Chapter 2441 Luo Anan is Pregnant

Ying Sha also shook his head with a bad face: "I don't know, I just reported the news. Now I have ordered someone to check. But the devil alone has no such ability, and someone must help him leave !"

Although he didn't want the devil to die, he also didn't want the devil to make a comeback.Otherwise, the devil world will never be peaceful!
"Brother." Yan Jun said suddenly at this time, "You said...the one who weakened the seal and the one who rescued the demon lord, could it be the same person?"

"Impossible." Mo Jiuxiao said lightly, "This is a seal left tens of thousands of years ago. Who do you think has the ability to break it? Maybe that person has the ability to save the devil, but there is absolutely nothing he can do about this seal. "

After finishing speaking, Mo Jiuxiao was concerned about the presence of Yingsha, and said metaphorically: "After all, you must be very clear about the power of this seal."

"Hey, then who is idle and has nothing to do to fight against the elder brother, who is not good to save, but to save a useless person?"

"Heh." Mo Jiuxiao sneered, "I also want to know about this question. Come on, follow me to have a look!"

In the ice prison, the prison demon guarding was trembling and kneeling on the ground, and Mo Jiuxiao, Yan Jun, and Yingsha were standing beside him.

Yan Xiaoer looked it over carefully, and finally frowned: "There is nothing? Who the hell is so thoughtful in doing things. We walked in through the gate all the way, but we didn't find anything unusual."

After saying this, he saw that the temperature around Mo Jiuxiao's body suddenly cooled down. He raised his feet and looked at the shackles beside his feet, and finally said lightly: "...the whole room smells like foxes."

He had a fox in his family, so he was very sensitive to even the slightest smell.

"Fox smell? Is it there? Why didn't I smell it?" Yan Xiaoer sniffed around, but there was nothing!
Mo Jiuxiao ignored him, and just said indifferently: "Fox, the only one who hates me and is thoughtful and thoughtful is Hu Jiuxiao, who is known as the number one luthier in the Six Realms."

Yan Xiaoer looked at all this with a frown: "It's him?"

"It's not surprising." Mo Jiuxiao stepped out of the cell, and said to Ying Sha calmly, "Go, order someone to search! Strictly guard the entrance between the demon world and the demon world, and prohibit any monsters from entering or leaving!"

Ying Sha nodded: "Yes."

Yan Xiaoer followed and walked out of the cell, and he couldn't figure it out: "Is there something wrong with Hu Jiuxiao? He didn't come to stop you and your sister-in-law getting married that day, but now you are doing this again. What's the point?"

"Probably to make me unhappy." Mo Jiuxiao looked at the passage in the prison with his hands behind his back, and the scene of how Hu Jiuxiao rescued people seemed to appear in front of his eyes. "Besides—"

He turned around and looked at Yan Xiaoer firmly: "How do you know that he didn't want to stop that day? Unfortunately, he didn't have this chance."

Hearing this, Yan Xiaoer asked curiously, "Why no chance, what happened?"

"That guy Shi Chence has a conscience, learned a trick from you, and tied up Hu Jiuxiao who was looking for his alliance drunk." Mo Jiuxiao lowered his head slightly and said in a deep voice, "It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't. "

When the two walked out of the ice prison, Mo Jiuxiao suddenly said coldly: "Hu Jiuxiao thought that this would make me unhappy, but I don't know that I don't care about the life and death of the demon lord, and I don't care whether they will take back the demon world. Yan Xiaoer , We will leave after the seal is strengthened."

"Since they want this Demon Realm, let's give it to them." Uncle Mo said casually.


Today, Luo An'an suddenly lost his appetite.

Originally, her appetite had increased, and she suddenly got tired of eating one day. She didn't want to eat when she saw this, and she felt tired when she saw that.Now the carnivorous fox changed his temper, and happily gnawed on vegetables and fruits every day, and the crunchy cucumbers with fragrance and the sweet and sour red tomatoes became her favorites.

In the words of the beasts, that is "the sun has come out from the west recently".

The result of this was that Luo An'an's chin sharpened at a speed visible to the naked eye, which made Qu Shengge feel bad.Thinking that Luo An'an really likes her dishes, Qu Shengge personally cooked a table of special fish dishes and invited Luo An'an to have a meal.

"It smells so good!" Luo Anan was very excited at first.Aunt Qu's fish cooking skills are always top-notch, the fish is delicious and tender, and she really misses it after not eating it for so long.

Feng Qingyang was holding a child in one hand, and he was in a good mood seeing Luo An'an coming: "An'an is here, sit down quickly. Your Aunt Qu hasn't cooked for a long time, if it wasn't for your blessing, I wouldn't be able to eat her cooking Where's the fish?"

They were all from their own family, so An Baobao would naturally not be polite to them.When the dishes were all served, a certain one scooped up a spoonful of the delicious-looking milky white fish soup with chopped green onions and put it into his mouth while drooling.However, the next second...


As soon as the fish soup is in the mouth, what sweeps the taste buds is not the deliciousness as imagined.The fishy smell quickly descended through the entire mouth like a storm.A feeling of nausea surged up from his throat in an instant, Luo Anan had no choice but to spit out the fish soup.

This frightened Feng Qingyang and his wife, Qu Shengge immediately supported Luo An'an and asked anxiously: "What's the matter, An'an, you don't feel well?"

"Aunt Qu, did you forget to add cooking wine to this fish soup?" A certain fish rinsed its mouth with tea with a bitter face, "It's so fishy, ​​it's like eating raw fish?"

Hearing this, Qu Shengge was stunned: "... fishy?"

Qu Shengge took a sip of the fish soup, was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Feng Qingyang: "You want to try it too?"

Seeing that the expressions of these two people were not quite right, Feng Qingyang took a sip with suspicion, and finally said in surprise: "This soup is quite delicious, not fishy at all."

Only then did Qu Shengge slowly say, "I've tasted it and it's fine."

Now the problematic one naturally became Luo An'an.

If it is placed on a normal person, when they see the old story of throwing up when they smell fish, they must be shocked and tell the truth "you are pregnant"!
However, none of the few present were thinking about this.

"Oh my God!!!" A certain animal covered its face in horror, "Is there something wrong with my sense of taste? What's going on! I can't lose my sense of taste!"

Qu Shengge's first reaction was also thinking the same, so she immediately said in a hurry: "An'an, quickly check your pulse, what's going on? Why is there something wrong with your sense of taste?"

Luo An'an also hurriedly put his hands on his pulse, quietly examining her.

A few minutes later, Luo An'an's expression suddenly became indescribable.Qu Shengge also gradually started to go wrong, why is this situation so similar...

"I'm pregnant." "You're pregnant."

The two stared at each other and shouted in unison!
A certain "Teng" stood up suddenly. Although she judged the result by herself, Baby An still chose not to accept it: "Impossible, how could I be pregnant? It must be a wrong diagnosis. Uncle, you can find me again." An elder with medical skills came to help me look!"

(End of this chapter)

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