Chapter 2436 Seeing Old Friends

A hidden family crisis was resolved so easily.

As a result, a faint smile finally appeared on Qu Shengge's face, and the original cold emotion between the two was instantly resolved a lot.

An Baobao and Mo Jiuxiao looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

"Let the two children solve the ownership of the Xiling Pill by themselves." Qu Shengge let go, and walked slowly to Feng Qingyang's side, "We are parents, so don't worry too much. I believe the two The kids won't let us down."

Hearing this, Feng Qingyang nodded slowly: "Actually, I also think so."

Mo Jiuxiao, Luo An'an: ... Then why do you bother making trouble for so many days?

In the end, Mo Jiuxiao and Luo Anan left Wudao Peak with a little guy in their arms.Jing Chen, Lan Tingyi and the others had been waiting at the foot of the peak early.

"I have seen Venerable Mo, Venerable Luo." Jing Chen bowed his hands and bowed.

"You don't have to be so introverted." Baobao poked Doudou's face with her mouth puffed out, and Doudou pouted, but she still didn't dare to cry due to Baobao An's majesty. "You guys should still call me uncle, even if I ascend, I will still be your uncle."

Hearing these words, Jing Chen was not as dull as before, so he nodded his thanks and said: "Then forgive Jing Chen for overstepping, Master Luo, Lord Mo."

Lan Tingyi also yelled.

Although Mo Jiuxiao was also holding a drooling baby in his arms, he was still calm and majestic: "Tianmen Sect is well taken care of by you, you have wasted a lot of thought."

Lan Tingyi smiled wryly: "Lord Mo is joking. We made a lot of mistakes when we first started, but fortunately, we have gained some experience after a long time."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, and now that the sect is in your hands today, we are very relieved." A certain one nodded with a smile.

It was rare for the two of them to blush when they heard the praise from Luo An'an.At the same time, Luo An'an also clearly noticed that Lan Tingyi always stood obediently behind Jing Chen, like a young daughter-in-law following him.Not only that, but the two of them also looked at each other frequently, and they looked a little more harmonious than before they ascended.

Seeing this, a certain one couldn't help sighing in his heart: ... a good man will eventually become a foundation!Should a boy find a boy of the right family?

Thinking about it, An Baobao couldn't help but glance at the shit-shoveling officer, and suddenly thought in his heart: If she became a man, would the shit-shoveling officer still like her?

This idea was heard by Mo Jiuxiao, and a certain master quietly transmitted voice to his fox: "Don't say you become a man, even if you become a eunuch, I would like it."


Hearing the sweet and greasy love words of the shit shovel officer, a certain brain couldn't help but think: What if I become a thick black man with a height of 1.9 meters and a strong figure with thick legs?Can the shit-shoveling officer still be so heavy-handed?
This time, Uncle Mo looked elsewhere.

A certain anger: Their love really cannot stand the test! ! !

However, at this moment, Mo Jiuxiao suddenly said through voice transmission: "Luo Luo, as a fox, you also have a lot of hair on your legs, so I don't dislike it either."

quibble!An Baobao glared at the shit shovel officer angrily: nonsense, which fox has no hair on its legs?Unless alopecia areata.

The two carried Doudou and Chuichui to the canteen of Tianmenzong. The long-lost taste and aroma made Anbao almost shed tears of nostalgia.

All the disciples of Tianmen Sect stared at the two of them in a daze, and were stunned: This, this, these two ancestors really came back?

A burst of hurried footsteps suddenly broke the calm. Doudou grabbed An Baobao's shoulder and looked towards the source of the sound, but saw Ren Xingzhu and Ren Ya.

"Uncle Luo, it's really you!" Ren Xingzhu shouted excitedly, striding up to Luo An'an, slurring his speech: "My brother and I gave up the mission and came back just after hearing the news. Really! When did you come back, did you have something to do?"

Ren Ya also looked at them expectantly, especially looking at An Baobao greedily.Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao stood in front of Luo An'an calmly, and said calmly: "I'm married to Luo Luo, so come back and have a look."

In a word, another big bomb was dropped.

Although everyone thought that Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an would get married sooner or later, they were still a little shocked when they actually heard the news.Together, this is...together?No shocking twists and turns?

"Yeah!" Bubbles suddenly popped out of Chui Chui, and he slapped Uncle Mo's face with a slap, successfully turning Uncle Mo's face black.

Hold on, this is the uncle's own son, don't throw it away!Mo Jiuxiao told himself this in his heart, and then slowly and forcefully took off Chui Chui's little hand and placed it in the swaddle.Hmph, I will never have a son with Luo Luo in the future, it's better to have a daughter!

"Ah!" Baobao An suddenly exclaimed again. It turned out that Doudou had vomited milk, and it covered her all over.Not to mention, the little guy even soiled his swaddling clothes. This scene made Baby An, who always loves cleanliness, a little crazy.


Luo An'an's helpless voice brought all the disciples back to their senses, Ren Xingzhu stepped forward to take Doudou, wiped his face and changed his clothes very skillfully, as if he had done it a thousand times.

A certain one looked at this scene in surprise: "Do you still watch children?"

Ren Xingzhu snorted quite complacently: "Uncle Shi forgot, I have a younger brother? I took care of Shi Qian when he was a child. A year ago, Shi Qian also had a child, and I also took care of him for a few months. What? Maybe you won’t be able to look after children!”

"Shi Qian has grown up too." Hearing Ren Xingzhu's words, the stubborn little figure from back then reappeared in Luo An'an's mind. "How is Shiqian now?"

When mentioning his younger brother, Ren Xingzhu's face suddenly became more gentle: "I am becoming more and more responsible, and I have high demands on myself, and I can be regarded as a wise king. I am also very similar to my father."

Uncle Mo at the side also walked over slowly with Chuichui in his arms and asked, "Why don't you send the child back to Aunt Qu?"

"No." The clean, fragrant and soft Xiaodoudou won the favor of Baby An again, "Jiuqing, let's go, let's take Xiaodoudou and Chuichui to see Senior Brother Lin and the others."

Mo Jiuxiao nodded slightly. Seeing that the two were about to leave, Ren Ya finally couldn't help but waved and said, "Uncle Luo..."

"Huh?" A certain one turned its head and looked at him suspiciously, as if asking what's wrong with you.

"...It's nothing." Ren Ya slowly put down his hand, and suddenly smiled: "Are you married? Congratulations."

An Baobao blinked, smiled at him and said, "Thank you."

Everything has returned to the proper track, Ren Ya looked at Luo Anan's leaving back, and his heart was clear: So to her, he can only be a passerby.

But that's fine...

(End of this chapter)

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