Chapter 2477 Mo Jiuxiao who restores memory ([-])

The Devil Emperor felt that after his rebirth, he had never been so desperate! ! !

Looking at the fox's implied smile, his premonition got worse and worse. Could it be that he did something to offend his own fox's relatives? ? ? (Demon Emperor, Demon Empress, Lord God: Nonsense, what are you talking about!!!)
However, no matter how the Devil Emperor asked, Luo An'an refused to say more.

She was waiting to see the stupid panic-stricken look of the shit-shoveling officer at the moment when the shit-shoveling officer regained his memory~
However, everything came so unexpectedly.

It was night, Baby An slept very soundly to the sound of the excrement shovel officer's magnetic reading (storybook), and the devil emperor also fell asleep to the sound of rhythmic breathing.

The Devil Emperor had a dream.

In the dream, he became very young, he walked up to a white-clothed silver-haired man in a daze, and stood there bowing respectfully.

Even he himself didn't know why he did it.

After a long time, the white-clothed and silver-haired man finally turned around, revealing his unparalleled handsome face.

He lowered his head, as if waiting for the other party to teach him a lesson.

"Sinister!!!" The man spit out two words slowly, "I even forgot to be a teacher, what use is there for you! Go to hell!"

The sharp ice sword suddenly came towards his heart, so fast that he couldn't dodge it at all.The devil emperor remembered that he was covered in cold sweat and shouted loudly: "I know I was wrong!"

Then suddenly woke up from sleep.

After waking up, the Devil Emperor gasped for breath, his mind was so clear for a moment, he suddenly realized something, and memories flooded him.

It turns out that he is not only the devil emperor, but also the husband of the fox, the apprentice of the master, and the son-in-law of the demon world.

He is, Mo, Jiu, and Xiao! ! !

... He finally remembered everything, although he was frightened by the master.

At this moment, Baby An who was on the side suddenly groaned in his heart.Mo Jiuxiao looked down, his eyes greedily looked at the fox's face over and over again.He seems to have been dead for a long time, really, really, miss the fox so much!
However, in the next second, Luo Anan's slightly swollen stomach attracted his attention.

Mo Jiuxiao suddenly realized that his fox, his most beloved big baby, had given him a baby...

A trembling hand touched Luo Anan's stomach, and Mo Jiuxiao bowed his head on top of Luo Anan, tears dripping on Luo Anan's clothes.

Mo Jiuxiao hated himself so much at the moment, he was simply a jerk!He actually left the pregnant fox for so long, leaving her to live in pain in this world alone!He couldn't imagine how the little thing who was so extreme and loved him so much survived this period of time, how hard it was...

Sorry, lolo, sorry, sorry...

More tears fell on Baby An's stomach. Mo Jiuxiao hugged the fox in his arms. He had never cried so regretfully and sadly.

And Baby An, who was sleeping, didn't know anything about it. In the dream, she was restlessly looking for a place to shelter from the rain.Ma Dan, why is the rain pouring on her belly, what if it gets cold to her cub! ! !
The night suddenly became long, and Mo Jiuxiao hugged his most precious baby, crying and laughing, and he lost his composure.

It wasn't until dawn was approaching, seeing that the sky was about to dawn, that Mo Jiuxiao managed to calm down his emotions.However, when he recalled what he did during the time when he lost his memory, there was no joy, only horror left.

Mo Jiuxiao only felt that his whole body was so cold that his teeth were chattering. He, he actually took in a woman from the first palace, and even made him a concubine! ! !
Not only that, he also clamored to attack the Demon Realm and killed his father-in-law! ! !
For a moment, Mo Jiuxiao felt that the air seemed to be thinning, and his surroundings were full of despair!It's over, how should it end now!If the fox knew that he had remembered everything, he would pack his bags and return to the demon world immediately after the fall, and his father-in-law would not let him go, maybe he would even persuade the fox to divorce him!

My life is over! ! !

Seeing that the fox is about to wake up, Mo Jiuxiao's face is calm, but his heart has already turned upside down, what to do, what to do, the little thing must be separated from him, we can't let the fox know that he has recovered his memory!

and many more!

That's right, you can't let the fox know that he has recovered his memory!Then he will pretend to have amnesia for a while, and let the fox calm down first.

In an instant, Mo Jiuxiao had already made up his mind.He affectionately kissed the fox on the forehead, then kissed her belly, then quietly got up and left the palace, looking for a place to calm down so that he could pretend.

When Luo An'an woke up at three o'clock in the morning, he didn't find anything unusual.She yawned and asked the palace demon who was grooming her: "Where is your emperor? Why is there no one in the early morning?"

The palace demon replied more respectfully than before: "Go back to Madam, Emperor Zun invited some adults to go hunting in the Demon Valley."

"Hmph, you didn't even call me when you went out to play alone." An Baobao made another note in his heart for the shit-shoveling officer, waiting for the shit-shoveling officer to recover his memory and get it back together.

It wasn't until the evening that Mo Jiuxiao arrived late.Luo Anan looked at his appearance in a hunting suit, and asked casually: "I'm back."

Uncle Mo's body stiffened for a moment, and then he let out a soft "hmm".

An Baobao didn't notice anything unusual about the excrement shovel officer either, he just chirped and chirped the gossip he had heard from the palace demon.Mo Jiuxiao listened quietly, and if he responded, he just felt that the years were quiet.

"By the way, there is something I want to inform you." A certain animal suddenly straightened its expression, and emphasized uneasy: "Remember, I'm just informing you, not asking for your opinion."

Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao only felt that his heart was soft: "Let's talk, Luo Luo."

"I'm going to send all your women away!!!"

This is the result of An Baobao's hard thinking for a day. Since Concubine Shu is dead, it's better to take advantage of this juncture to drive everyone out.Presumably those women are also afraid of death, dare not leave, right?
It's just that the current shit-shoveling officer is still the "devil emperor". After much deliberation, a certain guy thinks it's better to notify the shit-shoveling officer.

Well, it cannot be objected, objection is invalid.

However, Mo Jiuxiao was more neat than she thought.

"You said this, I have passed down the order to let them leave the palace today." Mo Jiuxiao said lightly, "Now the palace should be more than half empty."

"What!!!" The one who heard the news widened his eyes, "Why didn't anyone tell me??? No, why did you do this all of a sudden?"

"I deliberately didn't let the palace demon tell you. It's not a big deal, so why bother your peace." Mo Jiuxiao said calmly, "Just do it when you think about it. These women spend a lot of money every day, and the demon palace doesn't care about it." If you are rich, you can't raise them for nothing. Let's drive them out as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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