Chapter 2454 The Second Devil Emperor

A certain one scolded the shit-shoveling officer with peace of mind, pretended to wipe away tears and said pitifully: "If you are irresponsible, then you are also a scumbag..."

Hearing the fox in front of him say that her man was dead, Lord Demon Emperor felt a little secretly happy and a little sour because he didn't know why, and always felt that this was not something to be happy about.But no matter what, he, the receiver... seems to be determined.

"That person is really a bastard." The devil emperor pinched the fox's skinny and thin body, the only thing that had flesh was probably the pregnant belly, "But since I have become an lonely woman, then forget about that man." Already! From now on, I will follow Gu, and I will never let you become so skinny. Serving Gu well, will not be without your benefits!"

"Yeah." A certain fox agreed indiscriminately, thinking in his heart: stay at the first step, success!
Just like that, a fox lived in the Devil Emperor's bedroom ever since.When the devil emperor ordered people to come to see Luo Anan's body, all the devil generals looked at the devil emperor in shock: ...I didn't expect that the devil emperor has such a strong taste, he doesn't like big beauties, and he likes pregnant wives!
And there are human and animal plots...

Sure enough, after so many years of death, did he finally become abnormal?No wonder those concubines tried their best every day, but they couldn't see the devil emperor.

Seeing this, some quick-witted people couldn't help but turn their minds away: ...Since Lord Demon Emperor has such a unique taste, shouldn't they find some pregnant little monsters to breathe?

Ever since Luo Anan successfully relied on the shit-shoveling officer, a certain petty temper came up. Relying on the fact that she was a pregnant woman, she worked hard and tossed the shit-shoveling officer vigorously, in order to repay herself for having suffered so much for him for so many years. Bitter kindness! ! !

"Take it away, I won't eat it!"

The plates containing the most exquisite delicacies were all kicked off the table by a certain fox. Seeing that the devil emperor had turned black, a certain fox said aggrievedly: "These things are not delicious, I can't eat them~"

"What do you want to eat, let them do it." Although the devil emperor was a little angry, but seeing that the fox is so thin, he endured it!
"They can't make the taste I like, it's useless."

The Devil Emperor got angry: "Then don't eat it!"

Thinking of him as a majestic devil emperor, he not only spared precious time to eat with this fox in his daily affairs, but also specially ordered the palace devil's menu. I didn't expect this fox to be so good. !

Seriously complied with that sentence: Women can't be used to it, otherwise they will kick their noses and face very quickly!
An Baobao threw himself on the shoulder of the excrement shovel officer, groaning and chirping: "But the Lun family is hungry, it doesn't matter if I don't eat, but I'm pregnant with your cub! What can you do if you are so hungry, the supreme prince of the devil world?" manage?"

Now the devil emperor became even more angry, and he picked up the back of the fox's neck and gritted his teeth fiercely, "Woman, you not only want Gu to be the scapegoat, but you also want the child of the wild man to become the orphan's prince and inherit the orphan's legacy." Demon Realm! Hmph, Gu knew that you had a purpose in seducing Gu, and you really had a lot of ambition!"

What responded to him was a long "cuckoo—" sound from Baby An's stomach, and a certain innocent blink of an eye: "I'm hungry."

Devil Emperor: Nima, this woman is really not afraid of death!He's talking about serious things, how dare you say you're hungry!
Although the Devil Emperor really wanted to say domineeringly: How dare you plot against a woman, come here, break into the dungeon, and starve her to death!

However, when he touched Luo An'an's big watery eyes, his heart softened for no reason, with a trace of unspeakable guilt and... fear.

"Tell me, what do you want to eat?"

No, no, he wouldn't say that, um, this woman must have cast a spell on him and fascinated his soul aperture!
An Baobao rubbed his shriveled stomach, and then said in an insatiable way: "I want to eat your fried rice with shrimps, and a tomato, egg and seaweed soup."

"...But Gu can't do it!" The Devil Emperor gritted his teeth.

A certain one yawned a little: "How do you know if you don't try?"


"Hurry up, I'm starving to death!"

"...Woman, you are fine!!!"


When a certain one took the last bite of shrimp fried rice into its mouth, it held the soup bowl contentedly and said, "Isn't this delicious? It seems that you are very talented in cooking. I want to eat sauerkraut tonight." Fish and Tomato Beef Casserole."

Hmph, shit-shoveling officer, you think you can stop cooking if you lose your memory, don't think so!

The devil emperor was immersed in why he could cook, he didn't pay attention to what Luo An'an said, he just responded indiscriminately: "Yes."

It's really unbelievable, he can actually cook, he can put all the sauce, vinegar, and smoke, and he is very skilled in the movement of turning the spoon. Could it be that the soul of those years he died was reincarnated as a cook?

No, it must be because he is a genius, the kind who can do everything.Uncle Mo rubbed his chin and thought deeply and proudly.

Luo Anan, who was full, felt warm in her stomach, and she shook her feet in comfort, and it was rare to see everything pleasing to the eye.However, the next words from the shit shovel made her furious again.

"Woman, I give you a favor." The Devil Emperor held the little girl in his arms, couldn't help rubbing her slender and well-proportioned fingers, and coughed twice: "Tell me, what title do you want. Although you He came from a humble background and was just an ordinary widow fox living in the Demon Realm (Luo An'an said it himself). But since you can come to the Demon Palace in a daze, it proves that you are destined to be lonely. Although your breasts are also small, but..."


Before the Devil Emperor could finish his sentence, he was kicked on the face by a certain foot: "Stop talking nonsense, personal attacks are prohibited!"


The devil emperor calmly took the little foot with the same beautiful shape from his face, kneaded it in the palm of his hand, and said solemnly: "Woman, Gu intends to make you a concubine, you can choose the title yourself."

After finishing speaking, the Devil Emperor proudly closed his eyes, waiting for the crazy little girl to throw herself into his arms and thank him loudly.However--

"Concubine Feng!!!" Luo Anan blew up on the spot, wishing she could kill the shit-shoveling officer with one bite.Nima, no matter how nice the concubine is, she is nothing more than a concubine!Demoting your wife as a concubine, Mo Jiuxiao, you are really good!
Hehehe, not to mention that she almost forgot, Nima, this bastard still has 72 concubines. If it weren't for the fact that these people are all "historical issues", she would have regarded shit shovels as ribs Chopped!

Thinking of this, Luo Anan held back all kinds of emotions, forced a slight smile, and said "kindly" eyes: "Concubine Feng? What grade?"

Although this smile was very sweet, it made Lord Devil Emperor feel inexplicably shuddering. He turned the "ordinary concubine" in his mouth and swallowed it, and changed it: "How about the noble concubine?"

"Imperial concubine—" Luo Anan raised her voice, and looked at Mo Jiuxiao with a "smiling smile". "It sounds amazing, how is it compared to other women?"

(End of this chapter)

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