Chapter 2492 Cubs ([-])

You can pull it down!

Feng Xue thought to herself: You said the same thing half a month ago, you said the same thing three months ago, you said the same thing half a year ago!
This has been said for three years, and the result?Just sent a lot of money to the casino.

Moreover, what Feng Xue never said was that the current business model of the casino in the Demon Realm was something he had come up with when he was in the Lower Realm.There is only one way to describe this feeling of using one's own ability to earn Master's money... cool!

"I think it will be right this time! By the way, I'm going to place a bet!"

God Can Shuo left excitedly after finishing speaking, leaving only Feng Xue complaining on the spot.


Three years is enough to make Baby An's stomach bulge like a ball.

Mo Jiuxiao couldn't help being frightened by such a fox. He was even more clingy to Baby An, for fear that Luo An'an would give birth suddenly at a certain moment.

It is worth mentioning that just a few days ago, Mo Jiuxiao finally knelt and broke the washboard that Lingyue carefully refined, ending his punishment period, which is really gratifying.

An Baobao is also very worried about her delay in giving birth.With a pregnant belly all day long, like holding a fragile egg in front of my stomach, I feel uncomfortable no matter what I do.At the same time, Luo An'an still had no flesh on her body, but her hands and feet were slightly swollen. This feeling of burden made her a little irritable.

Cub, cub, come out quickly, being a mother is very tiring.Luo Anan thought secretly in her heart.

At the same time, the baby is stretching its arms and legs in the mother's body, preparing for the imminent birth.

Like a sign that she is about to give birth, Luo An'an's stomach always hurts for a while recently.Every time Mo Jiuxiao made a fuss and called for someone to come and see, but nothing happened.

Running empty again and again, everyone couldn't help but wonder if the Devil Emperor was playing a game of "wolf is coming" with them.Damn, this has happened more than a dozen times in half a month, and their nerves are almost weakened.

In this way, when Luo Anan's stomach hurts again, fewer people will visit her.And the facts proved that they were right, the little princess just had a stomachache, and she wasn't about to give birth at all.

For this, Uncle Mo had no choice but to grit his teeth secretly under the eyes of everyone who blamed him: You little bastard, you are so good at making troubles before you are born, it seems that you have to throw it to the teacher for education.

An Baobao yawned, and her lack of energy made her even more impatient: "It's a stomachache again, Jiuqing, is our cub unwilling to come out? I feel so tired."

"It should be coming out soon, so the little guy has been moving a little more recently." Mo Jiuxiao softly coaxed his own fox, "Be good, just hang on for a few more days."

"It's so annoying." Luo Anan wrinkled her little nose, and finally said lazily: "It would be great if I were a mortal, so I can have a cesarean section and just take the baby out. Jiuqing, after giving birth to this one, we Do not regenerate in the future, right?"

In this regard, Mo Jiuxiao nodded distressedly: "I listen to Luo Luo."

One day, An Baobao was woken up by a throbbing pain in her stomach in her sleep.At first it was just a dull pain, but in the end the pain became more and more obvious.Baby An was sweating profusely, and felt that the pain this time seemed to be more rapid than usual.

A certain one struggled to sit up, moaning and calling: "Jiuqing..."

Mo Jiuxiao, who was about to step into the palace door with food, heard the call, and immediately flashed in front of Luo An'an, and gently hugged her: "What's wrong, my stomach hurts again?"

Luo Anan bit her lip and nodded, just about to say something, the expression on her face suddenly changed due to the sudden increase in pain.

After a while, the painful Luo Anan curled up and trembled all over.She felt as if her stomach was boiling, and the little guy was very active right now.

For some reason, a thought suddenly flashed in Luo An'an's mind: She is about to give birth...

This thought flashed by, and Luo Anan felt her skirt getting wet.It was as if my aunt came in my previous life.

A small hand grabbed Mo Jiuxiao's arm, and the little man in his arms said weakly, "Jiuqing, the child is coming out..."

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao was stunned for a second, and then he realized what happened, and his whole body panicked.

In fact, even if Luo Anan didn't open his mouth, Mo Jiuxiao could feel his blood rushing up excitedly because of the movement in the fox's stomach, and the intimacy brought out from the blood was getting higher and higher, which was a sign that he was about to have an heir.

Mo Jiuxiao had never felt this way before.

At this moment, Mo Jiuxiao's mind was blanked by the sudden news.Fortunately, instinct drove him to call for someone. He held the fox's hand tightly and dared not take a step away. He could only use sound transmission to inform everyone that Luo Anan was about to give birth!
After half a month, the news of the princess's birth spread throughout the palace again.

Although many people think that the princesses this time may still just have a stomachache, but they still dare not neglect due to the majesty of the Demon Emperor and Demon Queen.

When the demon emperor and queen arrived in a hurry, what they saw was Mo Jiuxiao hugging his sweaty daughter as if she had just been fished out of the water, coaxing her in a hurry.It was rare for the Yaohuang to see his calm son-in-law be so stupid, if he hadn't been concerned about the safety of An Baobao, he would have laughed.

The demon queen pursed her lips and stepped forward to check on her daughter's condition, before finally nodding her head slowly: "That's right, she's really about to give birth. Your Majesty, let them get ready!"

After finishing speaking, the demon queen gritted her teeth, and said ruthlessly: "Jiuxiao, don't hold An'an, help her down and walk, and the delivery will be much smoother later."

"Queen." An Baobao, whose stomach was throbbing and pale, couldn't help crying at the moment, "It hurts so much, queen, how can it be more painful than a severed limb. I can't walk, it hurts too much!" Sitting hurts so much, let alone walking?

However, the demon queen didn't spoil her at the moment. Seeing that Mo Jiuxiao hadn't made a move, she went up to support Luo Anan and said, "Come on, the queen mother will help you. Be good An An, bear with it first, and don't worry about it after the pain is over." It hurts. Be good, listen to your mother."

Seeing his own fox's tears falling down, Mo Jiuxiao wished that he was the one who was going to give birth at this moment, and the pain was his own.He closed his eyes and endured it for a few seconds, but finally he was defeated by An Baobao's low cry, and said dryly: "Mother, tell Luo Luo to stop, she is in too much pain..."

"Nonsense!" The demon queen scolded coldly, "You go out with your father, don't make trouble here. I love my daughter more than you, but this is not the time to feel distressed!"

Luo An'an didn't want to listen to the quarrel between the two anymore. At this moment, she only had one thought in her mind: the book said it was right, and pregnancy is indeed the most painful thing in the world.

It was like cutting open her stomach with a knife, and then stirring it with the tip of the knife was enough to make her wake up from the torture.

(End of this chapter)

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