Chapter 2478
Xu Mo Jiuxiao's expression was so serious when he spoke that An Baobao couldn't help but look at him in horror: "Oh my god, are you so poor now?"

Can't even support seventy, no, 69 women? !
Why did she and the shit shoveler get poorer and poorer? Isn't this normal?

Because the memory has completely returned, Mo Jiuxiao's soul has also been completely repaired this time.At this time, the talent of mind reading also came back.

Uncle Mo said calmly, "Because I want to support you now. Luo Luo needs a lot of natural treasures to nourish him every day. If I raise Luo Luo, I won't be able to support other people."

Luo Anan: ... Uh, is her expense so high?
Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, it's a good thing those women are gone.

"Actually, there is a better way to nourish Luoluo." Seeing that the fox was silent, Mo Jiuxiao suddenly said this a few seconds later.

Luo Anan was curious: "What way?"

Hearing this, I saw Lord Demon Emperor's Adam's Apple moving up and down, but he said euphemistically: "Actually, if you are dual-cultivating, my cultivation base is so much higher than yours. It will be better if you supplement me. It is better than eating natural materials and earthly treasures." would be much more useful.”


Shameless person, after a long time, just say that you want to have sex, isn't it okay, and you are doing it for her good! ! !

Beasts, even the little pregnant fox!Pooh!
"No." A certain one looked indifferent, "I want to eat the treasures of heaven and earth."

Seeing that the fox disagreed, Uncle Mo pursed his lips slightly, looking a little bit aggrieved.

Now Baobao looked suspiciously at the shit shovel officer: ...why does the shit shovel look a little weird today?

Mo Jiuxiao, who read his mind in time, secretly thought that it was not good, and then calmly said in the usual "devil emperor's tone": "Then it's up to you."

After finishing speaking, someone escaped with the excuse of cooking soup for pregnant women.Leaving Baobao slowly knocking on the table in the inner hall alone, and finally frowned: No, I still feel that there is something wrong with the shit shovel officer.

Before Luo An'an could think more, there was a lot of noise outside the hall.A certain one frowned, and the palace demon asked, "What's going on outside, it's noisy?"

"Mrs. Hui..." Gongmo raised her head and said cautiously, "It's Concubine Li and the other concubines who are arguing outside to see Emperor Zun."

Reminiscent of what the shit-shoveling officer said just now, An Baobao instantly understood: "Why, they don't want to leave?"

Gongmo didn't dare to answer this question, but said: "Madam, don't worry, this slave will let them go far away, so that they won't disturb you again."

"No need." Luo Anan suddenly got up and said slowly with a smile on his face, "Seeing Emperor Zun is the same as seeing me, and they are leaving soon, so I have to go and see them off anyway."

Hearing this, the palace demon couldn't help muttering in his heart: Send, is it to send these people to the west?
Are the women in the harem the cruelest?


"Go away, I want to see Emperor! Emperor, please don't drive this concubine away, this concubine has never done anything, Emperor! This concubine has been sealed for tens of thousands of years for you, you can't treat this concubine like this!" ! Dizun, please see your concubine, Dizun!"

Concubine Li cried and pushed away her palace demon who wanted to stop her, relying on her high cultivation level, she wanted to rush into the inner palace to find someone.The other magic concubines stood aside and wept secretly. They were not as courageous as Concubine Li, and now they only hoped that this concubine would be better, so that they could see Emperor Zun to intercede for them.

But how dare the palace demons let them in?
The two parties came to a stalemate due to the disparity in numbers, and finally Concubine Li was annoyed: "Presumptuous! A group of low-level demon slaves dare to commit crimes and block my way! I won't let Kai Ben kill you!!!"

Not only did the leading palace demon show no timidity at all when he heard this, but he smiled lightly and said, "You're joking. The emperor ordered all the concubines to move out of the palace this morning. From that moment on, you are no longer a concubine. Why not?" The one who comes next commits the crime?"


These words really touched Concubine Li's sore spot, yes, why didn't she know that she was no longer a concubine?However, these people didn't even give her the chance to deceive themselves!
In an instant, Concubine Li's originally crimson eyes suddenly burst into a fierce red light, her robe fluttered in the wind, and she looked at the palace demon fiercely.

The palace demon couldn't help but take a step back when she saw such eyes. She forced herself to remain calm and said, "Concubine Li respects herself. There are rules in the Demon Palace. No one is allowed to do anything in the Demon Palace. How dare you violate it?"

"Oh, why don't I dare!" Concubine Li's whole body exuded a billowing demonic energy, and the voice of the originally immature little girl also changed. She looked at the group of people in front of her with a sinister smile, and finally showed her behavior The true face of the devil: "I can't do anything to Emperor Zun, why can't I kill you guys! Even if Emperor Zun wants to drive me away, he will never argue with me because of the death of you low-level demons!!! "

"If I say so, will I count?"

At that critical moment, Luo Anan's figure appeared at the gate of the palace.She still held a bitten apple in her hand.

Seeing Luo An'an, Concubine Li resisted the impulse, let go of these palace demons with a cold snort.She could see clearly that Emperor Zun had only this little goblin in his heart and eyes, and anyone who dared to do anything with her would end badly!
Three of the four imperial concubines were gone, so she naturally wanted to cherish her own life even more.

Seeing this, Luo An'an also glanced at the palace demons lightly: "Nonsense, although these concubines have left the palace, they were invited out of the palace by Emperor Zun. You are so brave, you dare to disrespect Concubine Li. "

Hearing this, the palace demons knelt down in unison: "This servant is at fault."

"Okay, stop doing these face-saving things." Concubine Li Gui snorted, "Since you are here, Mrs. An, I will tell you, I will not leave the Demon Palace! Where is Emperor Zun now? I want to tell her personally!"

Baby An took another bite of the apple, raised his eyebrows while chewing, and said, "Everyone thinks that Concubine Xiao and Concubine Shu are the smartest among the four concubines, and Concubine Li is the one who knows nothing, but according to Madam Ben, the smartest concubine." Concubine Li is the only one who counts. After all, you are the only one left among the four concubines now. Concubine Li, do you know that the smartest thing about you is that you don’t know how to pretend to be smart.”

"But why are you so stupid today?"

When the words fell, Concubine Li's face changed slightly, and she became sharper in an instant, and she looked at Luo An'an with subtle eyes: "I didn't expect Mrs. An to see it so thoroughly."

"That's natural." An Baobao said casually while eating an apple, "Although you prepared well that day, you actually concluded that I would not go to the appointment, so as to make Concubine Xiao anxious to do it. Concubine Shu's plan is actually yours. It is also very clear, but you are the most patient one, and you can wait until they make the first move."

(End of this chapter)

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