Chapter 817
An Baobao was a little hesitant, the little guy obviously wanted to take her somewhere.But she still wants to find the spirit mine.

This is really a difficult decision scene!

Mo Jiuxiao suddenly thought about it, thinking of the super invincible good luck of his own little thing.So he let go: "Why don't you follow this little guy? It's a monster living here, and it's much more familiar with this place than us."

Baby An nodded, and it was the same reason.It would be great if we could find the mother of this little guy.Presumably that monster knows a little more.

That being the case, An Baobao followed the little tiger's wishes.

The little guy really sneaked out, and Luo Anan and the others were taken to a small cave.

"Ahh!" the little guy let go of Baby An's skirt and called out.In an instant, two little tigers ran out of the cave, one light yellow and one grayish brown.

The one that Luo An'an and the others met was snow white.

The two tiger cubs were obviously not as strong as this one. The little ones stumbled and ran to the side of their brother, and the three rolled into a ball.

"Ahh!" The little white guy arched his head against Baby An's skirt, and yelled indistinctly.

An Baobao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If she guessed correctly, the little guy wanted to take out another portion of spirit beast milk.

Forget it, I didn't expect that Luo An'an, the king of Pengci, would be blackmailed by a cub today.Really, what are you doing so cute!It's a crime to be cute!
An Baobao reluctantly took out the spirit beast's milk to feed it, but Mo Jiuxiao went into the cave to check the situation.This cave is really small, but it's clean inside.With sharp eyes, Mo Jiuxiao found several different stones in one corner.

Mo Jiuxiao picked up one and looked at it, and found that the stone had the breath of wood spirit power, but it was not a wood spirit stone.Could this be the ore Yueliu mentioned?

In the end, Mo Jiuxiao took a stone and took it out. It was strange to say that he had never seen this kind of spiritual mine.Nor is it like any of the spiritual mines mentioned in the book.I don't know what to do if I take it to the refiner?
Outside, the three little ones were all gurgling and drinking spirit beast milk, as if they had been hungry for a long time.An Baobao thought they were taken care of by the mother beast, but now it seems that the mother beast has been away for a long time and has not returned.Fortunately, the little guys are all monsters, so they won't die if they starve a few meals.

"Luo Luo, I found something." Mo Jiuxiao came out and said to Luo An'an. "let's go."

As if understanding what Mo Jiuxiao meant, the little tiger bit An Baobao's skirt again, refusing to let him go.This is my "nanny", they will be hungry again after leaving!
The other two thought that his brother was playing some game, so they also followed and bit An Baobao's skirt curiously.

"What should we do?" An Baobao looked at the three little guys under his feet and said dumbfoundedly.

"Ahh!" Suddenly, a generous and powerful whistling sounded nearby.The little guys instantly became excited.

A brown-yellow-black-striped Sky Howling Tiger jumped to his cave, only to find two strangers in front of the cave.

"Ahh!" Tian Xiaohu yelled worriedly, hoping that his cub was fine.

"Ah woo." "Ah woo." "Ah woo."

The three little tiger cubs quickly responded to their mother, and instantly abandoned the "nurse" and returned to their mother.

Seeing that the cubs were safe and sound, Tian Xiaohu felt relieved and licked the cubs' fur one by one.They also lost two points of hostility towards Luo An'an.

"Can you understand me?" Luo Anan tentatively said to Tian Xiaohu.

(End of this chapter)

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