Chapter 2507 The Story of the Lord God and the Immortal Venerable ([-])

Another lonely day.

The main god quietly guarded the palace, motionless.

He knew that that person had recovered his god status, but he still didn't want to come to see him.

I'm still not calm...

He closed his eyes and began to recall some things slowly: How many years has it been since he has been out of the main temple?It's been so long that I can't remember.

Then he thought of Luo An'an - his only sister.Although there have been twists and turns, her emotional journey is still happy in the end.He treats his only sister with love and affection.

At the beginning, his consciousness was born in the sky and the earth. He watched the sky and the earth change, and other lives began to appear in the world, but he still felt lonely.

It wasn't until a sphere wrapped in the air of chaos appeared in front of him, inside which was conceiving a little guy with the same root as him, that he felt a different emotion.

After the sphere broke open, heaven and earth gave him a little nine-tailed fox who was also his sister. He named her "An An", which was simple but catchy.

From then on, he played around with his ignorant and silly younger sister, took her to visit mountains, rivers and rivers, and teased all kinds of rare birds and animals.He controlled everything in the world as he wished, and those days were probably the best time between him and An An.

Everything changed until he met Ling Lian, who had turned into ice cubes.

When we met for the first time, I was slapped by the little ice cube, and the majesty of the main god was challenged, which was really uncomfortable.But not only was there no anger in his heart, but a trace of concern.

Caring... what is it?
From then on, he interacted more with Little Ice Cube.The little guy was very cold before he took shape, even if he stayed beside it for ten days and half a month, the other party didn't even look at him.

If one day he spoke to himself, it would be a miracle like day and night turned upside down!
Unfortunately, as the main god, he can reverse the day and night at will, but he can't make the little ice cube speak again.

Kill it, you are reluctant to kill it. Although the little guy has a godhead, he has not yet transformed into a human form. What if he dies and has no chance of reincarnation, and he can't find it anymore?
...The Lord God has been very concerned about the life and death of Immortal Venerable Jin Hao ever since.

However, as the days went by, no matter how cold the ice cube was, he had worn away some of its edges and corners.He finally waited for the little guy to take shape.

The little guy's appearance is very perfect, to put it bluntly, it made him feel amazing for the first time since he was conscious.

As if winning a beautiful woman's smile, he collected exquisite gadgets from all kinds of worlds.Knowing that the cleanliness of ice is serious, he used the cleanest ice to re-carve everything.

Xiaobing really likes it.

However, one day, the Lord God suddenly discovered something was wrong.

There seems to be an imbalance in the positive and evil spirit between the heaven and the earth, which is caused by his wandering around in the past.He is the main god, even if he just condescends to step into a place, he can bring inexhaustible vitality to that place for tens of thousands of years.

It was because he swam too much and ended up in trouble.The demons and goblins of the six realms became more and more prosperous under his inadvertent favor, and if things went on like this...the sixth level was out of balance.

The main god immediately thought of the consequences: the six realms were out of balance. In order to correct all this, all the creatures in the six realms died, and finally returned to chaos, and then transformed into one side again.

Of course, only creatures other than Chaos died.Gods like him and An An, who are born of the origin of chaos, will be fine at all.

But the Lord God immediately thought of the little ice cube.

If the Six Realms returned to chaos, Little Ice Cube would also die, and he would die cleanly. Even he would not be able to find such a special person from the vast chaos.

... There may be another Jinhao deity in the re-transformed Six Realms, and the first piece of ice will inevitably reappear in the world.

It's just that the people who will appear at that time are no longer small ice cubes. Everyone's consciousness is irreplaceable and irreplaceable. After a complete death, will there be a second chance?

Anyway, his sister will be safe, and he may not care about the life and death of the six realms, but he cannot but care about the only one in the world, Jin Hao.

The alarm bell sounded in his heart: this can't go on like this, if he walks around again, sooner or later there will be such a catastrophe in the Six Realms.

Therefore, he bid farewell to God Venerable Jinhao calmly, created the Dao of Heaven, and since then he is willing to stick to the only main temple that can accommodate all his luck, not taking a step out.

Maybe it will be trapped for hundreds of millions of years, maybe it will be trapped for eternal life, even if it lasts until the world burns, he will not be able to take another step.

But for that one person, he was willing to stay alone in the cold and lonely palace.

... The painting is like a prison, and it is as sweet as a sugarcane.


The days of waiting are lonely.

An An is a playful character, and although An An has the same origin as him, due to his weak strength, the influence on the world can be said to be minimal.

Therefore, he didn't force her to accompany him, and let her play around.Now he was really the only one left.

Loneliness is not terrible, but what is terrible is the endless loneliness, which makes you see no hope and no end.

However, at this moment, the little ice cube delivered to the door by itself.

The Lord God laughed secretly in his heart: If I don't go, the mountain will come, but the mountain will come and take me.

In the days since then, the relationship between the two has become better.Although Jin Hao was a little indifferent, he was not a fool, and he was very clear about his thoughts.But he didn't avoid it, on the contrary, he seemed to let nature take its course.

Just this little bit is enough to make the Lord God go crazy with joy.

However, when everything was going in a good direction, there were still changes in the world.

A devil emperor who was born out of nowhere disturbed the balance of righteousness and evil in the six realms.If you don't kill him, the Six Realms will be in danger.

For the person on top of his heart, the main god can even wrong himself, let alone a devil emperor who is no different from a rabbit on the side of the road in front of him?Naturally want to kill.It's just that I didn't expect the devil emperor's ability to be so terrifying that those ancient gods couldn't help him one after another.

If it weren't for this child's terrifying power, how could he disturb the imbalance of the six realms with just one person?And he can't use his power at will, for fear that any of his actions will make the imbalance between good and evil worse, causing the six realms to immediately return to chaos.So, he sent his own sister.

However, the main god soon found out that he was wrong. There was still a difference between this devil emperor and the rabbit on the side of the road.At least the rabbit can't take away his sister who is as beautiful as pearls and jade, but the devil can.

It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army.

The Lord God had a complicated heart, he had just tasted the taste of love and love, so naturally he didn't want his precious sister to be heartbroken over this.

So he took a fancy to a boy from the Chenguang clan and encouraged him to pursue An An.The day when An An's eyes recover, that is when the devil emperor dies! ! !

God Venerable Jin Hao knew a little about all this.

 Alright, let’s write about the Great Immortal and the Lord God first~
(End of this chapter)

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