Chapter 2502 Full Moon Banquet ([-])
As worthy of being the protagonist of the banquet, he naturally got everyone's attention as soon as he entered the palace.The little guy's eyes widened, seeing so many people for the first time, a little shy and curious at the same time, he leaned his head on his mother's neck and looked around.

Even though it is daytime at this moment, there are still many beautiful red Ruyi lanterns visited in the hall.The overall style of the palace is still mainly festive, but without the exaggeration of Luo Anan's wedding.The sound of silk and bamboo coming from nowhere was very pleasant, and all the guests had already sat down in their seats. Even though there were a lot of people, the seats were still not crowded, and the overall arrangement looked very comfortable.

The rightful lord has come, and the praises are naturally endless.Everyone is boasting, boasting about what sounds good, and they are boasting in different ways, as if they can boast Xiao Wugui into a flower.

It's a pity that the fox cub is still young, and he is destined not to understand the rainbow farts of these people.

Luo Anan first took his son and husband through the middle of the banquet, until they reached the seat of their family.At this time, the flower petals rained down, and a petal floated onto Wuzhen's nose. The little guy sneezed in irritation, his eyes widened and he looked silly and cute.

Now many people laughed, and Shi Chence, who was sitting first on the right, also laughed.

As for the first person sitting at the banquet table on the left, of course their master Jin Hao Xianzun!

These two can be said to be Luo An'an's two most important guests today.

First, Master Shizun will announce the name he has chosen for Xiao Wuwu at the full moon wine.This is what An Baobao personally went to the master's palace with his son in his arms to fiddle with it so that the master agreed.

Second, Xiao Wuwu wants to recognize his adoptive father at the full moon wine today, that is, he recognizes Shi Chence as his godfather.

Uncle Mo's mood is not so good, after all, these two things are not happy for him.Not to mention that I don't have the right to give my son a name, my son has an extra father.

Little do they know that father is not around, it is better to be born with him!
But Xiao Wuwu is doomed not to know this.

"Oh, my dear grandson, do you miss Grandpa when I see you soon?" The Demon Emperor smiled and hugged (snatched) the child from Luo An'an's hands, and then his smile became so bright that it looked silly.

A group of demon kings in the demon world: ... It's over, I don't see it!

I didn't expect His Majesty the Demon Emperor to be so stupid, but this is in front of the Six Realms!
Most of the guests at the full moon banquet were people who were close to the demon emperor Luo An'an and the others, so the full moon wine was casual, and everyone watched the ceremony and ate, and it was over.

Today's Baby An is immune to the mountains of gifts, but Cai Mihu is still the Cai Mihu, and now she is happily planning to save a dowry gift for her son~\(≧▽≦)/~
After everyone's blessings were almost finished, Mo Jiuxiao stood in front of the master respectfully and asked him to give the child a name.

Immortal Jin Hao held the wine glass made of ice in one hand, and threw out a piece of red paper with the other.

Mo Jiuxiao caught the note, opened it, and there were three words written on the note: Mo Siyuan.

The name was very popular, and in the future the little guy was directly honored as Siyuan God Venerable by everyone.

"Taking the division to break the world has a long history." Master Xianzun said lightly.

Mo Jiuxiao and Luo Anan respectfully cupped their hands in thanks: "Thank you, Master, for giving me your name."

Jinhao Immortal Venerable waved his hand slightly, and said indifferently: "No problem, Xiao Wuwu is also my grandson, this is what a teacher should do."

"Si Yuan, Si Yuan." An Baobao recited the name silently in her heart, and the more she recited it, the more she felt it sounded good. She excitedly hugged her son and whispered, "Baby, do you like the name Si Yuan? Are you satisfied?"

Xiao Siyuan: As long as QAQ is not named Momogoudan, he will be satisfied.

Everyone got up and congratulated for a while, and then came a process that Mo Jiuxiao didn't want to see the most.

"Everyone can come to Demon Palace to attend my son's full moon banquet in your busy schedule. The princess is very grateful." Luo Anan smiled and said slowly, "Today, one is to ask for my son's name, and the other is one more thing. Big event. This princess has known her husband and Young Master Shi for a long time, and now they have made my son Si Yuan recognize Young Master Shi as his adoptive father. I wonder if Young Master Shi would you agree?"

Holding the wine glass, Shi Chence stood up and said with a smile, "Why don't you agree, it's my honor!"

After speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Everyone didn't expect such an event, no wonder Shi Chence's position is so high today.Now many people can't help admiring Shi Chence in their hearts: Although this guy has been chasing the Nine-Tailed Fox for several lifetimes and has not chased him, he still has a father in the end.

Not to mention that this father is the father of Sishen, the boss of the six worlds in the future!
Alas, envy can't come, envy can't come!

These thoughts were naturally overheard by the mind-reading Uncle Mo. The expression on someone's face did not change at all, but the color of his eyes became darker and darker.

Immortal Jin Hao glanced at the big apprentice, and laughed at the idiot in his heart without sympathy.

This sentence happened to be heard by Mo Jiuxiao...

Now Uncle Mo was even more depressed.

When Shi Chence's salutation also ended, Uncle Mo turned around and returned to the inner hall with his son in his arms, his face turned sour.

An Baobao saw this scene, but didn't catch up. He just saw off the guests with his father, queen and queen.

Jinhao Immortal Venerable was the last one to leave.

Before leaving, An Baobao said politely, "Master, it's good to have a name. It's much better than the Mogoudan I imagined before."


Immortal Jin Hao was suffocated by the little apprentice's words, and instantly forgot what to say.

Sure enough, the master-student relationship should be severed.Lord Xianzun thought indifferently.

But seeing that the little apprentice seemed heartless, Immortal Jin Hao still felt a little bit sorry for the big apprentice, so he reluctantly reminded: "An An, it is not easy for you and Jiuxiao to have today, so let's communicate more if there is nothing to do."

"Master, don't worry about me." An Baobao waved his hand, and suddenly asked gossipingly, "I have some doubts in my mind. What is the relationship between Master and my brother now? My brother is very poor and can only be trapped in the main temple. Can't go anywhere, Master, have you visited him?"

Master Xianzun was in a slightly complicated mood when he failed to kill the enemy, and when he heard this person's name again, he turned around coldly: "This has nothing to do with you, I am your master, and he is your master." Brother, that's all."

Hearing this, An Baobao's eyes were filled with disappointment. It seems that my elder brother still didn't take down the master?
Speaking of which, what did Brother Lord God do in the first place to make Master so angry that he still refuses to forgive him?
After sending the master away, Luo An'an secretly thought in her heart: It seems that she has to find time to go back to the main temple.Otherwise, her family would be happy, but her elder brother is still a single dog, which makes her feel uneasy!

(End of this chapter)

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