Chapter 2501 Full Moon Banquet ([-])
Sure enough, the little guy frowned in disgust and moved his head further away.

Seeing this, An Baobao helplessly nodded the little fox cub's black nose: "I said why my taste was so bland when I was pregnant, so it was all your fault."

I didn't expect my son to be quite picky about food, not at all like her mother who dared to try any delicious food.

That is genetic someone.

An Baobao turned his attention to the excrement shovel officer who was eating stinky tofu without changing his face, and couldn't help asking: "Jiuqing, is stinky tofu delicious?"


An Baobao rubbed against the shit-shoveling officer: "Our family doesn't like these strong-flavored foods, is it like you? Be honest, Jiuqing, were you also so picky about food before?"

Mo Jiuxiao nodded helplessly: "It should be, but Luo Luo also knows that I have been wandering around with my mother when I was a child, and I have changed it even if I was picky."

Hearing this, Luo Anan could almost imagine what life the shit shoveler had when he was a child. Really, in contrast, his own son was so happy.

"Oh, baby, you have to be obedient, don't be picky eaters in the future!" An Baobao poked and smacked the face that was drinking milk, and said solemnly. "Otherwise, I will let you suffer what your father suffered."

Mo Jiuxiao, who was caught off guard and became a father: "..."

Just as he was speaking, Fengxue, dressed in snow brocade wishful patterns, slowly walked in from outside the hall.

Long time no see, Fengxue is still the same as before, but it seems to have matured a lot in terms of momentum...

Feng Xue also saw Luo An'an, first she smiled calmly, but in the next second she "revealed her true form": "...Master An'an, why is your cultivation so high now???"

What broke Fengxue was: he thought that he had made great progress in retreating for a hundred years, but he didn't expect to come here today, not only can't compare with the pavilion master, but also can't compare with An'an! ! !

He is wronged!
It was only after he said this that An Baobao noticed that his cultivation base had indeed grown tremendously!If it is calculated by ascension, her current cultivation base can ascend to the seventh heaven...

Feng Xue looked at Luo An'an expectantly: "Master An'an, do you have any secrets to improve your cultivation?"

A certain one put on a serious face: "Yes! First of all, you have to conceive a child first, but eat more nourishing natural materials and earthly treasures, and after the child is born, you can have the same level of cultivation as me. "

Feng Xue: This tm is making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger.

He smiled mischievously: "Master An An, stop joking. I'm not Hua Qingcheng. How can I have a child?"

"Really?" An Baobao spread his hands helplessly: "Then I can't help it."

This topic has been successfully concluded.

Feng Xue turned her gaze to the little fox cub hanging on Mo Jiuxiao's body, her eyes revealing surprise: "This is your child, and it's also a nine-tailed fox?!"

Uncle Mo had a subtle but smug smile on his face: "After all, he is my son..." Good blood, good looks, and good looks are all normal.

Feng Xue: "..."

It's impossible to talk anymore.


After more than 20 days of preparation, Xiao Wuwu is finally approaching the full moon, and the full moon banquet will begin accordingly.

Under the feeding of breast milk that contains infinite immortal energy, the little guy today has changed a lot compared to when he was born.For example, the fur on his body has become thicker, his voice has become clearer and clearer, and his body has become a little more fleshy.

It's just that Xiao Wuwu in human form still has a pair of furry ears and nine fluffy little tails on his body.

But it looks cute.

On the day of the full moon, Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an both changed into clothes with some red stripes, looking very festive.And Xiao Wuwu was wearing a scarlet gown sewn by the Demon Empress herself, with beautiful auspicious clouds embroidered on it, which fit her body perfectly and looked very energetic.

Luo An'an carefully helped her get dressed. From the time she gave birth to the child, she and the shit-shoveling officer took care of everything about the child, and usually the fox girls were not allowed to touch it at all.Suddenly, Luo Anan noticed something was wrong, and called the shit shovel officer to come and see: "Jiuqing, come and see if the hair we smashed has turned black?"

The little guy inherited the silver hair from An Baobao's real body, and with the faces similar to those of Mo Jiuxiao, it was surprisingly suitable.However, today Luo An'an discovered that a section of her hair seemed to have turned black.

It's not the roots that turn black, but the ends that turn black.

This is very strange.

Mo Jiuxiao put down the little hat in his hand and walked over to see that there was a gradual black color at the end of Wuqing's hair. He nodded: "Yes, it has indeed turned black. Maybe it has something to do with the color of his fur when he was a fox. "

In short, it is not a pure white fox.

Hearing this, An Baobao was a little worried: "It looks a bit ugly, won't it affect our family's appearance? Why don't you cut it for him?"

"I think it's pretty pretty." Mo Jiuxiao said indifferently, "This also makes our son different. There are many gods with silver hair, but he is the only one like our son."

Now that the shit-shoveling officer said so, An Baobao didn't insist anymore: "Okay then, put a hat on him."

The hat was also carefully sewn by the demon queen, with red stripes on a white background, and holes were specially left for Xiaowuwu's fox ears.The dressed up little guy is much cuter than the dolls in the New Year pictures. Baby An couldn't help but kiss a few more times.

"My son is handsome. In the future, he will definitely become a handsome boy who will fascinate all the beauties in the six worlds!" A cheeky one praised, "He has inherited the beauty of his mother!"

Mo Jiuxiao and his son are almost carved out of the same mold: "..."

After finishing speaking, the husband and wife left the palace with Xiao Wushi in their arms, and went to the main hall in a luanjia.

Before entering the main hall, Luo An'an smelled a mellow smell of wine, and then whispered to the excrement shovel officer: "Father is really willing, this full moon wine is Fan Chunniang that he has collected that he is not willing to drink. I didn’t expect it to be used to entertain guests.”

While coaxing his restless son, Mo Jiuxiao said, "Father loves you well, and he is willing to use anything for him."

To be honest, the first reason why Xiao Wuwu was loved so much by the Demon Emperor and Demon Empress was because he was their grandson, how could they not spoil him?The second is the empathy effect. The demon emperor and the demon queen have always been ashamed of Luo An'an because of the loss of Baby An. No shame, right is compensation in disguise.

Being pampered by such elders, Xiao Wugui was naturally cultivated to be arrogant.In the end, An Baobao was so angry that he threw the brat to the master to discipline him.

A few years later, when Xiao Wuwu came back again, it was no accident that he became the second little iceberg in the replica of Jin Hao Immortal Venerable.

(End of this chapter)

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