Chapter 2451 Cubs Die ([-])
After Mao Yiqing crawled out of Luo An'an's arms, he did not return to the space, but ran towards the outside of the palace in a hurry, and found a very secret place by himself.

Cats are always like this. When they know they are going to die, they will run out of the house to prevent their owners from seeing their dead bodies.

After setting up a strong barrier around him, Mao Yiqing let out a long breath.It had the small dried fish that Luo Anan made for it in its mouth, and there was only one piece left. At first, it was reluctant to eat it, but would be a waste if you don't eat it.

The black cat gnawed on the small dried fish, chewing even the crispy fish bones into its stomach one by one.It reluctantly raised its head to lick the residue at the corner of its mouth, and even more reluctantly glanced at Luo An'an's palace.

No one knew that if anyone in this world could save Mo Jiuxiao, then only she could.

And Mo Jiuxiao's soul dissipated in the world, and died very thoroughly, but everyone forgot that she had just bit off a piece of Mo Jiuxiao's soul when she was just born next to the ghost world's soul incense pool.

That piece of soul was not digested by it, but miraculously remained until now.

Today's Mao Yiqing only regrets that he didn't have the heart to bite a little more of his soul back then, otherwise it would be easier to revive Mo Jiuxiao now, and his chances of surviving would be higher.

The Nine-Life Cat feeds on spirit bodies, and its birth can drain Yan Jun's entire soul fragrance pond. It can be said that it itself is the best soul-replenishing substance.Coupled with the innate supernatural power of the Nine-Life Cat, he has comprehended a set of secret methods that can make up the remnant soul into a whole soul, otherwise even the Lord God would not be able to save Mo Jiuxiao...

Because the raw material for replenishing the soul is only Mao Yiqing.

Today's Mao Yiqing must sacrifice his own life to supply Mo Jiuxiao with his soul, and use secret methods to help him restore his soul.Mao Yiqing silently looked at the nine tails on his shadow, the nine-life cat, nine lives in exchange for one Mo Jiuxiao, it should be feasible...

Its life was saved by An An, and it seemed nothing to die for An An.It's just that it is a little bit reluctant to part with everyone, these friends who are very good to it...

However, it was time to say goodbye.

Thinking of this, Mao Yiqing spit out Mo Jiuxiao's soul, cut his palm to draw a blood formation, and chanted incantations.In an instant, the blood array erupted with a faint blue light, and a steady stream of blue light beams passed from Mao Yiqing's body to the small piece of soul.

At the same time, there was a slight wind blowing between the heaven and the earth, especially in the demon world, the demon energy suddenly surged violently.

The shadow of the Nine Lives Cat on the wall dimmed a little bit, and then one tail disappeared, two tails disappeared, three, four, five, six...

By the time the last tail was left, Mao Yiqing's body had shrunk considerably.It struggled to look at Mo Jiuxiao's soul that was not yet fully formed, and said in his heart: Not enough, the remaining tail is not enough!
Damn bastard Mo Jiuxiao, why is it so difficult to revive him!
Mao Yiqing thought silently: This is really about to die.

It not only needs to replenish Mo Jiuxiao's soul, but also sacrifices the remaining lifespan to replenish Mo Jiuxiao's soul.This is really... a dead end.

But it's worth it to make An An happy.

After a long time, the wind suddenly stopped, and the last tail disappeared.

At the last moment when he closed his eyes, Mao Yiqing thought silently: An An, don't feel sorry for me...

Also, it didn't know that sacrifice would hurt so much...

An old gray cat lay quietly in the middle of the blood array, its body was still getting smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared into the sky and the earth.

But the soul body next to the cat left here unsteadily, and returned to the Demon Emperor's Tomb in the Demon Realm.

The devilish energy in the Demon Emperor's Tomb suddenly exploded, which had never happened in thousands of years.


"Zaizai!!" Luo Anan, who was sleeping, was suddenly awakened by the nightmare, and when he woke up, he touched his arms, but it was empty.

Even so, Luo Anan's heart was still very uneasy, she immediately entered the space, grabbed Lin Lang and asked, "Where is Zai Zai!"

Lin Lang was startled: "Zai Zai... didn't come back?"

Luo An'an has been blocking the connection between the space and the outside world these days, so Linlang and the others don't know what happened at all, and they just go outside to accompany Luo An'an as Zai Zai.

"Zai Zai is gone, where did it go?" After saying this, Luo An'an's stomach suddenly hurt, she sat down with her waist supported, and said unsteadily: "No, I have to find Zai Zai, I Dreamed that something happened to it."

Luo An'an hasn't said so many words for a long time since she came back from the main temple. Ling Yue poured a cup of tea for her and gently comforted her: "Master, don't worry, cub is a cat with nine lives. It’s really okay to be in danger.”

These words did not make Luo An'an feel relieved, on the contrary, her heart kept beating nervously.Finally, Luo Anan stood up again and said anxiously: "...Lingyue, you and I will look for it together!"

Ling Yue had no objection to this, but said: "I can go alone, master, you are too busy now, you should wait for news in the space."

In fact, Ling Yue was afraid that Luo An'an would be hurt again when he saw Zai Zai's accident.

Luo Anan originally wanted to veto it, but now his stomach hurts again, and he doesn't know what happened.

Therefore, she could only rest in the space and wait for news from Lingyue.

As soon as Lingyue left the space, he felt bad: No, the smell of that kitten seems to have disappeared? ... Could something really happen?
Thinking of this, he didn't dare to stay any longer, but just searched for the place where the smell of the kitten was the strongest.Finally, a blood formation was found in a hidden small cave, and the formation was full of the smell of Mao Yiqing.

It's kitten's blood...

Lingyue has seen this type of formation, the sacrificial formation.Ling Yue's heart sank all of a sudden, he looked around the cave carefully, and there was no trace of a fight at all.Only a small bell was placed in the center of the blood array, which was put on by the owner himself for the kitten. Although the kitten didn't like it very much, it cherished it and never took it off.

The bell is actually a magic weapon for storing things. Ling Yue glanced inside, his heart suddenly turned cold, and the spiritual imprint on the magic weapon was gone.

Only when the kitten dies, the brand will disappear...

Inside the bell, there was only a piece of paper left.

It said on the paper: My life is gone, please keep me safe, thank you.

It didn't write why it died, and it didn't write who it was sacrificed to. There was only this sentence, so that people who saw this piece of paper kept the news of its death from Luo'an.

The marks made by the claws were written by Mao Yiqing himself.

Lingyue only felt a heavy heart, and it was impossible for him not to be touched by Mao Yiqing's death.Mo Jiuxiao is dead, and so is the kitten...

So many things, how can the master bear it!

At this moment, Ling Yue couldn't help sighing a little, but fortunately the master didn't follow, otherwise he would faint on the spot when he saw this scene.

Finally, he packed up the bell, put the note back, and left with the blood-stained dirt.

(End of this chapter)

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