Chapter 2489 Production Countdown

The world speaks the language of sharks.

Living in the deep sea, weaving silk is beautiful.

Everyone knows that sharks can weave beautiful shark silk with water, and then turn into shark yarn.

The quality of shark yarn is not only related to the craftsmanship of sharks, but also related to the water used for weaving yarn.The shark yarn woven by the little silly fish at this moment is the same beautiful and lively emerald color as the lake water.

The little shark swam near Luo An'an with the shark yarn in his hands, with anticipation in his eyes: "An'an, how about the shark yarn I wove?"

Luo Anan looked at the cloth, um, the quality of the water used is not very high, so although the woven yarn can be seen, it is not the best.In addition, Xiaoshayu is still young, and he is not very skilled in weaving shark yarn, so——

There is still a big gap between this piece of yarn and the quality of yarn used in the Demon Palace to make clothes for An Baobao.

But will An Baobao tell the truth?

"Not bad." A certain one stepped forward to catch the piece of yarn, with a look of liking it very much: "My little silly fish is really powerful. Over the years, he has not only cultivated a physical body for himself, but also learned to weave yarn. Really Awesome! I like this piece of shark yarn so much, why don't you give it to me?"

Hearing this, Yu Weiying shyly lowered her head and rubbed her fingers and said in embarrassment: "How could An An say so well, this piece of yarn is actually very ordinary. Take it if An An wants it, and I will give you another piece of knitted yarn when the time comes Better quality and better shark yarn. Well, An An, what color do you like?"

A certain one lowered its head and thought for a while: "Let's say blue, as long as it's blue."

After finishing speaking, An Baobao praised sincerely: "It is already very good to learn how to weave shark yarn, which shows that you have had a good life these years."

Little Silly Fish felt a little ashamed: "But I only learned how to weave yarn..."

"It took you less than a hundred years to learn how to weave yarn, but they—"

Luo Anan pointed to Wu Xuan and Xingluan who also lived in the water: "Give them 300 years and they won't be able to learn how to weave yarn. This shows how smart you are."

Wu Xuan, Xing Lian: "..."

One of them is a dragon and the other is a snake. Isn't it normal that they don't know how to weave shark yarn?After all, they are not sharks.

But the little silly fish believed it...

A few people couldn't bear to look directly and covered their eyes: Oh my god, is this a little silly fish who has become smarter?Why are you still so stupid?Fortunately, the master helped him replenish his soul at that time, otherwise, what kind of stupid would he be if he was even more stupid?
It's easy to be abducted, right?
The little silly fish came out of the water, and in the next second, the tails of the fish turned into legs again, and became a cute boy who looked like the sun again.

Now Luo An'an stopped admiring the scenery, and took the little silly fish back to his palace.

When walking halfway, Yu Weixia suddenly stopped moving.

Luo An looked back suspiciously, only to see Xiao Silly Yu looking at him incredulously!To be precise, he was looking at his stomach.

"An'an!" Yu Weijiao was so surprised that she stood there, pointing her delicate little finger tremblingly at her belly: "Your belly is so big, are you pregnant?"

Everyone: ...Did you just find out now? ? ?

I'll go, this is really not ordinary stupid.Well, silly fish and cats, all the beasts are discussing: Little silly fish should have a lot of common language with Zai Zai.

No one noticed that Lingyue suddenly fell silent for an instant, and his mood became a little heavy.

"In this case, then I have to weave some yarn." Yu Weixia looked at Luo An'an seriously, "The yarn is light and thin, comfortable and breathable to wear, very suitable for pregnant women."

"...Um, I'll trouble you then." A certain one's words twitched in its throat, but in the end it still didn't reject the little guy's kindness.

Seeing the little guy's expression became more excited in an instant, a certain one couldn't help but worry in his heart: Oh, who should such a silly and cute little silly fish be betrothed to in the future?Otherwise, you will definitely be bullied.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of the little prince in the reincarnation dream in the bodhi tree branch flashed in Luo An'an's mind.

It's a pity, the little prince is a nice person, but I don't know if there is such a person in the world.


Just like that, when Luo Anan came back to his senses, there were already many guests living in the Demon Palace.

All of them are to help Luo An'an discuss midwifery methods.

These are discussed together, while An Baobao and the demon queen have to listen from the sidelines.A group of mothers, there are always endless topics to talk about when they talk about childbirth, and the demon queen, who is a mother, feels it even more deeply.Within a few days, the Demon Empress seemed to have a few more good girlfriends.

It's fine if it's just these things, but these people are happy to talk about it, and they also like the various thrilling things that happened when they took An Baobao to give birth to themselves.

In the end, I can sum it up in one word: pain! ! !

Because these great mothers either had a problem here or there when they gave birth, and each time they stepped into the gate of hell with one foot.In the end, the pain was so painful that I didn't want to live, and I gave birth to such a child at the cost of half my life.

The most frightening thing is that recalling the past, these people can still talk and laugh without changing their faces, as if they are not the ones who have experienced those things.An Baobao watched this scene in amazement, and succeeded in scaring her until her face turned pale.

Damn, it's not enough pain, something went wrong!Just let her burp now!
A certain one hugged its belly anxiously, cub, cub, you have to respect your mother well, you must be good when you are born, otherwise your mother will not be able to stand up to me!
Mo Jiuxiao was the first to discover that something was wrong with Luo An'an.

Originally, I thought that inviting those powerful people with production experience could help comfort the fox and teach her some precautions.However, what I didn't expect was that every time the little thing came back, his complexion became more and more ugly.

This made Mo Jiuxiao worried. One night, he hugged the fox and gently coaxed him to speak out, only then did he realize how stupid he was!
Unexpectedly, instead of helping Luo Luo, these people frightened the fox.Uncle Mo's face darkened on the spot, and he said: "Then don't listen to these tomorrow, let Lanhu and the others listen, and just write down the useful ones."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jiuxiao pinched the fox's chubby face again angrily: "I said why you have become more and more unhappy these days, are you stupid, if you don't want to go, just say it, who can force you to go?" Can you go?"

An Baobao yawned, and his eyelids were clenched with sleepiness: "The main reason is that those people only tell half of the story each time. I want to finish listening to it."

Just like a ghost story, the scarier it is, the more you want to read it, and the more you read it, the scarier it is, a complete vicious circle.

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao sighed, once again lamenting the stupidity of his own fox.

The pregnant fox is coquettish and self-willed, and has a lot of petty tempers, but he just can't love her.

(End of this chapter)

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