Chapter 2493 Cubs ([-])

Seeing that although his own fox was walking mechanically, his eyes became hollow under the torture of pain.In an instant, Mo Jiuxiao was like a raging lion who wanted to get angry but didn't know what to do.

Baby An, who was still fresh and refreshed, was soaked in sweat at this moment, her hair was also stuck to her snowy skin due to sweat, and amniotic fluid was still dripping from her lower body.

A certain one was already in pain, and the pain became more and more painful with every step.She thought ignorantly: Is this the mermaid who walks on the tip of a knife every step in the fairy tale?It hurts so much, how did she bear it?
Seeing Luo An'an murmuring the word "pain" unconsciously, Mo Jiuxiao couldn't help rushing up to hug Luo An'an and said, "Hey, let's not have a baby, we won't feel the pain anymore! I don't want this child anymore."

The upcoming cub: "..."

These painful but loud words reached Luo An'an's ears directly, awakening Luo An'an's mind.A certain one regained consciousness in an instant, and was furious in the next second.

Your uncle's Mo Jiuxiao, my mother has suffered so much for this child, seeing that 99 steps have been taken, she is only one step away, you want my mother to give up! ! ! !
For whom is my mother working so hard to conceive a child, but you dare to say no!

Rebel! ! ! ! !
"Get out of here!"

Fortunately, Baby An was able to use all his strength to punch the shit-shoveling officer under such pain, and gritted his teeth: "Mo Jiuxiao, the one who gave me, I didn't say anything, why do you say...don't ...Our child! Go away, I'm not afraid of... pain, don't bother me!"

Although these words were said domineeringly, they were cut off because of Luo An'an's painful voice, and it sounded like brazen words.

The demon queen is also a little angry with Mo Jiuxiao at this moment, what's the use of saying she can't give birth now, if you have the ability, don't let An An get pregnant in the first place!Originally, I thought Jiu Xiao was quite stable, but I didn't expect to say such absurd words!Is it possible not to give birth now if you don't want to give birth?

Just like that, the dumbfounded Mo Jiuxiao was kicked out of the delivery room.

Luo Anan felt that it was almost time for him to leave, so he asked the demon queen to help him onto the delivery bed.

Nima, although what she just said was very brave, but at the moment she still wants to scold her.

How can it be so painful!
The demon queen looked at Baby An's condition worriedly, and then suddenly became surprised: "An An, you didn't bleed..."

That's right, when normal pregnant women give birth, there are basins of blood in one basin, only Luo An'an didn't shed a drop of blood.

A certain one smiled weakly, and then said: "I guessed this would happen a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to happen."

Nine-tailed fox's blood is so precious, if it really lost a lot due to childbirth, the demon world would be in chaos long ago.

Although he didn't know why his body structure was so strange, Baobao An didn't care about thinking about it, and was focused on fighting the pain.The little guy in the belly is very restless at the moment, kicking his little feet like he can't wait to come out.

Outside the palace, visions suddenly appeared in the Six Realms.

The sky was overcast, and there was an inexplicable sense of solemnity, as if preparing for the birth of a god.The gods and demons of the six realms felt uneasy at this moment, as if they were about to be controlled by something.

"Ah, the cervix is ​​open. Princess, use some strength!"

An Baobao, who was biting the sinking wood and sweating profusely in pain, rolled her eyes and thought silently: She wants to use force, does it hurt if she exerts force?

It’s as if the flesh of the lower body is being torn apart alive, you don’t understand if the pain is not on your body!

The demon queen seemed to see her daughter's thoughts, and said anxiously: "An An, good boy, let's give birth early and the pain won't hurt. If you delay like this, the pain will only last longer!"

An Baobao was unmoved, but thought silently in his heart: Didn't the master say that Brother Lord God would help her?
Wouldn't it be a trick to the fox?

Just as Luo Anan finished thinking about it, her stomach suddenly started to hurt violently again.There was only a "click", and the wood bitten in Luo An'an's mouth... broke.

The next second, the sound of tearing the silk sounded, and the silk that was originally glowing with light was torn in half by Luo An'an.

Queen: ...

Everyone: The princess is so strong!
Blue Lake was the smartest, seeing that something was broken, he immediately took a new piece of wood and stuffed it into Baby An's mouth.At the same time, he quickly replaced it with a more solid brocade quilt.

An Baobao squinted her eyes and her veins popped out. Her stomach moved accordingly, and everyone who watched held their breath.

However, two hours had passed like this, Mo Jiuxiao was almost insane from guarding outside, and Luo An'an still didn't give birth.

A certain one felt in a daze that something was missing, so the child was unwilling to come out.But what should I do now, she has no strength... and tm's still hurts!
For a moment, An Baobao's consciousness was drowsy, and he almost fell asleep.This scene frightened everyone, how could a pregnant woman sleep, what would the child do if she fell asleep?
The Demon Empress made a decisive decision, and ruthlessly pinched her daughter's people.

"Wow!" An Baobao was awakened by the sudden pinch pain, and then cried out with an aggrieved "Wow", really crying.Mother, she was about to be hurt, why did you pinch her, it hurt so much!

Is this how pregnant women should be treated?Baby Ann is wronged!

Seeing that the princess was out of breath from crying suddenly, and the baby was still not born, Lan Hu approached the demon queen anxiously and asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, what should we do now! If this continues, the princess and the little Highness will both I can't hold it."

In fact, the Demon Empress at this moment is equally distraught, but she doesn't know that she can't panic, otherwise there will really be no one in charge of the overall situation here!
"Wait for a while." The demon queen closed her eyes, then opened them abruptly, and said sharply: "If there is really no other way, that's the only way to go."

Caesarean section, the last resort!

An Baobao didn't know that the people beside her were discussing how to cut her stomach open. She was so annoyed by the bursts of pain, she finally lost her temper and shouted bitterly at the sky: "This fart! When will the cub be born! Has heaven and earth set a time! If it drags on, I won’t be serving you anymore. This child won’t be born either!”

In the Nine Heavens, the Lord God was full of helplessness listening to these words, but his eyes were fixed on the heaven, earth, sun, moon and stars.

Seeing that the sun, the moon and the stars seemed to be all connected in a line, a ray of light flashed across the eyes of the Lord God, and a golden light suddenly sprinkled over Luo Anan, who was in the delivery room in the next second, and the power of chaos drilled into Luo Anan's body along the light. .

The fetus in the womb noticed this, and became quiet instead, enjoying the last "supplementary meal" before leaving the mother's womb.

Luo Anan's pain eased a lot in an instant.

Seeing this, she seized the opportunity to give birth to this bastard.

After an unknown amount of time, the gloom between the heavens and the earth was shattered by the sudden appearance of the scorching sun, and the flaming red sun hung in the sky, burning blazingly, as if to disperse all the haze between the heavens and the earth.

A baby's cry came from the delivery hall.

(End of this chapter)

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