Chapter 815 New Spirit Mine
Mo Jiuxiao nodded, indicating that he understood, and he will not show mercy now! (Three Golden Core cultivators: (○o○) scared to pee, you showed mercy just now!!!)
Mo Jiuxiao formed seals with his hands, and a huge thunder dragon appeared behind him.Thunder Dragon roared and rolled over, and could clearly hear the crackling sound of thunder and lightning.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the three of them took out their flying weapons one after another to escape.They had a hunch that if they couldn't escape, they would definitely die!This trick is much more powerful than the previous one!

Mo Jiuxiao only said one word, Lei Long rushed out immediately, caught up with the three and swallowed them.After a dragon roar, the Thunder Dragon disappeared, leaving only some storage or storage bags on the ground.

Mo Jiuxiao frowned, obviously satisfied with this.The storage ring was not destroyed under his control, so the little thing should be very happy.

"Lolo, put it away." Mo Jiuxiao handed over those storage rings to his family's Caimihu, which is considered a fortune for now.

"Leave first, I guess they're all here!" An Baobao didn't have time to think about this, and immediately let Yueliu take them away.

As soon as An Baobao and the others left, a group of monks appeared on the spot.There are Jindan and Yuanying.

"Where are people!" Nascent Soul cultivator frowned, he is a member of Tianmen Sect.The formation just now looked like Mo Jiuxiao from his own sect.Apart from him, no one knows how to use lightning spells.

"Elder, Lord Mo must have left?" The Golden Core disciple was also surprised, where is the corpse?There was nothing on the ground except for the big black holes punched out by the spell.

"Let's go!" The elder's spiritual sense detected more and more monks coming here, and sighed: "It's good to go."

Anyway, the dragon chant just now really shocked many monks.Because it was so realistic, it was the voice of the dragon in their imagination!
But if these people knew that Mo Jiuxiao had killed four Golden Core Stages by himself, they would probably want to die.

Yueliu's cultivation was not built, and he took Luo An'an and the others to run hundreds of miles away in a blink of an eye.

After about a quarter of an hour, Yueliu stopped, and said respectfully to Luo Anan: "This is it, master. I remember I found some ores here. There must be a spiritual mine nearby."

Baby An looked around. The lush and lush jungle didn't look like there were ores.It stands to reason that it is difficult to grow plants in the place where there are spiritual mines underground?

Mo Jiuxiao rubbed An Baobao's little head: "Look around."

So the two searched and said, "Jiuqing, why was that skeuomorphism technique so powerful just now? And that dragon chant, it's exactly the same as Eggy's voice!"

"I just saw that Dandan regained Xingluan, and I have some insights. Although I have been on the road for the past few days, I have been thinking about this technique in my mind." Mo Jiuxiao said calmly.

An Baobao wanted to hug the shit-shoveling officer's thigh and shouted: Please accept the baby's worship!
In comparison, An Baobao felt that he was totally out of place!Jiuqing wanted to improve his power in all kinds of crises and dangers, but he was so comfortable that he only missed Hu Yu's braised chicken legs!

well.It's all Hu Yu's fault, what are you doing to make the chicken legs so delicious!
Hu Yu: ...This pot is really wronged...

The two searched for a while, but found nothing.

"Yueliu, are you sure there is a spiritual mine in this place? What kind of spiritual mine?" An Baobao questioned.

Hearing the master's question, Yueliu's forehead broke out in cold sweat, and he felt guilty all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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