Chapter 2437
Originally, I wanted to catch up with Senior Brother Lin, but I was told that Senior Brother Lin and Senior Brother Wang had gone out to practice, and now I don't know where to retreat.Although An Baobao felt a little regretful, he still saw the son Sheng'er and apprentice Sheng Ming that they had given to Senior Brother Lin.

The original little guys have also grown into men, they are all talents of Tianmen Sect!

"Well, Hua Qingcheng has left?"

Hearing this news, Luo An'an was more or less surprised. She originally thought that Hua Qingcheng would settle in Tianmen Sect for the rest of his life.

Sheng'er poured a cup of tea for Luo An'an and Mo Jiuxiao, while shaking his head helplessly: "No way, Uncle Hua's son fell seriously ill, Haiyan said he had a way, so he forced Uncle Hua to go back with him."

It's over, a certain one secretly thought in his heart, this is a meat bun beating a dog, and he will never return!

It's better to take time to see Ah Cheng another day.

Thinking of this, two more storage rings appeared in Luo An'an's hand, and he handed one to Sheng'er and Sheng Ming: "Good boy, accept it, this is a gift from Auntie. Don't refuse."

"Aunt An'an, I don't want it." Sheng'er reluctantly refused, "The resources you gave me at the beginning have not been used up yet, and I have become a rich man in everyone's mind. The storage ring Take it back."

Sheng Ming glanced at the contents of the storage ring, and was also taken aback, not daring to accept it.

A certain one put on a serious face and said old-fashionedly: "Nonsense, the elders can't refuse the gift, so take it away. Your Aunt An An is rich and powerful now, and this resource is not even a drizzle to me."

Hearing what his own fox said, Mo Jiuxiao held back the desire to laugh.His fox is really... getting more and more funny, and the elders can't deny it. This is like the tone of a 80-[-]-year-old lady!
"Then I can't ask for it either." Sheng'er is a child who doesn't take hard things, and doesn't accept other people's things easily. It can be seen that Lin Shiyuan and Wang Niantang's education is still very successful.

An Baobao had a headache: "You two have been practicing stupidly all these years, right? Why are you being polite to me? Sheng'er, your life was saved by me and your Uncle Jiuxiao, and it is also the Lingguang Continent that we brought you to. As for Sheng Ming, I saved your city when you were not sensible, and gave you such a name. I see you as my own children. If you call me aunt, don’t bother with me this point."

She has been very restrained in giving gifts!Why don't you dare to accept it!
At this time, "Uncle Jiuxiao" also said lightly: "Take it, don't make your Aunt An An unhappy."

Hearing this, the two children could only nod their heads restrainedly, and accepted the things obediently: "Then thank you, Aunt An An."

Now An Baobao was unhappy again: It's not fair, why did the two children not listen to what she said so much, but they obeyed obediently when she shoveled shit?Isn't she as popular as the shit shovel officer?

Simply incredible.

Seeing the two little fat pigs in their arms humming and wanting to nurse again, Luo An'an and Mo Jiuxiao had no choice but to go back.

After playing comfortably in Tianmenzong for half a month, the beasts also have their own places to go.Eggy is still clinging to Wu Guang, while Bao Zhun followed Hu Yu back to his hometown to visit relatives with a stern face.Yueliu and Xingluan stayed in the space and practiced safely.

As for Linlang and Lingyue, they naturally went to double cultivation again.The two sides are like a competition to see who can create a cub first.

This is also a pain for An Baobao, who suffers from backache and leg pain every day, and often secretly calls Mo Jiuxiao a beast.


Afterwards, several pairs of mysterious guests visited Tianmenzong one after another.

The first pair are An Baobao's old acquaintances, Li Zhuo and Feng Yu'er.

When seeing Li Zhuo for the first time, An Baobao couldn't believe her eyes, which helped her to ask: "Li Zhuo, Li Zhuo, what did this pig-killing knife, Sui Yue, do to you?"

A good handsome man has directly become an ordinary uncle!Her long hair covered her peach blossom eyes, her clothes were simple and heavy, but she looked like an old man who was over fifty years old.

Before Li Zhuo could speak, Luo Anan held his wife's arm and wailed, "Yu'er, I was wrong, I shouldn't have agreed to this marriage in the first place! To marry such a person, my Yu'er really suffered Ah! How about you reconcile, I will definitely help you find a better man to be... hmm."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Yuer stuffed a piece of dessert into An Baobao's mouth.After Feng Yu'er married as a woman, she has more soft and plump beauty than before, and because of this, she looks even more unsuitable for Li Zhuo.

"Okay, Li Zhuo is fine, I don't plan to change people anymore." After finishing speaking, Feng Yu'er gave Li Zhuo a light look, "You too, it's fine to dress like that on weekdays, why are you still like this today? You must be joking, you deserve it."

Uncle Mo also laughed at Li Zhuo mercilessly: "Li Zhuo, you look like you are thousands of years older than me."

Even though we haven't seen each other for several years, it's great that we can still chat as intimately as before.But now one word from one person is enough to smash Li Zhuo's self-esteem into scum, he helplessly shook his head and begged for mercy: "I know I was wrong, everyone, please be kind and stop laughing at me, okay?"

"Not good." Luo Anan circled around Li Zhuo a few times, looked up and down, and finally took out the photo stone: "I'm going to record your current appearance and show it to your children when the time comes He laughed at you along with it."

"Don't, ancestor, I'm really afraid of you." Li Zhuo immediately hid in the empty hall next to him, "Wait for me for a quarter of an hour, and I promise to make a change for you guys!"

Seeing that Li Zhuo was hiding, a certain one turned around and looked at Feng Yu'er wonderingly: "Yu'er, hasn't Li Zhuo been so coquettish all the time, so why is he so slovenly? I remember this guy It's so cute and stinky."

Feng Yu'er smiled lightly, and said inadvertently, "Maybe he doesn't want to be entangled with rotten peach blossoms anymore, he's slept enough in the study."

"Yu'er is good at controlling husbands!" An Baobao gave her a thumbs up.

Hearing this, Feng Yu'er smiled shyly: "Don't talk about me, why, I heard that An An and Master Mo are married, it should be true?"

"Of course it's true, who dares to make fun of me and Jiuqing." A certain man stretched his waist with a smile, and then his expression turned ferocious in an instant.Nima, flashed to the waist.It's all the shit shoveler's fault! ! !

"Hello over there, but it's a pity that I didn't have your wedding wine." Feng Yu'er said jokingly, "An'an, you have to treat us to a good meal! It's a celebration for you."

A certain one leaned on his waist and sat next to the excrement shoveler, then stepped on his shoe "inadvertently", and finally said: "Okay, isn't it just a wedding wine. I don't have much else here, and the wine is enough."

"But you have to pay for it." The money fan said with a foxy smile.

(End of this chapter)

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