Chapter 2491
Mo Jiuxiao stopped in front of Jinhao Xianzun with a sincere expression, and blamed himself: "It's all the disciples who are not good. I don't know where I offended the master, and the master wanted to expel us from the master. Growing up in front of you, I understood a truth on the day I became a teacher: I am a teacher for one day and a father for life! I only recognize one master in this life, and this person can only be you! I don’t believe it! Even if there are these things, why should we bother so much when we are masters and apprentices! You have raised your apprentice for so many years, how can you bear to sever ties with him now?”

However, such touching words did not move Xianzun Jinhao at all, and the lord Xianzun even said indifferently: "It's okay, with your current ability, you don't need a master to escort you. Also , I am just guiding you to practice, you were raised by your uncle from a young age, and he is the one who really raised you. Take it easy."

Mo Jiuxiao: "...!!!" It's completely out of oil and salt!Fox, go on!
A certain one received a cue from the excrement shoveler's eyes, and bravely jumped out: "Master, Jiuqing is right! One day is a teacher and a life is a father, not to mention that the disciple is still pregnant with a cub." Well, you can’t be irresponsible by abandoning your apprentice at this time!”

Jinhao Immortal Venerable: "..."

Mo Jiuxiao: "..." Luoluo, your words are too ambiguous.

The air froze for a few seconds, and finally, Immortal Jin Hao spoke slowly: "...So your family wants to recognize me as their father?"

A teacher for a day, a father for life.Well, cub, cub's mother, cub's father, competing to recognize Immortal Jin Hao as his father, there is nothing wrong with that.

Mo Jiuxiao, Luo Anan: "...You understand too much."

They don't need a dad, they just need a strict teacher who can help discipline their future pups, Cancer.

Seeing that the master is determined to sever ties with them, a certain one said aggrievedly: "Master, you did this suddenly, it must not be my brother who made you angry, so why don't you vent your anger on me and Jiuqing? This has nothing to do with us, Jiuqing and I have been very busy recently, and we haven’t even done such small bad things as stealing snacks. If you are really angry, you can go and beat Brother Lord God, don’t worry, he will never fight back.”

When the main god was mentioned, Mo Jiuxiao was sensitive to the sudden change in the face of Master Shizun, and the expression... was indescribable.But maybe my own fox found the right topic by mistake this time, and finally Master Master didn't say any more indifferent words.

Immortal Jinhao left the Yaohuang Palace, leaving only one sentence: "When you know everything, you will regret it."

"I won't regret it!" An Baobao groaned, "Jiuqing, I have a hunch that our children are not safe. The real regret is that there is no master to help take care of it!"

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao also nodded in agreement: "Although I don't know why the master said he was sorry for us, but... the past is over, not to mention the current master is extremely kind to us."

"That's right! And the master is so good-looking, it's very face-to-face when you say it!" A certain one giggled.

The two looked at each other and quickly reached a consensus.


Under Master's reminder, she learned that An Baobao was about to give birth, and now she is even more protected as a national treasure.Mo Jiuxiao stayed by her side every step of the way, for fear of any accidents in the middle.

Everyone was worried, but An Baobao was the only one who ate and ate with confidence every day, trying to absorb more nutrients to facilitate the cub's development.

Obviously, a certain one is very relieved to hand over the matter of unloading to the Lord God.This is my sister's trust in her brother (the power of the main god)!
Such a suspenseful, three years.

For many people, three years is not a long time, but for these gods with endless years, it is just a drop in the ocean in their long life, a snap of the fingers.

But in the past three years, some gods have been a little anxious.

Luo An'an is pregnant, and this is what the Six Realms know.

Mo Jiuxiao died and came back to life, and this guy turned out to be the reincarnation of the Devil Emperor, and the Six Realms slowly accepted it.

The long-haired gods who are bored are no longer interested in gossip about this couple. After all, they don't need to inquire about how miserable their past and present lives together are.People are old and can't eat such hard glass shards, and now they want to eat cookies.

And the cub, who is the crystallization of cookies and occupies the position of the mysterious god, has become the object of the eyes of many gods. They began to place bets, guessing when this cub will pop out of the nine-tailed fox's belly.

They started betting three years ago and have been betting until today.In the past three years, the casino business in the devil world has become more and more popular.Thanks to the cubs, he made a lot of money.

However, since they hadn't given birth for three years, these people couldn't sit still.

"Even if it takes only three years to conceive a Nezha, Nine-Tailed Fox has been pregnant for so long, so many Nezhas can be born." In the Nine Heavens, Can Shuo, Goddess Can Shuo, lazily lay on the stone table, and said to his apprentice Feng Xue .

Feng Xue ignored him, and cleaned Lu Bufan's alchemy room on his own.

When Mr. Mo had an accident, he was still in seclusion, and he only left the seclusion in the last two years.If other gods hadn't talked about this, Feng Xue would hardly have known that this had happened.

Feng Xue was quite angry about this, his master didn't even ask him to leave the customs after such a big incident happened!As a result, he couldn't do anything for An An and Mr. Mo during the most difficult time for them!

Can Shuo didn't take this seriously, but said: "You should be at the critical moment of retreat, so what if the teacher let you out? An An didn't even want to see her parents during that time, how could she be willing?" See you? And even if she sees you, how can you persuade her? You just added to the trouble by going there. "

Although most of Can Shuo's words were true, Feng Xue still didn't like this kind of cold-blooded approach.So he became silent, silently resisting the unscrupulous behavior of the remaining years.

Regarding this, Can Shuo just sneered: Little bastard, you want to take advantage of him as a master before you even grow all your hair?Too much thinking!

So knowing why Feng Xue didn't speak, God Can Shuo still didn't care about him, he just took it for himself to say it to himself, just to have fun.For example now...

"Fengxue, your master, I have already lost a large sum of money on this. Please help master choose a good day and auspicious day, so that master can place bets!"

Feng Xue: ...Sorry, he didn't intend to keep silent this time, he really couldn't take it.

If he is not a midwife, not a magic stick, how could he know when Mrs. An An will give birth! ! !

He didn't even have the money ready!
And Can Shuo High God squinted his eyes, didn't expect him to answer, but affirmed: "As a teacher, ten days will be a good day!"

(End of this chapter)

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