Chapter 2453 The Devil Emperor Suspected of Amnesia

Seeing that the big one was firm and the young one couldn't be persuaded, Yan Xiaoer sighed tiredly, and finally said: "I'll go with An An."

"No need." Luo An'an raised his head and looked at the sky slowly, "There is a spirit to protect me, and nothing will happen. This is a matter between me and him, and I will solve it myself."


Speaking of which, why did Luo An'an know that the new devil emperor must be Mo Jiuxiao?Wasn't it because the Lord God told her immediately: "An'an, your Mo Jiuxiao is back."

Luo An'an was so shocked that he almost had a myocardial infarction, and for a while he thought that Brother Lord God was joking with him.But when did the Lord God speak a lie?
Therefore, Luo Anan calmed down for a long time, and listened to the main god continue to say unconsciously: "But this kid is very lucky, and he has 72 beautiful concubines just after he came back. I don't know if he still remembers the family Pregnant yellow-faced woman."

With a "click", the pair of chopsticks that Luo Anan held in his hand broke.

No matter how many thoughts and excitements, they were all wiped away by these words.

72 concubines, hehehe, Mo Jiuxiao, I'll go, you, lord! ! !


When no one knew about it, Luo Anan quietly left the Demon Palace and traveled to the Demon Realm.

She shuttled back and forth freely between the Demon Palace, and no one could see her when she was invisible.In the end, Luo An'an found the place where the Devil Emperor retreated, so he simply stayed outside and waited.

After several months of guarding like this, the Devil Emperor left the customs.

The man was still tightly covered by the black robe, only a pair of Luo An'an's familiar eyes were exposed, blood-red eyes filled with endless coldness.

"Who!" The Devil Emperor suddenly stopped in his footsteps, and yelled towards a deserted corner with a feeling in his heart.

In the next second, a thin figure in light yellow clothes appeared in front of his eyes. She was a woman with an extremely delicate appearance and a somewhat familiar feeling. In an instant, the heart of Lord Demon Emperor jumped up inexplicably.So he didn't act in a hurry, but said coldly: "Who are you?"

The person who came did not speak, but just widened his tearful eyes, staring at him in shock but fixedly, with thoughts, tension and unconcealable grievances in his eyes, and tears fell down in a rustle. Drop by drop is so hot.Looking at the woman's tears, the Devil Emperor's heart suddenly became sore and swollen for some reason, like a distressed feeling.

Ridiculous, he is the ruler of the devil world, the devil emperor of the six realms, how could he feel sorry for a woman?And it's a woman you don't know?
This must be a woman who came out of nowhere and wanted to seduce him!

Just when the Devil Emperor wanted to yell at him to leave, the woman suddenly rushed forward and kissed his mouth viciously, her movements were jerky and bold.And the devil emperor was also very surprised that his first reaction was not to throw the person out, but to hug him carefully in his arms.

It's like it's been done a million times.

For a moment, a thought flashed in the Devil Emperor's mind: Why is this woman so thin, it hurts to hold her, such a woman should be fattened up.

Afterwards, Lord Demon Emperor felt that his collar was being grabbed by the little woman in his arms, and his whole body was being led towards the bed.


On the second day, the Devil Emperor sat on the bed with his upper body bare and pensive, thinking about something solemnly, and he was almost holding an afterthought cigarette in his hand.

He was thinking about some unbelievable things, for example, why would he want a beautiful woman who was so unreserved when he just met?This woman was obviously trying to seduce him, but he actually took the bait?

For another example, why is such a suspicious person like him so excited to eat this woman again and again when he senses that this woman's mind is impure, and the food is so delicious?


The Devil Emperor looked at the sleeping fox with a slightly protruding belly beside him with a complicated expression. Nima, he not only wanted a woman who once belonged to someone else, but also a pregnant fox with a baby! ! !

This is simply not him!

He only heard a "wow", and saw the fox slowly wake up, and finally leaned into his arms and squinted his eyes enjoying his abdominal muscles with his paws.

An Baobao had already seen the face of the new Devil Emperor yesterday, it was very good, it was exactly the same as the one who shoveled shit, exactly.Hehehe...

Seeing that the person woke up, the Devil Emperor said something he had thought about for a long time: "...just treat it as a mistake yesterday, and I will make it up to you." Don't contact me in the future.

Hearing this, Baby An blew up, and directly bit the shit shovel officer's arm: "What do you mean, do you want to take responsibility for it? You don't even want your wife and children! Beast!"

Lord Demon Emperor felt that this woman was unreasonable, he immediately drew a line and sneered: "Oh, I didn't break your body? Besides, whose child are you pregnant with?"

"Your!!!" Luo Anan said confidently.

Immediately afterwards, the back of the fox's neck was picked up by a big hand, and the Demon Emperor sneered: "Woman, do you know that Gu was just resurrected not long ago? If you want to climb up to Gu and live a good life, you have to find a decent reason. "

An Baobao gritted her teeth bitterly in her heart: Nima, it's amazing to lose your memory!It's really a rebellion to pretend that your wife and children have no rights, and you dare to talk to her like this! ! !

However, this bastard lost his memory...

Thinking of this, the fox's eyeballs rolled around a few times, and when he looked up again, the eye sockets were full of tears. He didn't speak, just looked at Mo Jiuxiao so sadly, and there was only one sentence in his mouth: "You slept with me, you can't sleep with me." don't want me..."

Devil Emperor: "But the first person to sleep with you is not me."

"But you slept with me..."

"You are pregnant with another cub, do you want me to be your father?"

"But you slept with me..."

The Devil Emperor couldn't bear it anymore: "You seduced me on the initiative!"

The fox just kept crying: "But you are still asleep..."

No matter what, the Devil Emperor is the one who is wrong.

Lord Demon Emperor is wandering back and forth between "irresponsible scumbag" and "he who wants to be a father" and doesn't know how to choose.Seeing this, An Baobao gritted his teeth and hated secretly, but suddenly burst into tears on his face, and slammed his body straight into the hard bedpost: "Bastard, I'm dead!!!"

The Devil Emperor panicked, and immediately blocked her, and agreed in a bewitching manner: "Okay, okay, I'll leave you as an orphaned woman, but let's say it first, this child is not an orphan, so I don't want an orphan."

An Baobao still cried loudly: "This child is so pitiful. My father is a big scumbag who cheats the fox's feelings irresponsibly and even has impotence, premature ejaculation, premature death and premature birth. I am so pitiful. You are so irresponsible! I have no face to live!"

Lord Demon Emperor listened to the words of scolding "baby's dear father" and it didn't sound right, why would he want to beat the fox angrily?


"Your man is dead?"

"Yes, the baby is a poor little widow fox (widow)."

(End of this chapter)

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