Chapter 2508 The Story of the Lord God and the Immortal Venerable ([-])

It's just that Jin Hao was not thinking so much at that time. In his eyes, the devil emperor was equated with the word "evil", so he deserved to die.In his eyes, Luo Anan's feelings are similar in nature to "an ignorant little girl with a spring heart". After all, Luo Luo has never been (very) clever (stupid) in his heart.

It's not uncommon for stupid people to do stupid things, just wait until you calm down.

She didn't know at all what the Lord God was doing now, and even disregarded Luo An'an's face for the last time, and cruelly killed Mo Jiuxiao every time, it was all for him!

The number one deity in the Six Realms turned out to be the biggest disaster in the Six Realms.The Lord God, who has always been wise, is nothing more than a foolish king who would do anything for him in the end.The root cause of all the misfortunes of Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an was God Huoshui Jinhao.

Now that the Lord God recalled all of this, he only felt that it was fate and evil, but just like what he said to Luo An'an that day, he would still do it again.

For the first time, he forced An An to watch the tragic death of the six worlds when they returned to chaos.An An was in great pain at that time, so he couldn't bear it, but those illusions were not only for An An to see, but also reminded him who was already delirious: If the devil emperor didn't die, the little ice cube would be This fate! ! !

In the face of his own happiness and that of his sister, he selfishly chose the former.

At the same time, he comforted himself in his heart, even if he fulfilled An An and the Devil Emperor, the Devil Emperor would still die if the Six Realms were out of balance.Why sacrifice the lives of the entire Six Realms for their momentary pleasure?

In public and private, he is right.

But what he didn't expect was that An An also died...

In order not to embarrass An An, the Devil Emperor chose to kill himself and died cleanly, but An An followed him so foolishly...

But for this, the Lord God was not sad for too long.The serious trouble was gone, and he had nothing to worry about.As for his sister, he has a way to keep her alive!
At that time, there will be no Devil Emperor in this world, and their family will still be able to live well.

Therefore, he painstakingly placed his soul in an ordinary Xingluo to accumulate for many years, and when the time matured, he would call people back.

This time, An An was parasitic from the belly of the Demon Emperor and the Demon Empress, and had a little more bond with the Demon Emperor and Demon Empress, but his close sister was right.

And An An doesn't remember the past, she lived very happily every day.

His relationship with Xiaobingkuai remains the same, and the days return to the good times,
However, what he didn't expect was that the Devil Emperor Going Around came back to life, and even created a miracle, becoming the son of God and Demon he least liked.It's a whole ticking time bomb, and it doesn't know when it will kill everyone again.

Really complied with that sentence, the disaster will last for thousands of years.No, this is not a thousand years, this is tens of thousands of years!

At that time, the Lord God finally went mad.

He hinted that Tiandao suppressed this person since he was a child, but he didn't expect that Mo Jiuxiao would not die even if he lost a whole continent in such a disaster-ridden environment.Not only that, but under Tiandao's negligence, he met An An again! ! ! !
Bastard brat, it doesn't matter if he has a bad physique, but he always seduces his sister, he must die! ! !
However, everything that happened later was beyond his expectation. An An recovered her memory, blamed him, and insisted on protecting Mo Jiuxiao.

Even Little Ice Cube said to him: "If it is possible, let them be fulfilled?"

The Lord God only had a wry smile in his heart, perfect, how could he make it perfect?If you fulfill them, you will die!

Mo Jiuxiao must die, if he can kill him once, he can kill him a second time!He has done so much for the Six Realms, and he can't let it fall by the wayside!Even if An An complains...he has no regrets!
Looking at the still ignorant people beside him, the Lord God once again made up his mind.

At this time, Mo Jiuxiao was still very weak, so weak that Heavenly Dao could kill him.This time it was easy for him to die, but An An, his sister, finally hated him so much that she did not hesitate to blew herself up and dragged the immortals from the third heaven to die together.She said, since Mo Jiuxiao can't live, then don't live.

He still can't forget that scene.

Yes, Mo Jiuxiao did something wrong, in fact he did nothing wrong, but his birth was a mistake.

The Lord God has no choice.

Just as the Lord God was thinking hard about how to clean up this mess, God Venerable Jin Hao finally understood everything, and came to him coldly and angrily.

Little Ice Cube knew everything, he knew why he insisted on Mo Jiuxiao's death, he knew the selfishness deeply buried under his superficial selflessness...

That slap in the face, such unfeeling words, and such indifferent eyes, he will never forget in his life.

At this moment, he finally realized that he had lost everything—the people who liked him and the people he liked were gone.

He finally understood what he had done and regretted it.

All he can do is make up for it...


The Lord God used the secret method of going back in time to reverse all time and space to the time when Luo An'an was about to be born from the belly of the demon queen.

The last main god fell into a deep sleep because he lost too much power.At this moment, the butterfly's wings fluttered, and the story of Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an started earlier this time.

Venerable Jin Hao originally thought that he had no bond with anyone, but he never thought that because of him, he would harm the couple of children several times!Even all living beings in several continents died because of him! ! !
He can't bear this evil.

Under the time regression of the Lord God, everything went backwards, but his memory has always been preserved.

Before the main god fell into a deep sleep, Venerable Jin Hao stepped into the main temple for the last time, and said with his back on his back: "I will change the karma I owe, and I will protect that child for the rest of my life. And live in the world without face."

The blatant threat forced the main god to admit defeat.At that time, he could only watch helplessly as the little ice cube, who loved cleanliness and silence the most, took off his godhead, and jumped from the ninth heaven into the rolling mortal world.

The Lord God watched him go to the Lingguang Continent and become a disciple of the Tianmen Sect. In the battle between immortals and demons, he tried his best to protect the sect that was about to be destroyed in the previous life. He accepted the child as his disciple and risked his life to protect it. he.

It is precisely because of this that Tiandao had countless opportunities to kill Mo Jiuxiao, but they all stopped at the last moment.

Now everything is fine, An'an and Mo Jiuxiao gave birth to Sishen who will make the Six Realms stable forever.Seeing all this, the Lord God just felt it was funny, it turned out that in the end, all his calculations only made him lose more.If he hadn't stopped everything in the second life, and let An An and Mo Jiuxiao be together safely, the hidden dangers of the Six Realms would have been solved long ago, and he might not have to worry about anything else at this moment, and stepped out of the main temple with peace of mind door.

Heh, he was the one who talked about fetching water from a bamboo basket. It seems that people can't do bad things, even if he is the main god, there will be no good rewards.Thinking of this, the Lord God closed his eyes again, and silently recited the name of the person who lived in Qinglin Peak in his heart.

 The most affectionate one is actually the main god, he has done too much for a Jinhao Immortal Venerable.

  It's a pity that the Great Immortal Venerable doesn't appreciate it...

(End of this chapter)

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