Chapter 816 Adorable Tiger
An Baobao saw that Yueliu's expression was not right, and immediately narrowed his eyes: "Why, my question makes you difficult?"

"No, no," Yueliu immediately waved his hands and shook his head: "Master, your question is very good!"

An Baobao rolled his eyes at the sycophant Yueliu, and said expressionlessly, "It's okay, so hurry up and say it!"

"That," Yueliu suddenly became coy, "Master, there is indeed a spiritual mine in this place, but what kind of spiritual mine... I forgot."

The last three words are barely audible.

"Forget?" An Baobao frowned, and then suddenly realized: "When was the last time you came here, Yueliu?"

"Probably... more than 800 years ago." Yueliu estimated.

Mo Jiuxiao: ...

Luo Anan: ...

To be honest, 800 years is nothing in the world of cultivating immortals.But it's very problematic in such an uncertain secret place, okay?
"Master, don't worry, I'll look for it right away!" Yueliu disappeared after finishing speaking.

An Baobao turned to the excrement shovel officer and said depressedly: "No wonder Yueliu was so quiet just now, so there is a ghost in my heart!"

"Don't care about it like him." Mo Jiuxiao comforted his little thing: "Let's go, let's look for it carefully. But in 800 years, the location of the spirit mine should not change."

An Baobao nodded, there was no other way, this was the only way to go now.

But this place is really remote enough, they didn't even see any monks nearby.

"Ahhh!" Suddenly, a tiger jumped out, and let out a roar.

An Baobao pulled the shit-shoveling officer away in a conditioned reflex. After seeing the tiger's appearance, An Baobao couldn't help raising his eyebrows, a little wanting to laugh.

This is not a tiger, it is more appropriate to say it is a bigger cat.The fur on the tiger's body is very sparse, and it looks like a cub at first glance.But the little guy didn't know it, and he thought it was dangerous, barking his teeth and claws at An Baobao.

An Baobao was very playful, and immediately picked up the little tiger.The little guy was afraid of heights, and waved his paws in mid-air in a panic.

Mo Jiuxiao's heart suddenly became soft, which reminded him of the scene when he first saw his own little thing.At that time, my own fox was also ignorant, and it looked easy to bully and lovable.

An Baobao held the little tiger in his arms, feeling that his limbs were leaning against something, and the little guy calmed down.Then Baby An took out a cup of spirit beast milk from the space and put it in front of the little guy.The cub smelled the aroma and immediately started to gobble it up.

"Little guy, it's cheap for you!" Baby An tapped the little tiger's ears, and the little guy's ears moved accordingly.This spirit animal milk was prepared by himself for making ice cream, and he added a lot of mild and beneficial spiritual plants to it.

This kind of spirit beast milk is simply the best food for cubs.

Mo Jiuxiao's gaze of looking at his little things was attracted by a cub, and the pleasing look just now disappeared immediately.

"Lolo, this little guy should have escaped by himself, let's go." The excrement shovel officer said with an 'integrity' face: "After such a long time, Yueliu should have paid off."

An Baobao: ... Isn't it just 3 minutes?long?

But what the shit shoveler said makes sense, they still have things to do now, and they can't play with the little guy anymore.

"Let's go~" An Baobao finally patted the little guy's head, then put the little guy down and planned to leave.

The little tiger raised his head, tilted his head and looked at Luo An'an in confusion, which made Baby An's heart melt.

"Ahhh." The little guy suddenly bit An Baobao's skirt and dragged her back.

(End of this chapter)

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