Chapter 2506 Happy Ending
Mo Jiuxiao smiled lightly: "I don't need Brother Shi to do anything, but the opportunity for Brother Shi to serve you is once in a thousand years, so naturally I can't miss it."

"Then we'll wait and see." Shi Chence shook his fan slowly, "I feel worthy that he will be more devoted to me as a adoptive father. Maybe it will be Brother Mo who will do something for me. Well, let me think about it." Thinking, why don't Brother Mo serve me in the hot spring bath?"

"Hey, why are you acting like we don't exist?" Yan Xiaoer said angrily, "Maybe my eldest nephew loves me so much!"

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao and Shi Chence looked at each other, and neither spoke.

Yan Xiaoer: are looking down on the deep friendship between me and my eldest nephew! ! !
It's useless to talk, Mo Jiuxiao immediately ordered the fox girl to spread a piece of fine silk on the ground, and then took a jade pendant from her waist and put it on the silk.Seeing this, other people took out treasures from their bodies and placed them in it one after another.

"Isn't Lolo going to put something?"

"Me?" A certain dog pointed at itself in amazement and asked, "I want to participate too?"

"It's more fun if there are more people!" Feng Xue followed.

Seeing what everyone said, Luo Anan had no choice but to take a piece of cake and put it underneath.Well, An Baobao is also very scheming. Just now, my baby's mouth is almost drooling, and she will definitely choose the cake!

She won!

In a certain sly smile, soon, the little guy was placed among a pile of treasures.He chewed on his fingers, staring blankly at all this, not knowing what to do.

"Climbing..." Xiao Wugui looked at Mo Jiuxiao, asking for help.

Mo Jiuxiao coughed: "Son, be good, pick something you like and pick it up."

As expected, he half understood what he said, but with the word "take", he felt that he knew what to do.

What happened next caught Luo Anan by surprise.Without it, her darling didn't even look at the cake, and just crawled past it! ! !

This made An Baobao want to cry without tears. Didn't the brat just want to eat it with anticipation? Why didn't he like it again?

After climbing over that piece of cake, there are eighteen Azure Glazed Beads prepared by Fengxue in front of him.

This is a set of artifacts, and since children like round beads, it is very likely that the little guy will take this, right?

However, Feng Xue was also disappointed in the end, the little guy just took a look at Zhu Zi and continued to climb forward.

Luo Anan expressed a little helplessness about this, it seems that she doesn't know what her son likes, it's hard to guess what the little guy is thinking.

Yan Jun prepared a token of very good quality, how good it is, it is the kind that is very valuable at first glance.Hmph, little sister-in-law An An is such a money fanatic, so the children she gave birth to are naturally not too bad, right?

However, the little guy only paused for a few seconds beside the token, and then continued to crawl forward firmly.

This time Yan Jun's jaw dropped in shock: he didn't take it! ! !

Now Yan Xiaoer looked at Luo An'an sadly: "Little sister-in-law, Wu Shi doesn't look like you at all!"

An Baobao said that she didn't know why, the token was so good that she was a little ready to move...

Several people looked at Xiao Wuhui and continued to climb forward, Mo Jiuxiao's jade pendant and the jade pendant placed by Shi Chence were placed there at the same time.

The little guy was going to reach out for it, but now he's a little confused, two... which one should he take?
Shi Chence shook his fan and smiled slowly: "I know Brother Mo has made preparations in advance, since that's the case, then I have no choice but to follow suit."

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao was still expressionless, but he was chopping Shi Chence over and over again in his heart: "It's a pity that you are worthy of calling you foster father, but in the end, you just use a jade pendant as a perfunctory?"

"Let's not talk about the second elder brother, I'm also learning from Brother Mo." Shi Chence said modestly.


The two jade pendants are exactly the same white jade, except for the different patterns.

Xiao Wuxu was dazzled, but he recognized his father's jade pendant by the tassels under the jade pendant.Well, there is a little white stuff on the tassels, which is the crumbs of pastries he ate a few days ago.

