Chapter 2480 Review of Cause of Death
An Baobao remained calm: "What should I do? I don't know what to do, just wait."

"..." Although I knew that my own fox was the best at gloating and watching other people's jokes, I didn't expect that the little bastard would even let me go.

Uncle Mo deeply felt that the most urgent thing was to please the fox first.I hope that when the time comes, the little thing will be willing to intercede for himself.

"Lolo has been suffocating in the Demon Palace recently, is it boring? How about taking you out tomorrow?"

Unexpectedly, a certain one yawned lazily: "I won't go, I'm quite familiar with the devil world, it's nothing interesting."

After finishing speaking, a certain one was attached to the excrement shovel officer and said softly: "Jiuqing, when the cub is born, can you accompany me to the earth to have fun?" Mom, I haven't played games or read comics for so long Yes, it's so itchy.

How could Mo Jiuxiao not agree?

"It's all up to you." Mo Jiuxiao gently pressed his chin against Baobao An's head, "We can go wherever you want, stay as long as you want, and don't worry about anything."

A certain one yawned, and its eyes could not help but squint under the drowsiness: "...I don't know if Master has left the test, and if you know the news that you are alive."

After finishing speaking, Baby An's breathing became more and more steady, and he snored after a while.

Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao also heaved a sigh of relief.Thinking about the past, infinite regrets welled up in my heart.He and Yan Xiaoer returned to the Demon Realm to seal these concubines, but they didn't expect him to die here suddenly, and those women were not spared in the end.

After all, the little thing knew about it.

After putting Luo An'an gently into the soft and warm blanket, Mo Jiuxiao slowly came out of the inner hall, and his face instantly became extremely indifferent.

The palace demon came over respectfully and knelt down and said, "Di Zun, Lord Yan is already waiting for you in the outer palace."

"lead the way."

That's right, not long after Mo Jiuxiao recovered his memory, he sent someone secretly to invite Yan Xiaoer.

After all, he still doesn't know the cause of his death, what happened in the middle, and why he suddenly came back to life.All these puzzles prompted Mo Jiuxiao to ask Yan Xiaoer to clarify.


Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yan Xiaoer stood up quickly, with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes: "Brother, you really recovered your memory!"

At that time, Mo Jiuxiao had already set up a sound-proof barrier around the two of them, but he was still not at ease, and frowned, "Don't be so loud, Luo Luo doesn't know about it yet."

However, Yan Xiaoer couldn't control so much anymore. He looked at his elder brother who was still as good as before, and couldn't help his nose sore: "Brother, you are finally fully recovered. You don't know, after you died, my sister-in-law tried to find her death several times. , if Lord Lord God hadn't persuaded him, I'm afraid it would be..."

Hearing this, the temperature around Mo Jiuxiao's body suddenly turned cold, he clenched his fists tightly, and finally said weakly and painfully: "It's all my fault..."

Although he knew that his Luoluo would not have a good time after his death, but hearing this with his own ears, Mo Jiuxiao could almost imagine the haggard appearance of the stupid fox at that time!At this moment, his heart hurts a thousand times more than being cut by a knife! ! !
Suicide?How could his fox be so stupid!so far so good……

"Brother, it has nothing to do with you." Seeing Mo Jiuxiao's gloomy look, Yan Xiaoer couldn't help blurting out, "Did my sister-in-law tell you about your...cause of death?"

Mo Jiuxiao shook his head, closed his eyes and said, "I don't even know what happened at that time, but I suddenly lost my mind and didn't even have the strength to resist."

Seeing this, Yan Xiaoer tentatively asked: "Then, do you always know that sister-in-law is pregnant? How does sister-in-law treat the child? Are you not bored?"

"How can it be boring!" Mo Jiuxiao frowned deeply, and said displeasedly: "My child and Luo Luo, of course Luo Luo is very happy."

Now Yan Xiaoer was finally relieved, and then he said boldly: "Brother, I have something to tell you, you can't be angry!"

"What's the matter?"

"It's the cause of your death..." Yan Xiaoer's voice couldn't help getting softer, "The child of you and my sister-in-law is born with a godhead, the God of God appointed by heaven and earth, and his duty is to maintain the balance of righteousness and evil in the six realms."

So far as the topic is concerned, there is no need for Yan Jun to say more, Mo Jiuxiao already understands everything.He looked at Yan Xiaoer coldly: "Si Shen??? The child of me and Luo Luo?"

"That's right. And just after you died, that child became a godhead." Yan Xiaoer whispered.

Mo Jiuxiao's face began to change in an instant, seeing this, Yan Xiaoer felt uneasy: No way, big brother is trying to care about his own child?
After a long time, only a sigh was heard: "I see..."

At this moment, Mo Jiuxiao was in a complicated mood and didn't know what to say.Unexpectedly, going around, he was destined to kill the Six Realms, but he saved the Six Realms again and again.Si Shen is actually his and Luo Luo's own flesh and blood.

What a little bastard, he actually caused his parents to suffer so much. After he was born, he would have to give his ass a hard spanking.

But that's all. No matter what the child does, he is the flesh and blood of himself and the fox.As a father, he also loves this child with all his heart and eyes.

In the final analysis, he was too useless.

Seeing that Mo Jiuxiao didn't seem to be angry, Yan Xiaoer was relieved and said, "Yeah, who would have thought it would be like this? But this child is too important to the Six Realms. With him, we will never have to I am worried that the righteous demons of the six realms will be out of balance, no matter how many children of gods and demons there are."

Mo Jiuxiao nodded: "If that's the case, it's a good thing."

Suddenly, Mo Jiuxiao suddenly remembered something, and asked Yan Xiaoer seriously: "Does Luoluo know the identity of the child?"

If the little thing knew the real cause of his death, he would definitely blame the child, right?
"Of course I know." Speaking of this, Yan Xiaoer was also very helpless, "We kept it from my sister-in-law for a long time, but we still didn't hide it. Originally, my sister-in-law had already tried to die before this, but we used the child's reason Persuade it. Don't you know, how terrible it is for my sister-in-law to go crazy when she finds out that the child killed you in the end. If you want to kill the child and die together, we can't persuade you. She probably I really have no reason to live..."

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao felt uncomfortable again.

"In the end, how did Luo Luo get persuaded to come down..." Mo Jiuxiao asked dryly.

"Little sister-in-law went to the main shrine." Yan Xiaoer sighed, "Although he didn't die, but the appearance is more uncomfortable than dying. We all think that you probably won't come back, and my sister-in-law thinks so too. Yes. She has to live with these burdens, these years have been really hard."

"Stop talking." Mo Jiuxiao supported his head with one hand, his voice was already choked up.

(End of this chapter)

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