Chapter 2452 The New Devil Emperor
Finally, the soil was sent to the ghost world by Lingyue and handed over to Yan Jun for disposal.He can't take it back, otherwise Zai Zai's death will definitely not be hidden from Luo An'an.

"Lingyue, where's Zai Zai?"

Seeing that Ling Yue came back empty-handed, the ominous premonition in Luo Anan's heart grew stronger, but Ling Yue shook his head and smiled easily: "Zai Zai has gone to the ghost world."

Luo Anan looked at him suspiciously: "Did you see Zai Zai with your own eyes?"

"That's right." Ling Yue nodded, and at this moment he couldn't care less about telling a lie.He only knows one thing, and that is that the master must not be stimulated again.

At this point, Luo An'an was slightly relieved.


At this time, earth-shattering events are also happening in the devil world.

The Demon Emperor's Tomb has always been full of demon energy, but unfortunately no one can convert it into cultivation, which is a pity for the people of the Demon Realm.But now, there was a sudden riot in the Demon Emperor's Tomb, and the large amount of demonic energy stored in it decreased like crazy.

This situation continued for several months, and finally on one day, a gloomy light erupted in the Demon Emperor's Tomb, and a man who was completely wrapped up slowly came out from it.Every time he took a step, the entire Demon Realm trembled three times...

Shocked by this coercion, all the demons knelt on the ground in horror. At the same time, the seal of the palace that was originally reinforced by Mo Jiuxiao and Yan Jun suddenly broke, and a group of enchanting women filed in from inside. Flying out, he knelt down in front of the man and said softly, "Congratulations, Lord Demon Emperor, for returning to the Six Realms!!!"

The palpitations in the hearts of all the followers of the devil city shouted: "See the devil emperor, the devil emperor will last forever!!!"

The man waved his hand, and his black robe fluttered with the wind. His voice was full of calm domineering and flamboyant: "I have returned, and everyone is awake!!!"

As soon as the words fell, bursts of light erupted one after another in the Demon Emperor's Tomb, and then one after another, the highly cultivated demon generals slowly came out of the Demon Emperor's Tomb, and knelt down in front of the man, shouting "Master Demon Emperor!" For generations to come".

Seeing this scene, the man said coldly: "Follow me back to the palace."


The news of the birth of the new Devil Emperor spread throughout the Six Realms within a very short period of time.

Yan Xiaoer was startled, the Demon Emperor calmed down, and all the gods became serious. As for Luo An'an... her stomach still hurts.

Yan Xiaoer immediately visited the new devil emperor. He had a premonition that the new devil emperor should be his eldest brother, otherwise who would have the qualifications to be the devil emperor?Didn't you see that the rulers of the Demon Realm only dared to call themselves Demon Lords?

However, he didn't expect that after going to the Demon Realm, he would be in vain.He was received by a group of enchanting and beautiful concubines: "Yan Jun, what a coincidence, Lord Demon Emperor has gone to retreat, and no one can see him."

Yan Xiaoer recognized this group of people at a glance, they... seem to be the group of women that he and his elder brother sealed before, huh?

At this moment, Yan Jun's heart immediately thumped: Oh my god, could it be said that the eldest brother is really reborn? ? ?Otherwise, how could these women be released?But it's not right, if the eldest brother comes back, he should go to see sister-in-law An An immediately, right?
And now...

Looking at this group of concubines competing for splendor and beauty, and thinking about the laboriously pregnant An Baobao, Yan Xiaoer was speechless: Big brother, you might just kill yourself right after resurrection! ! !

However, no matter how anxious he is, he can't see anyone now, and there is no way to confirm whether the new devil emperor is Mo Jiuxiao.Thinking of this, Yan Xiaoer was afraid that Luo An'an's mood would fluctuate greatly after knowing the news, so he immediately left the Demon Palace and hurried to the Demon Palace.

He had to discuss a countermeasure with the Demon Emperor.

"What!!!" The demon emperor was so angry that he heard the news, "You mean that the new devil emperor is probably that bastard Mo Jiuxiao!!!"

Yan Xiaoer reminded weakly: "I is very likely, but his identity has not been fully confirmed yet."

With a "snap", the demon queen slapped the fan on the jade table, and uttered a sentence coldly: "The birth of the devil emperor, the devil concubine of the 72nd palace, and the devil general of the 980th road, really are so majestic!"

Yan Xiaoer explained with a shy face: "Maybe there is some misunderstanding..."

"Bah, there's no misunderstanding!!!" The Demon Emperor said fiercely with his eyes wide open, "I almost died when my daughter gave birth to him and became a widow for him!!! It's good for him, he left my family, An'an, to have a good time alone !!!Heli, no, let An An divorce him!!! By the way, let An An see clearly what she is marrying, this kind of rubbish is worth her life and death!!! Oh, I will one day I want to chop off two ounces of meat from Mo Jiuxiao's crotch!"

These words made Yan Xiaoer's legs feel cold, and he thought to himself: It's over, I did something wrong.At the same time, he asked for help the always cold-faced Lord Demon Empress with the eyes of "you come to judge the reason".

Unexpectedly, the demon queen's red lips parted slightly, and she snorted coldly: "That's right, if Mo Jiuxiao is really dead, it's fine, if he lives again...then this account has to be settled."

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor said happily: "Aifei also thinks that An An should be told about this?"

"No!!" Yan Xiaoer loudly stopped, "My sister-in-law is not in good health, and it is really inappropriate to have too much mood swings. Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, the Demon Empress, you all have to think about my sister-in-law's health!"

At this moment, Luo Anan stepped into the palace door gently, and said coldly: "What are you thinking about?"

Yan Xiaoer's body froze for a moment, he turned around mechanically, his brain almost froze in fright: "Small, little sister-in-law, why are you here!!!"

Luo Anan supported his stomach and sat straight to the side, and finally said expressionlessly: "... I heard that there is a new devil emperor in the devil world, I'm going to have a look."

"You, you know everything?" Yan Xiaoer stammered, too frightened to speak well.It's over, I'm dead, brother, I'm sorry for you! !

An Baobao casually glanced at Yan Xiaoer's terrified face, and said lightly: "What are you afraid of, if this devil emperor is not Jiuqing, I will naturally not do anything."

"...but what if it is?" asked in a weak tone.

"Yes?" Luo Anan sneered and raised her cold eyebrows: "I'm a widow, so naturally I have to be honestly widowed! Otherwise, how can I be worthy of my days of suffering day and night for decades!"

Hearing this, the Demon Empress looked at her daughter worriedly, and hesitated to speak: "An'an..."

"Don't worry, queen mother, I'm fine." Luo Anan looked down at her slightly protruding belly, and said flatly, "No matter what, I will take good care of myself and my child."

Damn shit-shoveling officer, you dare to accept the concubine Mo! ! !
Just wait, if you really touch one of them, it's over for both of us! ! !She, Tu Shan An'an, will become the most famous pretty widow in the Six Realms who committed suicide by herself! ! !
 Congratulations to Uncle Mo for being reborn and starting his daily life of dying.La la la, sprinkle flowers~
(End of this chapter)

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