Chapter 2445 Willing to live and die with you

Just when the demon emperor and the demon queen were so nervous that they were about to beat their drums, Luo Anan suddenly opened his mouth and wept silently.There was something murmuring in her mouth, but she never made a sound.

The demon queen leaned close to her mouth and listened carefully, but she still didn't hear anything.

Now the demon queen was nervous, she gently lifted her daughter up with a flustered expression: "An'an, what's wrong with you, don't scare the queen mother. Doctor fox, let doctor fox come in!"

Hearing the voice, Luo An'an just turned his head to look at the Demon Queen in a daze, and said in a very soft voice after a long while: "Mother Queen... the contract between me and Jiuqing is gone."

"Jiuqing is dead, right?"

Hearing this, the demon queen's heart seemed to have been severely smashed by something.She held her daughter tightly in her arms and choked with sobs: "No An An, Mo Jiuxiao treats you so well, how could he be willing to leave you alone. Don't worry, he will definitely come back!"

"...It's a lie." Luo Anan looked at the still bright red mandarin duck wedding bed, and shook his head dully: "He won't come back. He died the first time, and he died the second time. This time Died again. His luck is so bad, there is no chance to live again."

After finishing speaking, Luo Anan lay gently on the bed, still not crying: "Queen, please invite Yan Jun here, I have something to ask him."

"An'an, if you feel uncomfortable, just cry." This kind of Luo An'an was more serious than the demon emperor imagined, and he looked at his daughter distressedly: "Let's just cry, An'an, just cry out."

"I don't want to cry." Luo An'an responded to Tu Shanling's words dryly and stiffly, and said in a tone that could not be refused: "Call Yan Jun."

Seeing this, the Demon Emperor had no choice but to ask the fox girl to find Yan Jun.

At that time, Yan Xiaoer had already cried several times in a corner.

"...Little sister-in-law." No matter how soft the voice was, it couldn't hide the crying.

Luo Anan raised his head slowly, and looked at him with cold eyes like that: "Yan Jun, I ask you to protect Jiuqing, why is he still dead? Who... killed Jiuqing!"

"Tell me completely, don't miss a single word!"

Yan Xiaoer was immersed in grief and self-blame, and narrated the scene of that day word by word: "I don't know... That day, the demon master recovered his cultivation and made a comeback, and wanted to take my brother's life. My brother doesn't want me Help, I fought with the devil myself."

"It was the devil who killed Jiuqing?!!!" Luo An'an's eyes burned with flames and overwhelming hatred in an instant, but his voice was cold and outrageous.

"It wasn't him!" Yan Xiaoer immediately denied, "The Demon Lord lost to Big Brother, and was finally killed by Big Brother!"

Hearing this, Luo Anan held the red quilt tightly, bit her lip fiercely and said, "Then, who is it!"

Facing Luo Anan like this, Yan Xiaoer bowed his head in silence for a few seconds, and finally burst out crying: "I don't know who killed Big Brother!"

Luo Anan directly tore off the brocade quilt in his hand, his cold and sharp eyes seemed to be able to smash the person in front of him into pieces: "I don't know, how could you not know!"

"Brother killed the demon lord, and when he was about to come back... something happened suddenly." Yan Xiaoer covered his eyes and let tears fall, "Suddenly his soul flew away, there was no sign at all, just a breath of time !"

Hearing this, Luo Anan was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly cried and laughed: "Hahaha, what is this, you died for no reason, what is this!"

After finishing speaking, she suddenly ran out barefoot, and cried out to the sky, "Give me an explanation, what is this, what is this! Didn't you promise me to let him go? How could this happen! Why? !!!”

In the next second, Luo Anan's figure disappeared in place.This scene shocked Yan Xiaoer for a moment, but when he sensed the trembling power in his bones, Yan Xiaoer seemed to understand something again, and stood there quietly waiting.

Luo Anan was dazzled, and found himself standing in the place he was most familiar with.At this moment, she was thin and barefoot, even wearing only a white middle coat.

"An'an." A familiar and gentle voice sounded from behind her.

Luo An'an turned around with a dull face, and rushed towards the main god with his sword in the next second.However, the tip of the sword softened into mud before it touched the main god, and finally fell off from the hilt.Luo Anan was also gently held in the arms of the Lord God, just like the Lord God held her as a baby hundreds of millions of years ago.

"An'an, do you want to kill brother?" The smile on the Lord God's face remained unchanged.

Even though there was only the hilt of the sword, Luo Anan still planned to stab it without hesitation, and said coldly, "You killed him first!"

There was a trace of injury in the eyes of the Lord God, he raised his head slightly, grasped the cold sword hilt effortlessly, and finally said firmly: "I didn't."

"I do not believe!"

Luo Anan looked at him indifferently: "Besides you, who else in the world has this ability!"

"It's really not me." The Lord God's face turned cold, "An'an, you should trust brother."

"I used to believe in you." Luo Anan threw away the hilt, and a sharp dagger appeared in her hand. She held the dagger high in both hands and stabbed at the Lord God mercilessly. "But I believed in you so much, but you let Jiuqing die twice! Do you think I will still believe in you!"

Speaking of the past, the Lord God felt very guilty, but his tone was still firm: "I swear, it's really not me this time. If I do this, I will lose my love forever and never be consummated!"

Even if it is the main god, the oath cannot be said casually.

Hearing this, the dagger that was about to be pierced on the main god's body slipped from Luo Anan's hand weakly to the ground with a "dang".

"It's really not you." Luo Anan was at a loss like a child who lost her way, she shook her head and murmured: "Who is that, I have to avenge Jiu Qing, otherwise how can I die with peace of mind? "

Hearing this, the face of the Lord God changed immediately, he grabbed Luo An'an's wrist and asked: "An'an, are you going to do this again! Every time that kid dies, you die again!!! Is he the only one for you? Is it important!"

As he spoke, the Lord trembled with pride: "Brother revived you again and again, not for you to ruin yourself for him!"

"Then help me revive him!" Luo An'an roared, tears streaming down her face, she wiped her tears with her cuff and murmured, "I don't want anything, I don't need to be a nine-tailed fox or a demon emperor My daughter, you don’t even need to practice, I only want Jiuqing. Brother, can you give me Jiuqing? You can turn back time, right, please let Jiuqing come back.”

"An'an." The Lord God touched his sister's head distressedly, and finally said with difficulty: "I'm sorry, I can't do it."

"Even if you do it all over again, Mo Jiuxiao will still die." The Lord God sighed softly, "Whether you believe it or not, this is his fate."

(End of this chapter)

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