Chapter 2490 Severing the Master-Apprentice Relationship
No matter what, An Baobao's stomach is getting bigger and bigger day by day.

During this period, the chubby fox that was originally raised by Mo Jiuxiao lost weight again. Looking at Mo Jiuxiao, he couldn't help frowning: "Luo Luo, our child is growing too fast."

"Not fast."

The person who spoke was not Luo An'an, nor the Demon Emperor and Demon Queen, but Immortal Jin Hao who suddenly appeared at the gate.He said lightly: "The birth of Sishen is the time fixed by heaven and earth. Previously, An'an wasted a hundred years to conceive Sishen, and now it is natural to make up for it twice."

Immortal Venerable Jin Hao exited the customs, and once he exited the customs, he immediately returned to the god position.

The cold beauty who was originally unparalleled in beauty returned to the pinnacle of her appearance, making it hard for both of them to take their eyes off.

Mo Jiuxiao pursed his lips in silence for a few seconds, and finally choked up a little and uttered a sentence: "Master, long time no see..."

No matter in front of his own little things or in front of his father-in-law, Mo Jiuxiao must maintain a mature and steady image. Only in front of Jin Hao Xianzun is he a real junior.

He can expose his occasional weakness in front of his elders.

Immortal Venerable Jin Hao also looked at the big apprentice who had come back to life, and seemed to want to say a lot of words to express his joy and comfort.But Master Xianzun only nodded slightly in the end: "It's good that you can come back."

Seeing Master's expressionless but emotionally fluctuating eyes, Mo Jiuxiao walked up to Immortal Jinhao and said guiltily, "It's my apprentice who made Master worry."

"It's okay, it's a good result after all." As he said that, Immortal Jin Hao nodded seriously, "It's not in vain for my teacher to do the fortune telling for you a hundred times, and I finally got a glimpse of your life."

An Baobao finally came to her senses at this moment. She heard her swollen belly and walked in front of Master, tilted her head and asked puzzledly, "Master, what did you mean just now?"

What does it mean that the birth of Si Shen is the time fixed by heaven and earth?
Looking at the little apprentice who had been pregnant for three years, Immortal Jin Hao no longer made it difficult for her, so he translated concisely: "That is to say, you are about to give birth."


This sentence scared the young couple.

A certain one was even more tightly "hugging and crying", and said in disbelief, "I'm going to give birth? When? What should I do, Master, this disciple is not ready yet!"

Immortal Jin Hao was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly asked: "Didn't he tell you anything?"

The bite of "he" is very strong.

An Baobao looked confused: "Huh? Who is it?"

Jinhao Immortal Venerable frowned, and finally said coldly: "Brother Lord God."

Now Baby An couldn't understand even more, and she asked cautiously: "Master, what's the matter with Brother Lord God when I give birth to a child? Could he help me have a child?"

Such a whimsical question...

"An'an, go and drink some water, or eat something if you don't mind." Da Xianzun said lightly, with the underlying meaning: don't let your mouth idle, and don't say these things that expose your IQ.

After finishing speaking, Jin Hao Immortal Venerable looked at the more reliable apprentice, and then said lightly: "You should have remembered the past. It's okay, there is someone who will watch An An's delivery carefully. Something will happen."

Knowing that the lord god personally came out, although Mo Jiuxiao didn't have a good impression of this brother-in-law, he was relieved a lot.

Suddenly, Jinhao Immortal Venerable sighed slightly, then took out a transparent and colorless stone from his sleeve and said to them: "After leaving the customs as a teacher, I also remembered the things before reincarnation. After returning to the palace, I found this stone. Little thing, it should be An'an."

A certain one looked up and was instantly pleasantly surprised: "Ice attribute heaven and earth elemental stone!!! Master, how could this be with you!"

"It probably fell into it by accident."

The elemental stone of heaven and earth floated into Luo An'an's hands, and Baby An's eyes also became bright: It's really hard to find a place to find it, and it doesn't take much effort to get it!Unexpectedly, Lingyue's last piece of heaven and earth elemental stone is actually with the master!
Now Lingyue was finally able to fully recover!
Nervous An Baobao didn't notice the abnormality of Jinhao Xianzun at this time, and said carelessly: "Master, then I will thank you for Lingyue."

"All the changes have been paid off, do you still call me Shizun now?" Jin Hao Xianzun's voice was very soft, his silver hair was filled with lingering coldness, and his indifferent face was looming in it, "An'an, when are you Don't you remember me?"

"Huh?" Luo Anan was taken aback for a moment, thinking that she was hallucinating: "What?"

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao's eyes darkened in an instant. He frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "'s you!"

At the same time, Luo Anan suddenly understood something.

To be able to have such an appearance, and to be able to enter and leave the main temple at will, is the ancient god, and only... the one that the main god brother likes.

There was a sudden silence in the palace.

"That's right, I'm the God Venerable Jinhao who has been living in seclusion in the Qinglin Mountains." The face of the Master Master was icy cold, "An'an, that person must have mentioned my name a lot, right?"

Baby Ann was silent.

Of course she knew that Brother Lord God had someone he liked so badly, but in fact she didn't know too much, did she?I just vaguely know that this person's appearance is unparalleled in the Six Realms, but I don't know much about the others.

What's more, every time Brother Lord God mentions this person, he always shouts "little ice cube, little ice cube".There are so many small ice cubes in the world, how would she know which one it is, hum!
On the contrary, Mo Jiuxiao had a little more impression of this person. He looked at Immortal Jin Hao with complicated eyes: "Master, I really didn't expect it to be you..."

"My teacher once joked that becoming your master in this life may be because I owed you something in my previous life." The expression of Master Xianzun was always calm, but he sighed again, "But I didn't think that my words would become a prophecy. In this life, I owe you something." Sure enough, the debt has come.”

Luo An'an: ...Does this disgusting tone have to be so obvious!
Mo Jiuxiao and Luo Anan looked at each other, and they both saw the doubt in each other's eyes. In the end, Baby An could only ask, "What is the debt repayment? Jiuqing and I seem to have rarely seen Master before. Where does Master owe us?"

"You don't need to know about this." Master Xianzun said lightly, "You only need to know that our master-student fate is over. From today onwards, I am no longer your master, and you are no longer my apprentice. That's it. Bar."

After finishing speaking, Master Xianzun felt like leaving.

Both Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an were caught off guard by the sudden "severing the master-student relationship". What kind of trick is this?Obviously, everyone was still deeply in love with each other just now, why did everything change in the blink of an eye? ? ?
Is Master Master so capricious! ! !
At this moment, Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an were desperate at the same time: Sever the relationship between master and apprentice! ! !After that, who will help them educate their brats!Master must be responsible for this important task! ! !
So, the two looked at each other and said in unison: "Master, please stay!"

(End of this chapter)

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