Chapter 2446 Lost the meaning of survival

"His life?" Luo Anan tugged on the Lord God's collar in pain, crying and laughing madly: "Why, why should his life be like this! Why is it not anyone who sacrificed, why is it always him! Why!!!"

The Lord God lowered his eyes: "An'an, even we are not able to control everyone's life."

After saying that, Luo Anan jumped off the main god with a sudden smile, then took out a knife and pointed it at his neck and laughed wildly: "Okay, okay, since I can't control his life, then I will control my own life! I'll accompany him when he was born, and I'll accompany him when he dies! It's not the first time in life and death in the same acupuncture point, I admit it!"

Hearing this, the Lord God snatched the knife back with a cold face, and inserted it into the white jade pillar in the distance.

Luo Anan went to grab the knife with tears in his eyes, but was grabbed by the Lord God's wrist: "An'an, why do you decide your own life and death! Don't forget, you are not alone now, and there is still blood in your stomach. Mo Jiuxiao's child!!! You die and it dies with you, so are you satisfied?"

"...Child?" Luo Anan's expression froze, she touched her stomach unconsciously, as if she had forgotten that she still had a child.

"Yes, you and Mo Jiuxiao's child. An'an, Mo Jiuxiao is dead, do you have the heart to let his only flesh and blood in this world not even have a chance to be born?" The Lord God shook his head and looked at her disappointedly, "If you I won't stop you from dying, but I know that if you die, Mo Jiuxiao will hate you."

Luo Anan took a few steps back on tiptoe, with disheveled hair on her face, and said, "Jiuqing's child and I..."

"An'an, Mo Jiuxiao lost his parents since he was a child, so you know how much he has suffered." Seeing Luo An'an's expression moved, the Lord God continued to speak earnestly: "Do you think he would want his child to be like him, who will die soon after birth?" No father or mother? You are so self-assertive, have you ever thought about Mo Jiuxiao?"

The villain murmured blankly with a pale face: "That's why I can't die..."

"That's right, you can't die." The Lord God's tone was very firm.

After a few seconds of silence in the air, Luo Anan suddenly grabbed her hair and fell to the ground, crying like a child "wow": "...but I should live my whole life for this child Are you alive!!! Without Jiuqing, what is the meaning of my life! He is dead, I feel that every breath of air I breathe is cold, and all my warmth in this world is gone! I can't save him , I don’t even have the right to die with him! You always think that my life is the best, but for me, every minute and every second of life is suffering, do you understand!!!”

After all, An Baobao lowered his head and choked with sobs: "What I want... from beginning to end is nothing more than Mo Jiuxiao! Brother, I want to accompany him. He is so cold and lonely by himself. Let me accompany him." , let me accompany him..."

That kind of cold, that kind of cold, lingers around her all the time.Without Mo Jiuxiao, she felt as if she was alone in the world...

Since Jiuqing was returned to her, why did she take it back again! ! !
Seeing his sister mourning more than death again, the main god was naturally distressed, he slowly stood up from his seat, gently hugged Luo Anan's head in his arms and sighed heavily: " An'an, if possible, I hope I can die on behalf of Mo Jiuxiao to make up for what I have done... But I can't do anything, we are all the same. "

After finishing speaking, the Lord God waved his hand gently, and Luo Anan, who was still crying, suddenly fell asleep.Then the main god picked up Luo Anan's small body that had suddenly become thinner, and his solemn eyes fell on Luo Anan's stomach.

At least it's coaxing people now, but if An An knows the truth, I'm afraid...

When Luo Anan woke up again, he found that he had returned to the Demon Emperor's Palace.The bright red quilts, the room full of red, everything seems to be ironic at this moment.She looked at all this indifferently, turned around and buried her head in the quilt.

There is still a little breath of Jiuqing here...

"An'an, you're awake." The demon queen walked over cautiously and looked at her daughter's expressionless face, and said softly: "I found a lot of natural and earthly treasures beside your bed, which have already been stewed Yes. Let's eat something, ah."

Luo An'an touched his stomach lightly, but remained silent.

Seeing this, the demon queen suppressed the bitterness in her heart, and she gently helped her daughter hold the quilt: "An'an, you are no longer alone. Take care of yourself and your child, even if that child Jiuxiao has... happy."

"Yeah." Luo An'an suddenly said lightly, with a hopeless expression: "This child is the only reason for me to live."

The demon queen's tears fell down: "An'an, don't think so, the queen mother is afraid..."

Facing the demon queen's tears, Luo An'an remained indifferent and turned his head away gently.

At this moment, Luo An'an hates the world, everyone, especially herself.A tear slipped silently from the corner of her eye, and quickly fell into the red quilt, wet the eyes of a mandarin duck.

From then on, Luo Anan never smiled again.

Lingyue and Linlang, who sensed the sharp fluctuations in their master's mood, also exited the level cautiously. Seeing them, Wu Yilin immediately wept and sobbed: "It's not good, Master Lingyue, my master Mo Jiuxiao is dead! You and Lord Linlang, hurry up and unlock the master!"

Ling Yue looked at her coldly: "Ye Wu, you can't joke about this!"

The sadness that Ye Wu had endured for a few days also burst out in an instant: "Am I crazy to joke with you like this! The contract imprint left on me by the master has completely disappeared!!! He is dead!!! "

The other beasts in the space were also wearing white clothes with mournful faces, especially Xingluan, his originally big and beautiful eyes had swollen into walnuts, he hung his body on Yueliu, tears still falling .

These words made Lin Lang scream in shock: "What, isn't the master..."

At this moment, Lingyue's face really changed, he rushed out of the space, and saw Luo An'an lying on the bed like a lifeless puppet.

Seeing Luo An'an's distraught appearance again, Lingyue's voice was suddenly so dry that he couldn't speak.He felt that all comforting words were too pale and powerless at this moment, and had no effect at all.

In the end, Ling Yue sat in front of Luo An'an's bed, and slowly said: "I remember you were like this last time. You killed yourself, and I was also damaged. I have been wandering around for these years... I finally found you again."

While talking, Lingyue couldn't continue.He looked at Luo An'an almost begging: "Master, please...cry. We are all worried about you..."

(End of this chapter)

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