Chapter 2481 The shit shovel officer who shows his feet
Yan Xiaoer shut up obediently.

In order to preserve his eldest brother's dignity, he turned his head away, deliberately not looking at Mo Jiuxiao's embarrassed appearance at this moment.

And Uncle Mo kept covering his face with one hand. Although no one could see his expression clearly, the sound of heavy breathing and tears falling from time to time could be clearly heard in the hall.

Mo Jiuxiao was in too much pain at this moment.

His fox, his Lolo, because how much has he suffered?He is dead, there is no more trouble, and there is no need to worry about anything.But the one who is alive has to live in pain and torture day and night, and live along with him.

Sometimes, living is more painful than dying.

After Mo Jiuxiao's mood gradually stabilized, Yan Xiaoer dared to turn his head, and immediately saw that Mo Jiuxiao's blood-red eyes became even redder.Should be crying.

Yan Xiaoer didn't know what to say, so he could only say: "I should drink today."

Men, if the bitter wine turns into sorrow, they won't be so sad.

"After Luo Luo was pregnant, she couldn't bear the smell of alcohol. Even the smell made her feel sick, so she couldn't drink it." Uncle Mo was always thinking about his own fox, and there was still a slight nasal sound in his voice.

"That's right." Mo Jiuxiao suddenly remembered something, and he couldn't figure it out: "Then how did I come back to life suddenly? I clearly remember that I was completely out of my wits at that time..."

"Brother, you should thank the cat next to my sister-in-law."

Not only Lingyue knew about Maomao's death, but even Yan Xiaoer was slightly aware of it.

Mo Jiuxiao frowned slightly, with a hint of disbelief in his expression: "Smelly cat?" Would the stinky cat want to save him?Is it almost enough to kill him?
"Don't you believe it!" Seeing this, Yan Xiaoer couldn't help but fight for the injustice and said, "Brother, do you still remember that you were once bitten by that cat, and half of your soul was gone? It's just such a little soul saver I took your life. The cat used his own blood sacrifice to replenish your soul, and it was only when you deserved your life that you came back."

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao couldn't help being silent for a moment: "...One life for another, I don't know if it's worth it."

"But if you can come back alive, my sister-in-law will get better." Yan Xiaoer shook his head, "That cat is willing to exchange his life for you. The only nine-life cat in the world is gone. I don't know. When will the Nine Lives Cat appear next time?"

Mo Jiuxiao smiled wryly: "I didn't like that cat in various ways before, but now I think I owe her once. If I had known that she took my things, I wouldn't have bothered with her..."

Yan Xiaoer also smiled wryly and said, "There is no one in this world who knew earlier. By the way, this is the fact that you can tell my sister-in-law that I lied to her that Mao'er is practicing at my place, but she still doesn't know the fact that Mao'er is dead. "

"...I will give her life back." Mo Jiuxiao suddenly pursed his lips and made a promise, "I don't want to owe her anything. Even if she is willing to save me for Luo Luo's sake."

Seeing that the atmosphere is getting more and more serious, Yan Jun also regrets why he said the sad topic honestly.Obviously it was a good thing to be able to get together again, but now he made it up, and it turned into a painful memoir.

"Hey, let's not think so much. Speaking of it, I have to congratulate the elder brother that the catastrophe is over. I am afraid that there will be nothing to worry about in the future." Yan Xiaoer sincerely blessed.

Mo Jiuxiao twitched the corners of his mouth: Nonsense, there are many worries in front of me!

Like pretending to be amnesiac.

The two chatted for a long time, and finally they drank tea instead of wine for several hours, and finally explained everything clearly.

Guessing that the fox was about to wake up, Mo Jiuxiao immediately urged Yan Xiaoer to leave, and did not forget to ask: "Don't tell anyone about my recovery of memory, not even Luoluo's father, queen and queen. You can Don't show it off."

Although he didn't understand why the elder brother did this, Yan Xiaoer nodded obediently: "Got it."


Although Yan Xiaoer left very quickly, and Mo Jiuxiao was smart enough not to leave any traces, but... Lingyue still saw the scene of their separation.

After thinking for a few seconds, Lingyue felt that he should tell his master about it.Seeing Mo Jiuxiao's sneaky appearance, he must be hiding something from his master.

He didn't mind doing more things that could cause trouble for Mo Jiuxiao, so he took it as venting his anger on the dead cub.


When Mo Jiuxiao returned to the inner hall, what he saw was a fox who was already awake and reading a script.

That's right, a fox.

The big white tail dangled in the quilt, making the quilt undulate.A certain little paw was on both sides of the storybook, and it was lying there with its little butt up in a posture of protecting its stomach.

This little appearance is not only cute, but also cute.

Mo Jiuxiao came in with a pot of medicinal and nourishing chicken soup. After a certain one smelled the aroma, a stream of light quickly flashed across its eyes.

Well, it's the craft of a shit-shoveling officer.And... It's very similar to the taste made by the shit shovel officer before he lost his memory.

The suspicion in my heart was getting bigger and bigger, but Baby An's face was still calm, and she said coquettishly in a soft and cute tone as usual: "Jiuqing, are you going to make soup?"

At that time, Mo Jiuxiao didn't use his mind reading skills to spy on the fox's mind, so he naturally didn't know what the fox was thinking.He filled a bowl of steaming chicken soup with a strong aroma, and there were two big chicken legs lying in the soup, and he presented it to the fox in favor of him.

Luo Anan thought for a few seconds, but still felt that she shouldn't have trouble with her stomach.So he picked up the soup bowl and ate all the meat and soup.A pot of soup was also fed bowl by bowl by Mo Jiuxiao into An Baobao's stomach.

After eating and drinking enough, a certain animal who was living a "raised pig" life lazily shaved its teeth and asked, "Jiuqing, have you thought of anything lately?"

Uncle Mo felt guilty for a moment when he heard these words. He thought the fox had discovered something, and immediately used the mind reading technique on the fox calmly.

However, what I got in the end was full of thoughts: the chicken soup is delicious, the chicken is delicious, I really want to eat braised chicken and grilled chicken!
It seems that there is no doubt.

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao breathed a sigh of relief, what he didn't see was that his own fox also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"I remember a little bit, but very little." Mo Jiuxiao lied with peace of mind, "I seem to have seen the two of us in red wedding dresses. Was that when we got married?"

"Of course." After Luo An'an finished speaking, he couldn't help asking: "Is that all?"

Mo Jiuxiao bowed his head and thought about it seriously for a while, and finally nodded "guilt" and "poorly": "I only remember so much."

Luo Anan: ... I don't quite believe your words.

"It's okay, take your time." A certain one is doing a good job of saving face, and it can't be seen that she is already suspecting that the shit shoveler has completely recovered her memory.

Otherwise, why would the shit shoveler secretly meet Yan Jun and keep her from knowing?
(End of this chapter)

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