Chapter 2509 The Story of the Lord God and the Immortal Venerable ([-])

On Qinglin Peak, an open red invitation card was placed on the Bingyu table, but the owner of the invitation card ignored it.

It's just a birthday party, it's not a big deal for Immortal Jin Hao.

"Jingle Bell--"

There is a string of wind chimes made of blue cold jade hanging on the top of the hall. As long as there is a little wind, the wind chimes will be blown and then collide with each other to make a sound like gold and stone hitting jade.This is also a rare sound that does not make Immortal Jin Hao feel noisy.

It's just that the maker of this string of wind the main god.

As the saying goes, seeing things and thinking about people, but now at the Jinhao Immortal Venerable, it has become thinking about people after hearing the sound.Thinking of this, Immortal Jin Hao couldn't help being in a daze, and the pages under his hands hadn't been turned for a long time.

After a while, he closed the book and lowered his eyes, it's fine, it's better not to see this person.

The ones in the past, the bento has never been there.

Today's Jin Hao Immortal Venerable can be said to be very cold-hearted, and now because of practicing the Ruthless Dao, the slightest affection for the main god has disappeared without a trace.


Decades later, a handsome little boy with red clothes and silver hair and fox ears was sent to Qinglin Peak of Jinhao Immortal Venerable, who looked exactly like his great apprentice Mo Jiuxiao when he was a child.

The little guy's expression is very arrogant, and his whole body exudes a "bear child" temperament.

Jinhao Immortal Venerable asked the parents of the child who stood aside with a guilty expression: "Is this clear?"

He hadn't seen this child since the full moon banquet. The child's growth was really slow, and he looked only six or seven years old.

An Baobao touched his nose and nodded: "Yes, you have no shame, quickly call Grandpa Shi, your name is given by his old man!"

Hearing this, the innocent expression instantly became serious and respectful. He still knew the etiquette, and immediately saluted Immortal Jin Hao: "I have met Grandpa Master."


...Grandfather... his old man...

The hall was silent for a moment, only to see Master Xianzun spit out two words expressionlessly: "See off."

"Don't, don't, master, my apprentice is wrong!" An Baobao complained secretly in his heart while begging for mercy: I thought that the master was so indifferent to the world, but I didn't expect to care so much about my age?
According to his seniority, Wu Shi should have called him Grandpa Shi!
Immortal Jin Hao glanced at the little apprentice, and asked indifferently: "The two of you have always gone to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so tell me, what are you doing today with nothing to worry about?"

Mo Jiuxiao supported his own fox, and said slowly, "It's like this, Master, I am ashamed that I have a bad temper now, and my apprentice and Luo Luo can't do anything about it, so I beg Master to take care of this child."

"It doesn't matter." Immortal Venerable drank tea on his own, "You are his parents, but now he wants me to take care of the children for you, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, Baby An suddenly regained his spirits, and proudly and confidently puffed out his chest: "Master, this disciple is pregnant again, so I don't have the energy to take care of Wu Wu anymore."

"A child's temperament cannot be developed overnight. You can't control it now. What did you do in the past few decades?" Jinhao Xianzun sneered, and mercilessly exposed the old background of the two stupid apprentices: "Yes Time to play around, no time to take care of the children. Even if you can't take care of the children well, you have to give birth to one after another."

The most important thing is, you actually have the face to ask him, a master, to help you take care of your furry fox children, unworthy disciples!

Luo Anan: "...Master QAQ"

Mo Jiuxiao sincerely admitted his mistake: "It's my apprentice who was negligent in the past."

"Since you know you are wrong, then go back earlier." Immortal Jin Hao got up and put the jade slip in his hand back on the Diao Lan bookshelf, and said lightly: "No one can take care of your children for you. I gave birth, so as not to cause more trouble in the future."

Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an looked at each other, and both touched their noses resentfully.

But the worthy attention of the topic character has long been attracted by the huge ice shelf in the hall. There are many exquisite gadgets on the ice shelf, which are very attractive to children.He looked at Immortal Jin Hao with pleading eyes: "Master, can I touch those things?"

Fairly polite, but—

"Don't call me Grandpa Master again." Xianzun frowned slightly.

Xiao Wuzhen tilted his head in doubt: "If you don't call me grandpa, then what should you call me?"

"Call me Zunzu."

The little guy nodded: "Zunzu, can I keep silent about your thing?"

For a child's request, Immortal Jin Hao couldn't refuse, so he nodded slightly.Seeing such treatment, An Baobao was envious and jealous. She dared to say that if she touched those things, she would definitely be made into a fox fur scarf by the master! ! !

After getting the permission, Wugui excitedly took a few glances at the ice sculptured duck. The duck was carved cutely and somewhat realistically, and the whole ice sculpture shone brightly or darkly under the light.Wu Shi widened his eyes and looked over, only to find that this duck was so delicate that every feather and every thread of it was carved to perfection.

Suddenly, Wu Shi turned around excitedly holding the duck and said, "Mother, this duck is so cute..."

However, at this moment, a crisp cracking sound echoed throughout the hall.

Wu Shi turned his head abruptly, only to find that he couldn't help wagging his tail when he was too excited just now, and as a result swept an ice sculpture on the shelf behind him to the ground.

For a moment, the cowardly An Baobao covered his eyes, unable to bear to see his son's end.

Mo Jiuxiao: "...Master, how about I make another one for you?"

The little guy probably also understood that he had done something wrong, and he didn't think it was a big deal to break an ice sculpture.But facing this Zunzu, he couldn't help feeling afraid, and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry Zunzu, shall I pay you another one?"


Immortal Jin Hao raised his eyes, and the fragments of the ice sculpture were gathered together and floated onto the ice jade table.Although he cherishes these things on weekdays, they are still broken.

He looked at Xiao Wugui who had a fearful expression on his face but didn't think he was wrong, and said indifferently: "No need, it's just a small thing, break it as soon as it breaks."

Hearing this, Wugui breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but his dear father, Mo Jiuxiao's heart was raised at this moment.

Sure enough, in the next second, Jin Hao Xianzun said lightly: "Forget it, An An is pregnant and working hard now, and it is really not easy for you. You should stay here as a teacher without any regrets, and I will take care of you for a while." Time, wait for An An to give birth."

Mo Jiuxiao, Luo An'an: ...Son, father/mother can't save you, so do it yourself! ! !
Hehe, their master has always been a very stingy person.

From then on, Xiao Wuwu lived in Qinglin Peak.

After leaving the master's palace, a certain dog bit its handkerchief and said pitifully: "Jiuqing, it won't be a problem if we smash it? Master won't peel his fox skin, right?"

"Don't worry, Luo Luo. It's a good thing that Master is willing to discipline Wu Shi." Mo Jiuxiao comforted the fox, and then supported Baobao An's belly: "We'll bring Wu Shi back when the child is born."

Luo An Anxin nodded thinking it was true, and then said: "Jiuqing, Er Zai wants to eat sugar pastry today."

"Go back and do it for you."

The unscrupulous parents left their son behind step by step...

(End of this chapter)

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