After the little guy took the jade pendant, he wisely looked at his father's face, and found that his father seemed very happy, and immediately walked and crawled to bring the jade pendant to his mother.

An Baobao, who has been eating melons, was involved in the situation just like that.

Now, according to the regulations, Mo Jiuxiao can appoint Luo An'an to do one thing.

"Good son!" Mo Jiuxiao stepped forward, hugged his baby and kissed him, then looked at his fox with a smile: "Luo Luo, you have to keep your promise. I want you to do it..."


"Shit shoveler, where are you taking me?"

At this time, An Baobao's consciousness was sealed, and her eyes were also covered by a black cloth. Not only that, but Mo Jiuxiao's hands were tightly covering her eyes.

Even if An Baobao is gifted with supernatural powers, he can't see anything at the moment.

An inexplicable heart was beating, as if something was going to happen.

"Okay, here we are."

After Mo Jiuxiao let go of his hand, Luo An'an realized that he and the excrement shoveler were in a tower thousands of feet high. From the tower, the moon was round and big, like a silver millstone hanging there. .

A certain one lightly hammered the shovel officer: "Why did you bring me here?"

Mo Jiuxiao smiled without saying a word, and in the next second, fireworks of different colors and strange colors suddenly bloomed in the distance around each corner.The sound of bang bang echoed in the open field, and the firelight illuminated the faces of the two of them. All of this, there were only the two of them here.

It turns out that Jiuqing has been busy with these things recently.

"Today is a well-deserved first birthday banquet, and it is also the day of our marriage, Luo Luoxu probably forgot."

"Then you prepared everything for today?"

Mo Jiuxiao smiled without saying a word.

Seeing this, Luo Anan turned her head to watch the fireworks quietly, only to realize that the shape of the fireworks actually showed the story of the two of them.

From the first life, the fox met the devil emperor, and the story began.

In the second life, the fox meets the man again.

In the third world, the little fox still threw himself into the boy's arms resolutely.

It wasn't until this time that Luo Anan suddenly noticed the change in time. It turned out that they had so many stories before they knew it.They sat on the top of the tower, and she leaned on the shoulder of the shit shovel officer and watched the fireworks blooming in the night sky and sighed suddenly: "I think we didn't stay in Lingguang Continent for many years, but there were too many ups and downs. It feels like decades have passed. I was separated from you for hundreds of years, but I always feel that it has passed in a blink of an eye. It seems like a previous life, but also like this life."

Everything is so beautiful now, as if those misfortunes never happened.

Mo Jiuxiao held the fox's small fist with one hand, and said, "Time will be faster and faster. When we sit like this again, we will find that we have a few more children. Wait again, our children They might all be married."

The two looked at each other and suddenly laughed.

Under the starry sky, with the world as a mirror, Mo Jiuxiao held Luo Anan's hand with the ring and kissed it sincerely and expressively.

"Lolo, I love you."

No matter what time it is, no matter how many vicissitudes the world has experienced, even if we will gradually become grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers, great-great-grandmothers, even if there are many children and grandchildren, you will always be my most cherished treasure.

my light.

I have never regretted meeting you - by Luo An'an.

(End of text)

 Unprepared, the main text is over, and there are still extra episodes about Xianzun and others, and of course there is an extra episode about Baby An returning to Earth and giving birth to two steamed buns. (The episode will be very long.)
  I have a lot of thankful and excited words to say in my heart, but it's late at night, so let's do a thank you when the extra episode is also over.

  In fact, I have been writing this book for about two years, and at the last moment I was suddenly reluctant to finish it.But I believe that the story of Anmo Jiuxiao in Luo'an is still going on in a certain corner. If there is another world in the novel, I wish them happiness forever.

  I also thank all the treasures who have accompanied the author for two years. This book may not be very good, and there are many flaws, but the author has grown up step by step from a rookie. It is you who are with me. The words of gratitude were buried in my heart, and finally turned into three words: I love you!

  You can leave a message whose episode you want to see. During this period, the author will also prepare for the new book.

  I hope that in the future, you will still be with me all the way!
(End of this chapter)

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