, it should be the last thing he did for An'an.

After Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an got up together, a special bond was formed around their bodies.This is the seal of the Taoist couple, which means that they are a real couple in heaven and earth.

Hu Shi was overjoyed, held back the excitement in his heart and continued to shout: "Li Cheng——!!!"

After finishing speaking, the fox attendant clasped his hands and stepped forward and said, "Congratulations princess, congratulations son-in-law!"

At this moment, the Demon Emperor and Demon Empress smiled gratifiedly.Immortal Jin Hao outside the hall also nodded slightly when he saw this scene, with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

Eggy, who was originally wrapped around Shenlong Wang Ao Rui's body, suddenly jumped out, excitedly circled around the two of them and said, "Bride and groom kiss! Kiss!"

"..." An Baobao and Mo Jiuxiao turned black at the same time, Eggy is so bold that he dared to tease them.

Seeing the guests shouting "kiss one" one after another, and the two young highnesses looking very shy, the servant fox immediately made a rescue and said: "It's time for the new couple to enter the bridal chamber, please bring the princess back to the palace with the prince-in-law."

Mo Jiuxiao nodded slightly, and this time he simply threw away the red silk and hugged the fox's waist, nodded slightly at the demon emperor and queen, and said, "Father, queen, and mother, the minister there will take Luo Luo back to the palace first."

The Demon Empress smiled and nodded, while the Demon Emperor snorted angrily.

Seeing this, Luo Anan and Mo Jiuxiao blushed and walked out under the eyes of everyone joking.When he reached the gate, Mo Jiuxiao suddenly hugged Luo An'an, held her lips domineeringly, and kissed her fiercely.

Everyone: ... 噫~~~~~~~
After the kiss was over, An Baobao blushed and slipped into the shit-shoveling officer's arms, refusing to show her face.At this time, Uncle Mo looked at the single guests of a kind of guests with complacency, and said in a provocative tone: "Isn't it just a kiss? I even have a wife, so what should I be afraid of? Thank you all for coming to join me and Luo Luo today." Luo's wedding, I also wish you all can find your favorite Taoist couple soon, and experience Jiuxiao's current happiness personally."

A simple translation is: Hahahaha, I have a wife, don’t you singles?Hahaha, this kind of happiness is something you single dogs can't experience!

This time, Uncle Mo was outraged, and everyone was discussing that he must be drunk so that he would not be able to have a bridal chamber tonight!For this proposal, Lord Yaohuang also agreed, and even secretly wanted to join the drinking army.However, the demon queen glanced at him lightly, and Tu Shanling immediately stood still, very, very serious.

"Jiu Xiao should go and go back." The demon queen got up and said slowly, "You help him deal with the guests, I'll go and see An An, remember, don't drink too much."

The Demon Emperor was aggrieved and said: "My dear concubine, today is a day of great joy for us, should I still drink a certain amount of alcohol?"

"Who said you?" The demon queen was extremely indifferent, "I mean, look at this kid Jiuxiao and stop letting him drink too much. If necessary, you can help him block a few drinks. Really, who cares what you will I won't drink too much."

Tu Shanling: ... err, my wife doesn't love me anymore.

At this time, Wang Ji of the Green Fox Clan looked left and right, and finally grabbed the teacher Wang Ji beside her and asked in a low voice: "Master, have you seen Hu Jiuxiao? Didn't he come today?"

(End of this chapter)

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