Chapter 2440

It's like raising pigs to recuperate in Lingguang Continent for half a month, and during the period, you can still play around with the two children, which is really not too flattering for An Baobao.

And recently, I have also heard a lot of interesting gossip about Lingguang Continent. The former head wife, Miss Qing Yunzong, is now in charge of Tianmen Sect, and she has fallen in love with a woman.Needless to say, that woman is Yun Yan'er.

An Baobao ate a big melon and was satisfied.

During the period, Hua Qingcheng came to see Luo Anan with his children, and Haiyan followed him closely.Luo An'an was about to receive them, but Mo Jiuxiao frowned, put away the God's Domain card in his hand, and sighed: "Luo Luo, I'm afraid I have to go back to the Demon Realm again."

"What's the matter?" Luo Anan also looked at him worriedly, suddenly feeling something bad in his heart.

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on Mo Jiuxiao's face: "I underestimated the demon lord, I didn't expect him to still have the ability to disturb trouble after all this."

"It doesn't matter, I'll go back with you."

After Luo An'an finished speaking, he was about to say goodbye to Feng Qingyang, but was stopped by Mo Jiuxiao: "No need, you finally come back once, don't rush to leave. I can go back alone, you can stay here to play, I'll come back to you when I'm done."


Mo Jiuxiao's considerate words did not please An Baobao, on the contrary, a certain one looked suspiciously at the shit-shoveling officer: "Shit-shoveling officer, you don't have anything to hide from me, so you don't want me to go to the devil world .”

"What can I hide from you?" Mo Jiuxiao laughed dumbly, "Otherwise Luo Luo will go back with me?"

Luo Anan took a closer look at the excrement shovel officer, and after finding out that there was no problem, he waved his hand in disgust: "Then you go, I won't go with you. I just can rest for a few more days after you leave."

Speaking of this topic, Mo Jiuxiao's face darkened: "I hope your balm will be used up before I come back."

A certain one stuck out its tongue mischievously: "Don't worry, I will prepare some more."

After speaking, An Baobao was afraid of being beaten, so he trotted out of Qinglin Peak to meet the guests.However, what she didn't know was that after she left, Mo Jiuxiao breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had escaped from death.

There's no way, Uncle Mo pretends to have no change of expression on the surface, but in fact he is sincere!Because although troubles are happening in the demon world at this moment, it is not the former demon ancestor who caused the trouble, but his former "concubines".

These women were originally sealed in the Demon Palace, but for some reason recently, the seals are on the verge of crumbling!
Mo Jiuxiao figured it out with his toes, these women must not be released.Otherwise, the world would be in chaos for him!
Fortunately, I just fooled the fox.

When Luo Anan came back after seeing Hua Qingcheng, Mo Jiuxiao had already packed his things and was waiting to bid farewell to Baobao An.

Suddenly, great reluctance arose in Mo Jiuxiao's heart. He couldn't help but hugged the fox tightly into his arms, as if he wanted to insert her into his body.A certain one was slightly taken aback, then suddenly grabbed the shit shovel officer and blurted out: "Jiuqing, don't go back to the devil world, okay?"

After saying this, Luo An'an was taken aback for a moment.Strange, why does she have such an idea?

Luo Anan looked at himself grabbing the shit shovel officer's hand, and suddenly spoke as if subconsciously.

A certain one immediately let go and turned around, curled its lips and said, "It's nothing, just think I'm losing my mind just now."

Suddenly, a pair of hands passed through her waist and encircled her. Luo Anan's small face was suddenly dyed a thin red, only to hear a magnetic chuckle from behind: "Lolo, this is Miss me?"

"No!" An Baobao snorted twice, and said inappropriately: "But you have to remember to come back early, what does it look like to be the only one on my honeymoon."

"Okay, listen to Luo Luo."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jiuxiao kissed the fox's forehead forcefully, and then said: "Then I'll go first. By the way, I have already terminated the master-servant contract with Xingluan, and his ownership will be arranged by you in the future."

Luo Anan stared at him with wide eyes in confusion: "The contract was terminated? Why?"

"I don't know." Uncle Mo said frankly, "If you want to do it, you can do it. Maybe it's because Xingluan and I have a master-servant relationship."

What she said made the unreasonable uneasiness in Luo An'an's heart worse, and she couldn't help telling: "Your cultivation base is still very weak, you must be careful in the devil world, I will let Yan Xiaoer protect you. "

"Understood." Mo Jiuxiao straightened up, and slowly let go of Luo An'an with a helpless smile: "I can't hug you anymore, or I don't want to leave."


No matter what, Mo Jiuxiao went to the Demon Realm.

Strange to say, since Mo Jiuxiao left, An Baobao lost his energy.Sitting there listlessly all day, unwilling to move lazily, the whole person became more and more tired, and could not arouse any interest except eating.

This made Qu Shengge often tease her: "Jiu Xiao has taken your soul away with him."

A certain one said cheekily: "After all, we are newlyweds, so it's normal..."

Qu Shengge let out a laugh, then touched her soft little hair and said, "Don't worry, that kid Jiuxiao must be the same as you. He is probably thinking about how to come back to you sooner. Since he is idle Why don't you just go and watch our sect disciples practice, so you can guide them."

Baby An lazily covered his mouth and yawned: "Aunt Qu, I have already ascended and still have to lead the work of "Master Luo"?"

"No way, who made you their good uncle?"

In the end, Qu Shengge pushed Luo An'an to watch the competition of his disciples.They said they wanted her to point them out, but in fact, the moves of these rookies who were new to the Tianmen Sect were full of loopholes, and it was as if they were watching a comedy.An Baobao, who is an uncle, laughed out loud and irresponsibly, but he seemed much more energetic.

Speaking of the Demon Realm, Mo Jiuxiao and Yan Xiaoer had already gathered together.

Uncle Mo didn't feel very good on this trip, so to be on the safe side, he hired Yan Xiaoer to be his bodyguard.The two looked around the seal carefully, but they still couldn't see why the seal had weakened for no reason.

In the end, Mo Jiuxiao had no choice but to say to Yan Jun: "Then you should go out and strengthen the seal, presumably with your cultivation base, the people inside will not be able to break through the seal."

Yan Xiaoer nodded slightly: "This is the only way to go now."

Just after finishing these, Yingsha flew over with a serious face, and blurted out: "It's not good, Your Highness, the devil has escaped!"

"Escape?" Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao's eyes turned cold in an instant, and his eyes were full of sharpness, "I have abolished his cultivation, so he can still escape? Could it be that he grew wings and flew?"

(End of this chapter)

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